Indication / HERBS
Adaptogens / Ashwaganda
Reishi Mushroom
Rhodiola Root
Schisandra Berry
Shatavari Root
Siberian Ginseng Root
Suma Root
Anti-Infectives General / Andrographis Herb
Calendula Flower
Coptis Root
Echinacea Root
Forsythia Vlave
Goldenseal Root
Honeysuckle Flower
Isatis Root
Oldenlandia difusa
Scuterllaria Root
Asian Violet
Astringents / Cranesbill Root
Garden Sage
White Oak Bark
Cardio-Vascular / Bilberry Berry
Bilberry Leaf
Black Figwort Root
Cayenne Pepper Fruit
Rising Hemp Root
Cinnamon Bark
Ginkgo Leaf - Maidenhair Fern
Gota Kola
Hawthorn Berry
Horse Chestnut
Kudzu Root
Lily of the Valley
Mistletoe - Twig
Prickly Ash Bark
Cinnabar Sage Root
Selfheal Spike
Senna Seed
Sichuan Lovage Root
Stone Root
Demulcents / Chickweed
Glehnia/Northern Sandroot
Irish Moss Thallus
Marshmallow Root
Sichuan Bead Tree Berry
Slippery Elm Bark
Upright Ladybell Root
Endocrine / Know Mother Root
Black Figwort Root
Gynmnema Herb
Licorice Root
Rehmannia Root Prepared
Gastrointestinal / Betel Nut Husk
Blessed Thistle Herb
Calamus Rhizome
Cascara Sangrada Bark
Chamomile Flower
Chicken Gizzard Lining
Clove Bud
Zedoary Root
Fenugreek Seed
Gentian Root
Jujube Chinese Red Dates
Korean Ash Bark
Magnolia Bark
Meadowsweet Herb
Sichuan Bead Tree Berry
Mountain Yam Root
Senna Leaf
White Atractylodes Root
Hemostatics / Bethroot, Birthroot
Cotton Root Bark, Fresh
Red Root
Shepherd's Purse
Kidney / Water Plantain Root
Job's Tears
Common Knot Grass
Japanese Dogwoood Berry
Dodder Seed, Asian
Gravel Root
Hydrangea Root
Juniper Berries
Kava Kava
Uva Ursi Leaf (Bear Berry, Kinnikinnik)
White Willow Bark
Liver / Gallbladder / Artichoke Leaf
Barberry Root Bark
Blue Flag Rhizome
Bupleurum Root
Dandelion Root
Celestial Hemp Corn
Scabrous Gentian Root
Jujube Chinese Red Dates
Lycii Berry/Wolf Berry
Milk Thistle Seed
Ripe Bitter Orange Fruit
Tangerine Peel, Green
Tangerine Peel, Ripe
Gambir Vine Twig
Yellow Dock
Muscular - Skeletal / Black Walnut
Frankincense Resin
Comfrey Root
Devil's Claw Root
Eucommia Bark
Wind Protector Root
Panax Noto Ginseng Root
Siegesbeckia Root
Stephannia Root
Yellow Vine Root
Tumeric Root
Wild Yam Rhizome
Yucca Root
Nervous System / Aconite Root - Prepared
Rock Sweet Flag Root
Hops Flower
Jamaican Dogwood Root Bark
Lemon Balm-Fresh
Chinese Lovage Root
Glossy Privet Berry
Oat Straw Berry
Pasque Flower
Passion Flower
Flowering Knotweed
St John's Wort
Caltrop Fruit
Valerian Root
Vomit Nut-Prepared
Sour Jujube Seed
Reproductive - Female / Angelica Root
Black Cohosh
Blue Cohosh
Chaste Tree Berry
Cramp Bark
Damiana Leaf
Ocotillo Bark
Partridgeberry/Squaw Vine
Peony Root, Red
Peony Root, Tree or Moutan
Peony Root, White
Raspberry Leaf
Reproductive - Male / Horney Goat Weed Leaf
Maca Root
Pygeum Bark
Saw Palmetto Berry
Respiratory - Lower / Angelica
Chrysanthemum Flower
Ginger Root
Loquat Leaf
Mullein Leaf
Swarf Lilly Turf
Plantain, Ribwort
Pleurisy Root
Red Clover Blossom
Sargassum Seaweed
White Horehound Leaf
Wild Cherry Bark
Yerba Mansa
Yerba Santa
Respiratory - Upper / Agrimony
Asparagus Root
Elder Berry
Eucalyptus Leaf
Eyebright/Goldenrod 50/50
Goldenrod Flower
Goldenrod Herb
Gum Weed Flower - Fresh
Kelp Seaweed
Lungwort Lichen
Magnolia Bud
Mormon Tea Bush
Osha Root
Japanese Catnip
Siberian Cocklebur
Skin & Kidney Detox / Burdock Root
Oregon Grape Root
Pau d'Arco Bark
Pipsissewa - Wintergreen
Poke Root - Fresh
Other / Ginger Root
Honey Fried Licorice Root
Licorice Root

More herbs will be included over time. The list was obtained while the owner of Rising Phoenix, Ltd. attended Just for Health; while studying Western and Eastern Master Materia Medica. Thanks to Just for Health for providing the information.

Disclaimer: The information contained is of an educational and general nature. It should not be construed as legal or as medical advice or to replace your physician or medical professionals. You should consult appropriate written and professional sources to answer questions relate to your individual situation. You should not use the information contained, herein, for diagnosing or treating health problems, diseases or prescribe any medication. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider, clinic, or go to the Emergency Room of the nearest hospital. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Exercising one’s rights often entails some element of risk, and you should verify all information relevant to your situation before acting. Rising Phoenix, Ltd. and the web host disclaim any responsibility or liability for any loss incurred as a consequence of the use of any information herein.

Rising Phoenix Ltd.