Chambersbury Residents' Association by Richard Ball
As probably one of our single-most ambitious events ever to be staged, if the feedback we subsequently received from many of the 100+ people who turned out to attend THE PARTY of the year, then everyone had a really great time and without doubt, it proved to be a resounding success!

A Record breaking attendance for any Chambersbury Residents' Association event

Thwarted only towards the end of the afternoon by our great English summer weather (when we were disappointingly forced to bring proceedings to a slightly premature end), the day itself had started early in the morning - well, at 9.00am, early for some(!) - with an army of volunteers helping to set the scene on something like a 100 yard stretch of Chambersbury Lane. A total of some 14 or so gazebos were erected (some easier than others!); five BBQs manoeuvred into place, with a massive tarpaulin cover somehow erected above them up in the trees; safety barriers lined up down the pavement adorned with the first of the bunting to go up; a land rover and trailer arrived piled high with tables loaned to us for the occasion; a massive TV screen appeared in one corner of the site (where people were able to watch recordings of the Queen's celebrations from the previous two days) and next to that, the 'control centre' for all the musical entertainment. Streamer of bunting followed streamer of bunting and balloon upon balloon was blown up, as the whole area was transformed into a magnificent festive 'arena'.
Around mid-day the ladies started arriving with the food and a banquet fit for a King, let alone a Queen, materialised before our eyes. An hour later and the party started, with a fancy dress competition for the kids getting underway and a cake competition for both children and adults being judged. The BBQs were all fired-up and the smell of freshly cooked bangers, spare ribs, burgers, beans and even trout filled the air, as - despite the somewhat soggy conditions underfoot - the revellers tucked into the magnificent spread and took plate upon plate back to the tables and chairs under the gazebos. The children were entertained with various games, the most popular of which were the 'craft' table (where colouring and crown-making seemed to top the bill) and the 'opening' of the piñata - the faces of the little children as the sweets descended upon them being a real picture! As with some of the bunting, flags, balloons and table decorations etc, we were extremely grateful to Nash Mills Parish Council for providing the piñata as well, as part of their distribution of funds from Dacorum Borough Council to help support local street parties in the area.
By the time the aforementioned rain put in its unwanted appearance, much of the fun, excitement and activities of the day had all been thoroughly enjoyed by everybody and the camaraderie and friendship generated from the event was self-evident by all the happy and smiling faces and the comments of gratitude to the committee of the Residents' Association for having organised such a special event.