Team Name Team Number

2013 Block and Bridle Stockmens Contest – Senior Team Problem

You have purchased a group of 10 feeder pigs (average wt=50lbs) at $1.00/lb. Your plans are to feed the pigs for 100 days and sell them at 240 lbs for freezer pork.

1. The expected daily gain for the group of lambs is?

(240 lbs -50 lbs)/ 100 days = 1.90 lbs/hd/d or 19lbs/d for the group

2. If the expected feed/gain efficiency is 3.5,

what is the expected total feed consumption for the group?

(3.5 lb feed/lb gain) x 190 lbs gain x 10 pigs = 6,650 lbs feed

3. If feed cost is $380/ton, what is the estimated total group

feed cost?

(6,650 lbs feed /2,000 lbs per ton) = 3.325 tons feed

3.325 tons x $380 /ton = $3,000 feed cost

4. What is the feed cost of gain?

$1,263.50 feed cost / (240 lbs- 50 lbs) x 10 pigs = $.665/lb

5. If you considering a premix to add to you feed and the inclusion rate was 5%, how much of the premix would you need to purchase?

6,650 lbs feed x .05 = 332.50 lbs

6. If the premix was packaged in 50lb bags costing $20/bag, what is your total premix cost?

7 bags x $20/bag =$140.00

7. What is breakeven price ($/cwt) you would have to receive to cover your investment in pigs and feed? (10 x $50)+ ($1,263.50)/ (10x 2.4cwt) =

8. If your customers preferred to purchase pigs on a carcass price basis, what would be an equivalent carcass price? Assume your pigs will dress 72%

$73.48/.72= $102.06

9. Based on a $1.25/lb carcass price, your projected net return above pig and feed costs should

be ______for the pen of pigs.

10 pigs x (240 x .72)x( $1.25) = $2,160.00 income

$2,160- $500 (pigs)- $1,263.5 (feed)= $828.50

10. If miscellaneous costs were an additional $10/pig and you estimated that you spent 30 minutes per day on your pig project what was your return to your labor? (express on a hourly basis)

($396.50 – (10x$10))/ (100days x .5hr)=$296.50/50hrs=$5.93/hr