18c Spectrum Chemistry Homework

I thought you both did great work yesterday and while it may have appeared that I was letting you correct your homework and “cheat” off one another – NOT SO! What you were doing is called “cooperative learning” and it is far more effective than just doing a worksheet and handing it in terms of long term retention and deep understanding. Aren’t you glad I’m studying learning theory?

This week’s homework requires some thought, therefore some time. Don’t put it off till Tuesday!

Also, remember you can redo last week’s returned homework for an improved grade. Now that you understand...


____ Read pages 131- 133 up to "Oxidation State and Oxidation Number". This introduces a new topic but is really just an extension of learning about reaction types.

____ Watch"Terminology of Electrochemistry" here:

_____ Answer this question: How does the chemguy define electrochemistry?*

Here is a saying to remember: LEO the lion says GER. (Losing Electrons = Oxidation, Gaining Electrons = Reduction)


____ The chemguy does a great job clarifying half reactions and oxidation numbers. Please watch the videos listed below. It will save me some time in class :-) (Yes, ALL of them.)





____ Complete Introduction to ReDox Equations Worksheet* found in the Resources column.


____ Read pp. 133-135 in your text. Pay special attention to the oxidation state rules on page 135. You may want to rewrite them so they are clear to you. Also, a key point is that, though the oxidation numbers are very similar to the charges we have been ascribing to ions, they are not charges, necessarily. They are merely a way of accounting for the transfer of energy that occurs in a chemical reaction!

____ Complete the exercise on page 136*.


___ Watch the Half Cell video found here (and in the Resources column):

____ Go to the Voltaic Cell Virtual Lab found here and in the Resources column: and see if you can make the volt meter register voltage. Complete the following questions* on another piece of paper:

  1. Find three combinations of metals and solutions that create voltage. List them here.
  2. What is the highest amount of voltage you can make?
  3. Why do you think the answer you found in number 2 is so? Use your knowledge of the Activity Series as you consider your answer.


____ Bring to class:

Answer to chemguy question

Introduction to ReDox Equations Worksheet

Exercise on page 136

Virtual Lab Questions