Instructor: Amy Andersen
Week Of: 12-20-10 through 12-23-10 / Class: ASL I-ADVANCED
Periods: 2, 8--9 and 12
Monday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do we ask for help and clarification in ASL? How do we engage in basic conversation on a variety of topics? / Instruction: Unit 2: GETTING STARTED……
QBA #2 –Marking Period 2 / Differentiation / Modifications:
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:
QBA #2
Tuesday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic
7.2 Culture-Basic / How do we SELECT the best handshapes for Classifiers?
How do we use classifiers to describe “Elephant” actions? / Instruction: THE ELEPHANT GAME-SUPPLEMENTAL ACTIVITIES
Collins Writing—Write about memories you have of going to the circus. How are elephants used in the circus? Do you think this is humane?
1) Discussion-elephants, circus, memories
2) “The Elephant Game” curriculum pgs. 14-15
View Deaf signers, complete cooperative group work, Sign about elephants at play using the appropriate classifier handshapes / Differentiation / Modifications:
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:
Activity worksheets
Wednesday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do we work with a map to trace a journey?
How do we sequence information in ASL?
How can we identify animals based on ASL descriptions? / Instruction: A trip to the zoo
1) Students watch the DVD lesson
2) Students participate in the discussion starter
3) Students complete Handout 1: Zoo map
4) Students take the Quiz: Zoo Video response / Differentiation / Modifications:
20, 22
(and any others as needed)
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:
Quiz: Zoo Video response
Thursday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do we ask for help and clarification in ASL? How do we engage in basic conversation on a variety of topics? What is the cultural view of deafness? / Instruction: Vocabulary Expansion
REVIEW: A-Z, 1-30, 1-100 by 5’s, Pledge , Topic/Comment translation
REVIEW GAMES / Differentiation / Modifications:
12 (and any others as needed)
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:3.3, 3.4, 2.5
(and any others as appropriate) / Assessment:
Friday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic
7.2 Culture-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
\ / Instruction: Vocabulary Expansion
VACATION / Differentiation / Modifications:
12 (and any others as needed)
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5
(and any others as appropriate) / Assessment:


Principal’s Comments:

** This plan is a working document and subject to change.