
Investigating Science (32 points)

As a group you will be given the name of an important contributor to science. With the name that you have been assigned you will:

1) Research using the internet and complete the question sheet for your person. Each group member must fill out one of these sheets.

2)Find a creative way to present the information to the class. Examples include a TV news interview with the “famous person”, a role play or skit, a song, etc… Please get your idea approved before you start to work on the script. One copy of the script must be handed in.
3) Present your information to the class.

***Use the following rubric for help when completing 1, 2, and 3 from above***

Criteria / 4 points / 3 points / 2 points / 1 point / Total Points:
Question Worksheet (individual grade) / Question Worksheet was completed with accurate answers and handed in when poster was due. / Question Worksheet was completed with 1-2 inaccuracies and/or after the poster was due. / Question Worksheet was completed with more than 2 inaccuracies and/or after the poster was due. / Question Worksheet was completed with more than 2 inaccuracies and after the poster was due.
Script / Script is at least 12 lines long and accurately represents the person without copying directly from the worksheet. / Script is at least 10 lines long and accurately represents the person without copying directly from the worksheet. / Script is at least 8 lines long and accurately represents the person / Script is at least 6 lines long and accurately represents the person
Visual Aid / At least2 visual aids are used during the presentation and it is easy to tell how they relate to the scientist studied / At least2 visual aids are used during the presentation, it is difficult to see how at least 1 relates to the scientist studied / 1 visual aid is used during the presentation and it is easy to tell how it relates to the scientist studied / 1 visual aid is used but it is difficult to see how it relates to the scientist studied
Spelling and Grammar / Script has no more than 1 error in spelling and grammar. / Script has no more than 2 errors in spelling and grammar. / Script has no more than 3 errors in spelling and grammar. / Script has more than 3 errors in spelling and grammar.
Oral Presentation (individual grade) / Clear and confident voice with appropriate eye contact. Very well organized and rehearsed. / Clear and confident voice with appropriate eye contact. Somewhat organized and rehearsed. / Mostly clear and less confident voice. Minimal eye contact with little rehearsal. / Garbled and less confident voice with no eye contact. Rehearsal Needed.
Sources (where you got your information from) / Includes 2 reliable sources shown on the question worksheet. / Includes 2 sources shown on the question worksheet. / Includes 1 source shown on the question worksheet. / Includes 1 source on the question worksheet.
Total Points: / / 32

** Note the Question Worksheet Criteria is X2 meaning it is worth 8 points (your points you receive for that criteria will be doubled) **

Question Worksheet

  1. Who is your important contributor to science?
  1. When was your contributor born, when did they die (if applicable.)
  1. Why is this scientist important, what types of discoveries did they make, how has this impacted science today. (must be at least 12 sentences, use another piece of paper if you need to)

Sources: ______

***Use this worksheet to help make your script, but don’t just copy off your worksheet to your script. Shorten the information so everyone can still understand it, and use visual aids that go with the text. If you cannot find information please ask and I will help you find some websites***