Gathering Song #35 Sing, praise and bless the Lord


Opening Prayer:

God of Light,

We enter this space

full of hopes for the winter term,

aware of new schedules,

and ready to deepen understandings.

Be with us amidst our anxieties and wonderings.

We are people seeking your light,

in midst of winter’s cold darkness.

May we feel your warmth within our hearts.

In Jesus’ name, the Light of the world, we pray. Amen.

Scripture: Ephesians 4:17 – 5:1


Prayers of Intercession:,with sung response The Lord is My Light 36, Theme II*

In this season of Epiphany the light of God has come into the world through Jesus,

And we humbly pray for grace and blessings in a troubled world,

To illuminate and end the darkness for those who:

Are cold and lonely and hungry in a world of plenty;

Who are exposed to the elements of this cold Canadian winter. *

To bring wisdom and justice into the hearts of those who rule here,

That they indeed may be Idle No More,

But rather enter into meaningful and just dialogue and true reconciliation.

We pray for Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence,

That an end may come to her physical, spiritual and moral hunger.*

We pray for those who are troubled in spirit,

The young people in our country who see only bleakness ahead.

Bring them back from the brink of suicide

And inspire others to reach out to them in compassionate love and support

So that the flood tide of mental illness and desperation may be ended.*

Jesus Christ, friend of the poor, open our hearts to you.

Jesus, who brings love and joy into the world, impassion us;

Lord, bring peace and hope into a world that knows too little of either,

Help us all to reach an epiphany of our own as we allow your light

To enter us, move us and inspire us. *

Amen. *


Song for Going Forth #18 Raise a Song of Gladness

Blessing and Peace

May we go from here knowing

God enfolds us with love,

Jesus showers us with light, and

The Holy Spirit guides us with care.

Peace be with you all.