Course Outline: Dramatic Literature
HoodRiverValleyHigh School
Teacher: Mr. Lorenzen
Room: C-13
Phone: 386-4500, ext. 4569
Number 1 rule of Dramatic Literature: Everyone Participates (that means reads aloud)
Course Description
This college level class offers students the opportunity to continue learning writing and reading skills through the investigation of dramatic literature from a historical perspective. Students will explore the evolution of theatre from primitive performance to modern productions, comparing the social, political, and artistic currents of each period. Units of instruction include Primitive, Classical Greek, Medieval, Renaissance, Restoration, and Modern Theatre. Students will develop critical reading and writing skills through essay and term paper assignments, as well as improve speaking skills through oral reports and presentations. MLA format will be taught.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate you are required to A) successfully complete four years of English credits, and B) demonstrate mastery of the Oregon Essential Skills in Reading, Writing, and Math. This means you need to pass this class (both semesters) to graduate. As for the Oregon Essential Skills, many of you will demonstrate mastery by producing a qualifying score on the Smarter Balanced test, or a test such as the Compass, PSAT, or Work Keys for reading. We will work to prepare for the test. If you do not earn a qualifying score or do not take the test, you will need to complete passing Work Samples (two in Writing and one in Reading). You will have at least three opportunities to complete Writing Work Samples in this class. We will not do a Reading Work Sample in this class. I can’t help you with math.
Content Standards for Dramatic Literaure
This class will review CCS Standards W.1, W.2, and W.3 in preparation for the writing assessment, and will focus on Standards RL.1, RI.1, W.4, W.5, L.2, L.4, SL.1, and SL.4 throughout the year.Specific to the drama, we will also work on standards RL.3, RL.5, RL.7, and SL.2.
Major Units of Study
Quarter One: Why Drama?
Quarter Two: Reading the plays
Quarter Three: Writing a script
Quarter Four: Performance
Academic: Come to class. Do the work. Hand it in.
Plagiarism (misrepresenting another’s work as one’s own) is a serious offense. Students who plagiarize will receive a zero for that assignment. A second offense will result in a disciplinary referral.
Homework: Homework will include reading assigned literature and writing essays.
Behavior: Hand in your cell phones. Headphones are allowed only when students are working independently. Bring pencil, paper, and books everyday. Be in your seat when the bell rings. Follow directions. Respect others.
Social Media and Messaging: I can’t believe that I have to say this, but SnapChat and other forms of social media messaging are strictly prohibited in this class. Trust me, no one really cares about that selfie you sent from the middle of the class period.
Tardy Policy: Tardiness disrupts the flow of the class and is disrespectful of the instructor and the other students. You will receive a warning after the first and second tardy, a phone call home after the third, and lunchtime detention for the fourth. Further tardiness will result in discipline referrals.
Absences: The meat of this class occurs during class time. If you miss a class, you may miss a substantial amount of information. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to check the bulletin board for missing work.
Grading Procedures
Your grade in this class is based on a simple percentage of points possible. Assignments include grammar practice and tests, in-class essays, formal essays, speeches, homework questions, and quizzes. Final exams will be an on demand essay or a speech.
I have prep periods 1 and 5, and can usually be found in C-13 or B-9 (the English Office). I am also available by appointment during lunch and after school. I am generally not available before school. If you or your parents have any questions, you can contact me through the school message phones or by sending me an email.
Notes of Caution
The works selected for this class may contain subject matter that is adult in content or may offend certain readers. References to drug use, violence, sexuality, and racial issues appear in some of the works.
The temperature in the classrooms of this building varies wildly. I recommend you dress in layers and bring a jacket or blanket.
Writing Lab
Ms. Noteboom and Ms. Ramsey run the HRVHS writing labs. The labs are open for drop-ins. These labs are an excellent resource for preparing your college admissions essay, drafting papers, conducting research, MLA format, and writing conferences. You also may be able to complete on demand work samples there. Be sure to take advantage of them.
A Note to a Younger Generation
Cell phones and personal electronics devices are really neat and they have enriched and improved our lives in many ways. But so have chocolate chip cookies, and I think we can all agree that we shouldn’t sit around all day stuffing our faces with cookies. I encourage you to learn to put the phone down and disconnect from the internet, at least for 89 minute increments. Try to be actively involved in your minute to minute life, rather than half-engaged in the world and half-buried in narcissistic social ME-dia and instant information. Learn to be present. Those around you will respect and appreciate you for this.