Sacramento City Unified School District


Updated 2011

Absence Reporting / See Sections:
·  Attendance – Head Start (child)
·  Attendance – State (child)
·  Attendance – Employee
Follow-up for Child / The parent handbook directs parents to call the classroom when their child is absent. However, if the parent does not call, the teacher should call the parent by the third day of absence to determine the reason for the absence and document all attempts to contact the family on the Family Contact Form.
If the parent does not call, and the family cannot be reached by phone after five days, the teacher or SCL should attempt a home visit to determine the reason for the absence and to see if assistance or a referral to support staff is appropriate.
If the parent cannot be reached after five days, the teacher must notify the office technician and indicate the appropriate absence codes on the Attendance Form.
Accident Reporting
- Child
- Adult
- Employee

Guidance: Title 22, Community Care Licensing Section 101226
Minor Accident -- While at school, if a child sustains a cut, scrape, abrasion or bruise (on body, not head), do the following:
1.  Follow Universal Precautions
2.  Wash injury with soap and water and pat to dry
3.  Apply Band-Aid and/or ice pack as needed; and
4.  Complete a “Child Accident Report,” do the following:
·  Complete the report thoroughly and accurately (the staff person who witnessed the accident should complete the report)
·  Complete the facts section on the top section of the report
·  Provide a brief description of the injury (e.g., fell and skinned left knee)
·  Provide a brief description of the first aid applied (e.g., ice applied to upper lip)
·  Provide the parent with the yellow copy —the day the accident occurs!
·  File the white copy in the child’s file in the Family Contacts section
Whenever the classroom teacher states a child should be seen by a medical professional (accidents beyond a simple Band-Aid) due to an accident and/or injury at school, the district requires the submission of a “Report of Student Accident” (District Form: RSK-F103A)
1.  Complete the report thoroughly and accurately (the staff person who witnessed the accident should complete the report)
2.  Follow the distribution directions that are indicated on the bottom of the form
3.  Send one copy to your Coordinator—the day the accident occurs!

Note: This information is confidential and privileged and will only be used by the District’s attorneys, agents, and representatives; in no instance should a copy be provided to a parent or other person. Refer inquiries to Office of Risk Management or School’s Insurance Agency (SIA).
Head Injury -- While at school, if a child sustains a bump or blow to the head, face, or scalp, do the
1. Follow Universal Precautions
2.  Provide first aid as needed (i.e., wash injury with soap and water, apply sterile dressing, apply ice pack)
3.  Call the parent! Explain the injury, treatment, and condition of the child. Let the parent decide what action should be taken (i.e., the parent will pick up the child or the child may remain at school)
4.  Complete a “Bumps and Blows on the Head Form” (Health Services Form)
5.  Provide the parent with a copy of the form —the day the accident occurs!
Major Accident -- While at school, if a child sustains a major laceration, large area of swelling, or is in severe pain, do the following:
1.  Follow Universal Precautions
2.  Calm the child
3.  See procedures for serious accident or illness
4.  Wash the injury with soap and water and, if needed, apply sterile dressing;
5.  Call the parent
6.  Call your Coordinator
7.  Complete a “Report of Student Accident”
8.  Complete an “Unusual Incident/Injury Report;” This report lists type of incidents that need to be reported to licensing and include the following:
·  Death of any child from any cause
·  Any injury to any child that requires medical treatment
·  Any unusual incident or child absence that threatens the physical or emotional health or safety of any child
·  Any suspected physical or psychological abuse of any child
·  Epidemic outbreaks (including three lice infestations)
·  Poisonings
·  Catastrophes
·  Fires or explosions that occur in or on the premises
9.  Consult with your coordinator if you have questions regarding the need to report
10.  Complete this report thoroughly and accurately
11.  Retain a copy of the report for the classroom licensing file
12.  Send a copy to the Coordinator – the day the incident occurs!
13.  The Coordinator will notify (fax or phone) the report to licensing by the next working day, and will send the original report within 7 days of the occurrence
14.  The Coordinator will forward all copies of the report to the central office for filing

Note: This information is confidential and privileged and will only be used by the District’s attorneys, agents, and representatives; in no instance should a copy be provided to a parent or other person. Refer inquiries to Office of Risk Management or School’s Insurance Agency (SIA).
ADULT (employee or non-employee)
1.  Follow Universal Precautions
2.  Apply first aid, if needed
3.  Call your Coordinator
4.  Complete a “Report of Incident” (District Form: RSK-F103B)
·  Complete this report thoroughly and accurately
·  Send copies of the report as directed on the form
·  Send a copy to your Coordinator and retain a copy in the site file
·  The Coordinator will forward a copy of the report to the central office for filing.
·  Complete a “Unusual Incident/Injury Report” -- This report lists type of incidents that need to be reported to licensing and include the following:
o  Death of any child from any cause
o  Any injury to any child that requires medical treatment
o  Any unusual incident or child absence that threatens the physical or emotional health or safety of any child
o  Any suspected physical or psychological abuse of any child
o  Epidemic outbreaks (including three lice infestations)
o  Poisonings
o  Catastrophes
o  Fires or explosions that occur in or on the premises
5. If staff member, follow Worker’s Compensation
6.  Consult with your Coordinator if you have questions regarding the need to report
7.  Complete this report thoroughly and accurately
8.  Retain a copy of the report for the classroom licensing file
9.  Send a copy to the Coordinator – the day the incident occurs!
10.  The Coordinator will notify (fax or phone) the report to licensing by the next working day, and will send the original report within 7 days of the occurrence; and
11.  The Coordinator will forward all copies of the report to the central office for filing

Note: This information is confidential and privileged and will only be used by the District’s attorneys, agents, and representatives; in no instance should a copy be provided to a parent or other person. Refer inquiries to Office of Risk Management or School’s Insurance Agency (SIA).
EMPLOYEE ACCIDENT – Worker’s Compensation
Guidance: (SCUSD Board Policy 4157.1BP/AR, Work Related Injuries)
When an employee is injured on the job, the employee must report the incident immediately. In order to take care of the employee and also comply with the law, it is essential that the district procedures be followed.
1.  Reporting Procedure: During school days (Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
·  Employee must report all work-related injuries directly to their supervisor, site administrator, or designee as soon as possible
·  Employees will be instructed to contact the EIN (Early Intervention Nurse) immediately at 643-9299 to obtain further information and instructions
·  If medical treatment is necessary, contact the EIN who will give instructions on obtaining a Physician’s Packet from a supervisor, administrator, or designated person and provide information on scheduling a doctor appointment at a Designated Medical Treatment Provider.
2.  Reporting Procedure: After hours and on weekends
·  Employees working after hours and/or weekends should report to their site administration, Coordinator or designee as soon a feasible.
·  Bumps and Blows on the Head
·  Child Accident Report, Report of Incident (District Form: RSK-F103B)
·  Report of Student Accident (District Form: RSK-F103A)
·  Unusual Injury/Incident Repot
Accountability Calendar / The “Accountability Calendar” is provided to preschool teachers at the beginning of the year and is used to track required due dates. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure all required due-dates and instructions are followed.
For additional information, see:
·  Accountability Calendar -- Handout
·  Teacher & Resource Staff Handbook: Chapter 5
Animals in the Classroom / Sacramento City USD Board Policy -- Animals At School, BP 6163.2, “The Governing Board recognizes that animals can be an effective teaching aid. In addition, instruction related to the care and treatment of animals teaches students a sense of responsibility and promotes the humane treatment of living creatures. Animals may be brought to school only for educational purposes, subject to rules and precautions specified in administrative regulations related to health, safety and sanitation. These rules and precautions are to protect both the students and animals.”
When an animal is to be considered for inclusion in the classroom:
·  Consider children’s allergies and fears
·  The animal must be tame
·  Closely supervise children when cleaning rodent cages and ensure that children wash their hands immediately.
·  Rodents must not be handled in food preparation areas.
·  Children must not kiss or hold a rodent close to their mouth.
·  Instruct children on the proper care and handling (including hand washing, effects of teasing, poking, etc.) of the animal.
·  Develop a plan which includes who will clean the cage and how often. Include weekend, holiday, vacation, and end of the year care
·  Ensure that fresh food, water is always available – decide who will purchase the food and any other care items
·  Know the signs of animal illness
·  Know the action to be taken in the event of an animal bite

The CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that reptiles (lizards, snakes, and turtles), fish, amphibians (frogs and salamanders), and rodents can carry Salmonella which is a group of bacteria that can cause diarrheal illness in humans. Salmonella can be a health risk to children under the age of 5 years old and people with weak
immune systems.
·  Children should not be allowed to touch reptiles, feed or clean reptile cages.
·  Reptiles and amphibians should not be allowed to roam freely throughout the classroom
·  Adults must wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling reptiles and amphibians or their cages.
·  Reptiles and amphibians should be kept out of kitchens and other food-preparation areas.
·  Kitchen sinks should not be used to bathe reptiles and amphibians or to wash their dishes, cages, or aquariums.

For additional information, see:
·  Teacher & Resource Staff Handbook: Chapters 4 & 5
Attendance Reporting for Head Start
·  Part Day
·  Wrap
·  Children’s Center
/ When a new child starts, the classroom teacher must do the following:
·  Enter the child’s “Start” date on the Enrollment Cover Sheet. The Enrollment Cover Sheet has spaces for two dates; the child’s “Enrollment” date (the date the child became eligible for service) and the child’s actual “Start” date (the first day the child attended class). The registration office technician will write in the child’s enrollment date and the classroom teacher will enter the child’s start date. In most cases the child will start class on the enrollment date and the dates will be the same. However, if the child starts after the enrollment date, the dates will be different.
·  Track each child’s daily attendance using the “Head Start Daily Attendance” form. Enter “E” on the date the child was eligible for enrollment and “S” on the date the child actually started. In most instances it is the same day, so both letters should appear in the same
box “E/S”. An excused or unexcused absence is to be indicated for any days in between the entry date and the start date, depending on the reason provided by the parent.
·  Turn the Head Start Daily Attendance form in to the Head Start attendance technician at Serna on the last day of each month. The attendance technician will review the form for completeness and include the information in a monthly report that is sent to SETA at the beginning of each month.
It is important that our report to SETA be turned in by the deadline---don’t hold up the report by turning in your attendance report late!!!
·  Enrollment Cover Sheet
·  Head Start Daily Attendance
Attendance Reporting for State
·  Part day
·  Wrap
·  Children’s Center / Office technicians prepare State Attendance Sheets and send them to the classroom at the end of each month. Teachers are to put these sheets in the “Sign-In/Out Binder” on the first day of each month. The following procedures must be followed:
·  Parents (or designated adult) are to sign-in and sign-out daily indicating the arrival time and pick-up time for each child.
·  The parent’s signature must be complete (no initials)
·  No white-out is to be used
·  No arrows/lines are to be used in place of a signature
·  If a parent signs on the wrong line or page, the signature should be lined out (single line) and a new signature entered on the correct line or page.
·  If a child is absent, the parent must indicate the reason for the absence (“family emergency” and “best interest” will need an explanation) and sign a complete signature for that day.
·  Teachers are responsible to ensure that there is a parent signature for every contracted day and a reason for absence written for each day a child is absent. In the event the parent cannot sign, the teacher or aide may sign.