Our ref: DB/03/17

March 2017

Dear Candidate

Team Rector

Stroudwater Team

Thank you for your interest in this vacancy – I hope you find the accompanying documents helpful in considering your application.

The Stroudwater Team is a new team in this diocese, and one with huge potential. The parishes and former benefices have been on a journey, one which started (nearly two years ago) with the questions; ‘What is God doing in this area?’ and ‘How do people in these communities encounter God and come to faith, through the Church?’ Following meetings with PCCs, a review group was set up, chaired by the Archdeacon of Gloucester. The review group wrote a report, which I attach with this letter. Its focus is re-imagining ministry and it states: ‘Re-imagining ministry starts with the opportunity before us, to work from the existing strengths in these communities and to build on what is good and fruitful … It is not the time to spread traditional forms of ministry more thinly. It is the time for thinking creatively, to understand the role of the stipendiary minister in a new and different way, and to make changes for the good of all in these communities that will be fruitful and sustainable for the future.’ If this excites you I would be very interested to hear from you.

There is no doubt that this creative role has both opportunities and challenges. These include:

  • Building on the gifts of the vacancies and the work of the review group. The former Cotswold Edge benefice has been in vacancy the longest, and they have stepped up with courage and optimism, there has been a growing unity between them, and the gifts of the laity have been both used and stretched as they have found new ways of working together. They have had an interim minister for some of the time, and this has been a blessing, and have also appreciated the ministry of retired clergy and others; they have enjoyed the variety. The former Severnside benefice, whose vacancy has only occurred more recently, already has an established local ministry team, and there are gifts to share here across the team. Stonehouse parish has not had a vacancy, and their vicar, the Revd Charles Minchin, is now the first Team Vicar of the team. Stonehouse is also the base for the three Readers. There is now potential for their ministry also to be shared more widely across the team. Stonehouse is the largest centre of population within the team. The parishes of the Stanleys and Selsley, have had an interim minister for most of their vacancy, and this too has been much appreciated, as has the ministry of other local retired clergy. Many of these are gifts to be treasured – how can the gifts of the vacancy be harnessed and developed?



  • Creating a model of mission and ministry that will be sustainable and fruitful both now and in the future. In our ‘LIFE’ vision we as a diocese are committed to ‘piloting liberating models of leadership and ministry, especially in multi parish benefices.’ It will be the task of the Team Rector to take a lead in this, and to have the will and imagination to help the new team live life differently.

You are not called to do this alone. There are many able lay people who are looking forward to welcoming you and working with you. The Area Dean and Lay Chair of the deanery have been closely involved at every stage and will continue to support. One of the first tasks of the Team Rector will be the appointment of a new Team Vicar who will be living in Frampton on Severn. Developing a sense of team among clergy, including retired clergy with PTO, readers and lay leaders will be essential. There will also be administrative support, initially the deanery administrator will work with you. There is a plan for a team communications hub in the future, please see the Review group report and do speak to the Area Dean for further information.

The review group also highlighted the possibility of a Pioneer post based in Stonehouse. Whilst it was hoped there might be funding available for such a post, this is not currently the case and grant funding would need to be applied for. Nonetheless, a new Rector will want to give consideration to the pastoral and missional needs of that community and the kind of ministry needed.

The current population of the whole area is approximately 15,000, and there are plans for some areas of new housing. There are fifteen churches and five church schools. The area is a mix of rural and industrial economy and with the M5 running through has a growing number of residents who commute for work.

This post is being offered at a pivotal point in the life of the Diocese as our new ‘LIFE’ vision begins to shape all of our mission and ministry. There are details to be found at It is expected that the new Team Rector will enable the church communities to fully engage with this vision.

The team is part of the Stroud deanery. The person appointed will find resources and support within the deanery chapter and synod and will also play a part in those bodies.The Roles and Responsibilities document will be of particular use in helping you understand this task.

We are seeking a priest who is:

  • Excited by the potential here and will relish the opportunities and challenges
  • Resilient and highly motivated. There is no doubt this post will need energy, and we want to appoint someone who will enjoy ministry here, and who knows how to take time off and live ‘life in all its fullness’
  • A team player – someone who not just says this, but really lives it. The approach needs to be highly collaborative.
  • A gifted communicator, both personally and also in terms of systems and ‘new’ technologies. A communications hub, enabling multi-way communication, is going to be essential.
  • Committed to the Diocesan ‘Life’ Vision and to collaborative working in support of this vision within parish, deanery, diocese and ecumenically.

We recognise that we are asking for a lot, but we are also keen to work with someone who perhaps has some of the gifts and qualities we are looking for, and who has potential to learn and develop in the role.



I hope that having seen the profile and the supporting documents you feel encouraged to apply.

If you have any questions or want to know more please do not hesitate to contact the Archdeacon of Gloucester, The Ven. Jackie Searle, on 01452 835555 or 07913 944974 or by email at to whom applications should be returned by 12 noon Monday 24 April.
