Title of Lesson:Bankruptcy / Total Time on Task: 50 minutes
Content Standard:
- Examine why credit ratings and credit reports are important to consumers.
- Explain ways of building and maintaining a good credit score.
- Determine the implication of entering into contracts and binding agreements. (e.g., college loans, cell phone contracts, car loans, collateral loans, passbook loans, mortgages).
- Describe legal and illegal types of credit that carry high interest rates, including payday loans, rent-to-buy agreements, and loan-sharking.
- Assess the implications of bankruptcy, including Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13.
Lab Access:Required for Students☐
Optional for Students☒
Not Needed for Students☐
In this lesson students understand the terminology associated with bankruptcy and the different options of filing for bankruptcy. They will assess the damage that bankruptcy can do to a person’s credit.
Essential Question(s):
What is bankruptcy?
How will filing bankruptcy affect my future spending power?
How do I recover from filing bankruptcy?
What are some alternatives to filing for bankruptcy?
Learning Objective(s): The students will:
- Understand what bankruptcy is and how a person gets to the point of needing to file for bankruptcy.
- Assess the types of bankruptcy.
- Determine which bankruptcy would be the best option for different circumstances in filing for bankruptcy.
Conceptual Outline:
- Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy law
- Signs of problems
- Credit counseling
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 13
Materials, Equipment, and Technology Resources:
- PowerPoint #1: Understanding Bankruptcy
- Teacher Information #1: Bankruptcy (PowerPoint Notes)
- Assignment #1: Bankruptcy Worksheet
- Assignment #2: Quick Glance at Bankruptcy
- Key #1 for Assignment #2: Quick Glance at Bankruptcy
- Computer with Internet access
- Projection system with sound
- Student computers optional
- Class Discussion: What does bankruptcy mean? Today we are going to venture into understanding bankruptcy and how to recover from it.
- Class Discussion: Show PowerPoint #1 using the note section to prompt discussion. The videos provided in PowerPoint #1 can be used as a teacher information resource or to use with students. The note section of the PowerPoint is not visible during presentation mode. Print Teacher Information #1, which is the PowerPoint notes.
- Class Discussion: Distribute copies of Assignment #1. Discuss items on sheet so that students have an understanding of the terms and information required to file bankruptcy.
- Exit Slip: Distribute copies of Assignment #2, which is completed as the exit slip.
- Class participation.
- Assignment #1
- Assignment #2 (Exit Slip)