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“Soul Ties” and ëthos Institute
This inquiry was undertaken at the requests of a national leader of the Catholic Charismatic Renewalfrom the archdiocese of Bombay and a diocese-approved lay ministry in Goa.
A report from this ministry in the form of a letter to Fr. Faustine Lobo, Bangalore, made on request
From:prabhuTo: ; Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 9:30 AM
BCC:Fr. A. Sagayanathan, parish priest of St. Patrick's Church, Bangalore, ndthe Mumbai and Goa parties.
National Director,
Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS)
10, Ulsoor Road,
November 8, 2012
Dear Father Faustine Lobo,
I greatly appreciate your having kindly consented to agree to meet with me at your office on the evening of November 5 against the appointment* originally granted to my colleague Mr. Francis Lobo of Bangalore who was held up with office work. I have briefed him in a general way on our conversation.*See page 12 of this report for the correspondence
I also thank you for granting me your precious time to listen to what we desired to share with you, and much more. […]
You had requested me to give you a letter on whatI brought to your attention, and I hope that the following will suffice.
It is a long and complicated matter and I will make an effort to connect all the different threads together.
A. There is a Bangalore-based ministry called "MoreLove" founded and operated by one Dr. Dominic F. Dixon who signs as a "psychologist". He is the author of "The Beautiful Christian Mind-Deliverance from Mental Illness"*, Asian Trading, 2006 and "Living for the Audience of One", More Love, 2008. *Please see the information at the end of the letter, page 8
The reason Mr. Francis Lobo approached you for an appointment is against some of his findingsresulting fromhis inquiries afterwe were requested on August 16 by a very senior Church-approved person in lay ministry fromanother archdiocese[Bombay]to check out the "Soul Ties" program that Dr. Dixon advertised for in conjunction with a "Theology of the Body" program organized by him at St. Patrick's Church mini hall, Brigade Road, Bangalore.
The information in the form of a "Veritas TV"flyer [329 KB, attached to this email]was received by that leader in an email,From:te: Tue, 14 Aug 2012, Subject: Theology of the Body.
The referred leader forwarded the MoreLove email to us.
The referred leader wrote to us, "Trying to find out what this 'soul ties' is all about. It does not have anything in common with Theology of the Body. Can you trace this? Is it dangerous?"
On October 5, I received an email from a reputed lay Catholic ministry in yet another archdiocese[Goa], part of which read, "ThesessionSoul Ties is happening next Sunday 7 Oct and it is being presented by Br. Vasudevan. I don't think he is a catholic, but the main resource Dominic said that he is good. So waiting to hear him next sunday. The next sunday's session is open to all, so we have been told that we can invite our friends for this session." The above quote is from a letter that they received from Bangalore from a Catholic lay person who is a participant of the course.
I could find no Catholic teaching on "Soul Ties" on the Internet. Whatever I located is Protestant. See for example
In fact, with some of them like the “theology” is questionable, and some such as anti-Catholic.
If you so desire, I can provide you with some more links.
B. According tothe flyer published on the Internet, veritastv.net/TOB-MAILER.jpg,and sent to us by the referred lay leader, the "School" commenced September 2nd and was to have ended October 28, "every Sunday 4 pm to 6 pm".
Mr. Francis Lobo attended the Soul Ties session on October 7, and I did so along with him for the TOB sessionon November 4. The latter’s talks were based on Pope John Paul II’s "Theology of the Body" [TOB]and an interactiveworkbook by the eminent Christopher West was used. From the Catholic perspective, we found no problem with the contents of the course or the talks. In fact, Dr. Dixon decried the many aberrations and abuses [both inculturational and liturgical]resulting from personal interpretations of some Vatican II documents, and we commend him for that because there arefew lay people – if at all there areany –who have the moral courage to speak out in such a forthright manner against such errors.
From our enquiries and letters received by email, we learnt that there was [so far at least] only one session [October 7]on Soul Tiesand the speaker was one Rev. K. Vasudevan, a Protestant pastor [Methodist]belonging to the Bangalore Bible Fellowship
The flyer introduced pastor Vasudevan, without naming him or indicating that the speaker would be Protestant,thus: "There will be a special session on SOUL TIES by an international and renowned authority on the subject."
Again, the following is the text of an email received by me fromMr. Francis Loboon October 9:
“I went to Soul Ties program conducted by Dominic Dixon at St. Patricks Church Bangalore on 7th October 2012. He called a protestant pastor as a guest speaker to have deep understanding on Soul Ties. The protestant pastor’s name is Rev. K Vasudevan. I do not know who gave the permission to Dominic Dixon to invite a Pastor to the Catholic Church. Since Vasudevan grew up in a Protestant background and graduated in theology from a Protestant seminary, he will promote anti-Catholic doctrine during his speech when it comes to Salvation, Confession etc. Soul Ties is familiar around the Protestant circle. I feel with influence of protestant pastors Dominic Dixon introduced Soul Ties to the Catholic Church. Also he invited protestant pastors to the Catholic Church. During his talks Rev. Vasudevan introduced 3 protestant ministries. Out of them I remember only two. 1) Jim B. Richards 2) Wellspring Ministries. Even healso distributed the pamphlets of Wellspring Ministries [457 KB, sample attached to this email]. There are many Catholics poisoned by Protestant teaching. Even Dominic Dixon’s website too promotes Protestant faith based approach to the word or positive thinking. It is very sad. Can you please look into this matter?“
Severalquestions arise, including:
1. What is this Protestant"Soul Ties" program doing in the middle of a Catholic TOB study? Is there any relationship between the two? Or, having obtained the permission to use a Catholic venue, was it an opportunity for Dr. Dixon to exchange favours with Protestant ministries with which he appears to be excessively familiar?
2. Why are Catholic ministries inviting Protestant pastors to giveus teachings which have not been priorly submitted to the concerned Catholic authorities for approval?
3. Is Fr. A. Sagayanathan, the parish priest of St. Patrick’s Church, aware that pastor Vasudevan has been teaching at Dr. Dixon’s classes?
The answer is "No". I talked to Fr. Sagayanathan yesterday afternoon on the telephone. He informs me that he is completely unaware that pastor Vasudevan has taught at the St. Patrick’s Church mini hall.
[On an aside,I may mention that there is a report on my web site on New Agebeing promoted by the asst. parish priest Fr. Adrian Mascarenhas at the same place:
C.For "more information", one is requestedto visit www.holyspiritinteractive.net as per the guidance given on the said Veritas TV flyer at veritastv.net/TOB-MAILER.jpg.
According to the flyer at veritastv.net/TOB-MAILER.jpg,the complete title of the TOB programme is "The HSISchool of Theology of the Body". HSI stands for "Holy Spirit Interactive", a ministry founded and operated by Mr. Aneel Aranha from Dubai around 2004. He later started "Discipleship" programs which were conducted at various places in India including the archdioceses of Bangalore, Bombay and Madras-Mylapore.HSI is now banned in Bombay archdiocese.
a) In that connection, I must sharean old letterwritten to me by the owner moderator of Konkani Catholics yahoo group, and my letter to Mr. Aneel Aranha:
From:Austine J. CrastaTo:prabhu ; ; Deepak Vian Ferrao
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 9:51 AM Subject:CatholicCulture.org Cautions Against HSI
JMJ Dear Michael,
Just want to inform you that I came across Catholic Culture’s modifiedreview for “Holy Spirit Interactive”. The once “triple green” rating has now been changed to caution visitors against HSI on grounds offidelity to the Magisterium.The review is posted at:
Particular weaknesses are mentioned with examples. Love, Austine.
The cautions were regarding Protestant material being hosted by Mr. Aneel Aranha on the HSI site.
From:prabhuTo: ; ;
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 7:35 AMSubject: PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT
Dear Aneel, I trust that all is well with you and family.
A few days ago, Austine Crasta of KC drew my attention to the “caution” issued on HolySpiritInteractiveby catholicculture.com. From a triple-green rating, there is an amber light flashing on FIDELITY [to Church teaching]:
"There is much to recommend about this site but readers should be aware of charismatic elements which confuse sound Catholic theology with Protestant Biblical understanding.
Example(s)Numerous articles by non-Catholic author, Marcia Montenegro (Fidelity)
Example(s)Protestant approach
Example(s) Omission of Catholic approach in youth section (Fidelity)
Protestant Christian music and “resources” under the youth/kids sections (Fidelity)
Example(s) Total condemnation of any drinking of alcohol (Fidelity)"
Love, Michael Prabhu[The "Examples" in blue are hyperlinks]
b) I was recently informed telephonically by the [Mumbai] sender of the inquiry concerning the St. Patrick’s program advertised through the Veritas TV flyer that Mr. Aneel Aranha has nowbeen banned by the archdiocese of Bombay from conducting any further activities there.
However, he continues to be active elsewhere, especially in your archdiocese of Bangalore, and the invitations have almost always been accorded to him by the local service teams of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal [CCR].
c) In addition to being recognized by the Bangalore service team of the CCR which, from the naming of its Chairman [Mr. Simon Rodrigues] as a resource person for the Soul Ties-TOB program as on the flyer,appears to be working now in association with them,MoreLove founder Dr. Dixon has apparently been felicitated by Most Rev. Bernard Moras, the Archbishop of Bangalore who released his first book, "The Beautiful Christian Mind – Deliverance from Mental Illness".
Yesterday, I received a telephone call stating that MoreLove/HSI has an office on the first floor ofthe office-commercial complex in theSt. Patrick’s Church campus. The St. Patrick’s Church administrative office also confirmed this to us when we contacted them.
We could not ascertain whether this office space has been let out to MoreLove/HSI by the parish itself or by the archdiocese of Bangalore.Otherwise, their published address as on the Internetis 12/1,12thcross,Ejipura,Bangalore560047.
D. Since 2009, there exists a tie-up between MoreLove, which operates a number of "ministries"from Bangalore, and HSI. There is so much evidence available on the Internet that I do not need to send you any.
In case you are interested, you may check out veritastv.net/powerofwords.htmlwhere you can see the "ministries" of MoreLove’s Dr. Dominic Dixon and HSI’s Mr. Aneel Aranha on the same page. The page also provides one with links to Veritas TV and HSI MoreLove Radio.
The Power of Words may be viewed at veritastv.net/powerofwords.html.
I received an email from Bangalore from which I quote,
“This isa 24 hour Global Internet Christian Television Network controlled by Dominic Dixon and Aneel Aranha. It is not right to say it is a Catholic channel because we can see Hillsongand other [Protestant] worshipsingers on this site. Also Aneel Aranha is talking about words having power.
“Bro. Aneel teaches Christians how to speak out and claim the promises of God rather than grumble. Thus receiving blessings and joy.”
There is something wrong in his teaching, similar to Johnson Sequeira and Joel Osteen.”
A cursory examination of the VeritasTVpages reveals that the majority of the information made available thereis sourced from Protestant ministries.
We also are informed by MoreLove/HSI that "Like Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of anointing, we too can ask God for the same." I have been taught by Catholicsthat this double- and triple-anointing claimed by Protestants is theologically incorrect as we receive a single, once-and-for-allanointing of the Holy Spiritin Baptism which is only re-confirmed ormade present in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
There is the possibility of other similar teachings in the HSI/MoreLove ministries, but I have not so far gone into that research.
E.Pastor Vasudevan's web page advertises HSI/MoreLove[28.1 KB attachment - Radio Bible Teachings - www.MoreLoveRadio.com].
Conversely, through MoreLove/HSI, Catholics may get to know about pastor Vasudevan's Protestant ministries.
There are very few such cases, if any, where one can find a Protestant ministry giving a link to "Catholic" ministries.
One wonders if pastor Vasudevan teaches on MoreLove Radio.
F. I am recording a lot of information from theMoreLove/HSI flyer net/TOB-MAILER.jpgreferred above in case it is pulled from the Internet in the event of an inquiry from you.
It states that the TOB program would be "presented by renowned Catholic Evangelist, author and Ambassador of Theology of the Body, Dr. Dominic Dixon and his team."
The "team", according to the same flyer, under the heading of "Teaching Faculty" consists of
i) Dr. Dominic Dixon, Director HSI More Love/TOB India, IAD Vatican**
**Please see Mr. Francis Lobo's email further below; the also states that HSI is "under the IAD, Vatican".
ii) Rev. Fr. A. Sagayanathan, Parish Priest, St. Patrick's Church, Author: Blessed John Paul the Great
iii) Rev. Fr. Faustine Lobo, Director, Pontifical Mission, Vatican***
iv) Bro. Simon Rodrigues, Chairman, Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service[sic]
*** that"Pontifical Mission Society, which is a unit of the 'Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples' of the Vatican based in Rome, is a national level organization."
Is Fr. A. Sagayanathan, the parish priest of St. Patrick's Church, aware that his name is used to state that he is on the "Teaching Faculty" of the programme?
He is not. Fr. Sagayanathan informed me that he declined the invitation given by Dr. Dixon to him to talk to the course participants.
Fr. Faustine, as far as yourbeing on the "Teaching Faculty", you have confirmed to me that you accepted an invitation to give the course participants a talk and that you were ignorant of the fact that your name has been used on the flyer.
You would also have noted that you are described as "Director, Pontifical Mission, Vatican", whereasyour true and correct designationwould be"National Director, Pontifical Mission Societies, Bangalore, India".
I have tried calling Mr. Simon Rodrigues myself several timeson 98803 94898 but he is not reachable, so I could not ascertain from him whether his name too, in the manner of Fr. Sagayanathan's and yours,has been misused or not.
G.An email froma Bangalore contact is reproduced below:
From:Name WithheldTo:prabhuSent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 9:20 AM
Subject: Dominic Dixon, HSI-official Ambassador of the Vatican's official Encyclical
Dominic Dixon wrote on his facebook page
"HSI School of Theology of the Body" for the first time in Indiaand for the first time in the world as a School. TOB is based on the teaching of Blessed John Paul II. TOB is based on Pope John Paul VI Encyclical "Humanae Vitae"HSI is now the official Ambassador of the Vatican's official Encyclical. Please see attachment. To get a better view of this post, log on toveritastv.net/TOB-MAILER.jpg."
a) Is it true that TOB is being taught "for the first time in India" as claimed by HSI/MoreLove? I believe that Fr. Sagayanathan himself knows a Marriage Encounter [M.E.]couple from Goa who teaches "Theology of the Body". There may be others in India who do this, and certainly many others all over the world.
b) Letters from a colleague in this ministry to Dr. Dixon and his responses:
From:Francis LoboTo: ; Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 10:44 PM
Subject: Soul Ties
Dear Dixon,
I attended the Soul Ties program conducted by you at St. Patricks. What I have noticed that your ministry is an official Ambassador of the Vatican's official Encyclical and **International Association for Deliverance under the Vatican council. I just want to know how I can be certified by Vatican and what is the course fee?
Regards, Francis Sunil Lobo
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 11:53 AM, Dominic Dixon <> wrote:
Dear Francis,
Thank you for attending our program.
The Vatican does not certify or endorse an individual but it recognizes Ministries that have been operational for a minimum of 10 years with good standing. The process is a legal process as it deals with the Canon Law.
The Vatican conducts programs on deliverance, etc. The prerequisite is that you should have been in deliverance for several years, with documentation and certification from the Vatican officials in India.
You would be pleased to know that we will be conducting programs on the Vatican documents from January as we’ve been authorized to run an Institute for the Laity.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Dr. Dominic Dixon (Psychologist)
Director – ML Dept. of Social Justice
I ML Radio
Mobile : +91 98805-36501
Counsel : +91 72040-12777
Legal : +91 72040-13777
Media : +91 72040-14777
Fax : +91 11-66173777
From:ubject: Re: Soul Ties To:ate: Tuesday,October 9, 2012, 11:44 AM
Thanks Dixon. It is wonderful source of information and every people should aware of this. Till now I was thinking only local Bishop or Provincial General can certify the lay ministry. That too as a Catholic lay Ministry, not as a Vatican approved ministry. Many people don’t know how to approach Vatican on these types of matters. I never saw a ministry which is recognized by Vatican except yours. How you approached the legal (CANON LAW) process to get approval from Vatican and who is the contact person in India. Who is the Vatican official who liable to provide the certificate in India.