Below you will find an overview of the Rabo Foundation Employees Fund’s criteria for submitting a project. First of all, the maximum amount, eligible countries and themes are specified. Secondly the conditions are explained and finally, an overview is given of the information required for an application.

2. Overview of amount, counties and themes

The maximum amount that can be requested is € 15,000 a year (max 3 years with a total of EUR 45,000). For amounts higher than € 5,000 co-financiers must be found. Donations will only be paid once it can be proven that funding for the entire project is in place.

We use the network of the Rabobank organization. We know the market in these countries and often have local representatives. Therefore, the project must be located in one of the following countries:

Themes: education & water supply

Education includes:

·  The study or training programme and/or;

·  Study material related to the study or training programme.

For vocational education, starting entrepreneurs and training of trainers

Yes / No
ü  Costs of training programmes for communities and multiple individuals (self-help groups) or train-the-trainer programs.
ü  Vocational training programmes in a variety of areas (agriculture, economics, financial, tourism, food etc.).
ü  Study material directly linked to the study programme (e.g. a greenhouse as educational tool, sewing machines, manuals)
ü  Education for entrepreneurship and/or financial literacy / ý  Individual (1-person) scholarships.
ý  University education.
ý  Costs of study financing for groups/classes in primary and secondary school.
ý  Buildings.
ý  Inventory/interior (gates, kitchens, desks, etc.).
ý  Transportation means and costs (cars, shuttle services).
ý  Operating costs ((bio)gas, electricity, maintenance, lunches).
ý  Multiple computers/laptops**

* For study financing for groups/classes in primary and secondary school, we refer to national funds like Edukans, Wilde Ganzen, Plan NL etc.

** Applications for only computers/laptops, we do not take in consideration. For this purpose we refer you to Close The Gab. Rabobank and Close The Gab collaborate in the provision of high quality second hand IT equipment. Check for more information.

Water supply:

Water supply includes water facilities for:

·  People (clean drinking water);

·  Flora and fauna (irrigation facilities).

Including education on and raising awareness for hygiene and the local management of the water facilities.

Yes / No
ü  Construction of facilities, such as a tank, well, pipes, pumps, solar energy for the pump (preferably), possibly a petrol engine for the pump.
ü  Information/education on hygiene.
ü  Costs of training communities in the maintenance and management of facilities, to ensure that these facilities are sustainable. / ý  Operating and maintenance costs; these must be carried by the local community.
ý  Sewer and drainage systems.
ý  Sanitary facilities (toilets, showers, etc.).

2. Conditions for project evaluation


Basic conditions:

·  Rabobank client and/or link with employee (if it involves a foreign foundation);

·  Registered legal entity, proven track record of the foundation, and a clear and realistic financial basis (excerpt Chamber of Commerce, annual report and budget);

·  Meets the criteria for country, amount and theme:

1)  Project is located in a focus country;

2)  Project costs are max. €15,000 a year;

3)  Project theme is education or water supply.

Conditions that must be substantiated:

·  The project’s continuity/sustainability is guaranteed;

·  The project focuses on self sufficiency of the institution and/or people;

·  The local population is closely involved in the project (support and labour);

Ø  Innovation and a clear relation with the community are preferred.

What we don’t do:

·  Support volunteer projects (building trips, etc.) and travel and accommodation expenses of volunteers;

·  Support commercial businesses(sponsoring);

·  Support projects that are (also) aimed at promoting religious or ideological ideas;

·  Support emergency relief (food, relief tents, etc.);

·  Support events such as study days, conferences, seminars, festivals, sports activities, etc.;

·  Support the costs of transport and storage of goods;

·  Support a single individual;

·  Study financing for primary and secondary school

·  Construction of buildings, renovation or furniture;

·  Art and creativity (sports, games, music, dance, theater, circus etc.)

·  Microfinance.

Submitting an application

To be able to evaluate the application, we would like to receive the following documents in digital format:

·  Fully completed application form;

·  Project budget and financing scheme;

·  Statutory information (proof of registration at the Chamber of Commerce, no more than half a year old).

·  Recent regulations

·  If the organisation is no client of Rabobank, please send copies of the ID’s of the board members.

·  Recent annual report and policy plan

·  Recent copy of a bank statement

You can send your application to our e-mail address:

Evaluation by the Secretariat will take a maximum of 2 months.