To: All Club Chairman’s, Club Coaches, Club Secretaries and Officials Society.

Date: 13th May 2017

Important Information regarding SSA National Short Course Championships

A few important rules and entry closure dates relating to the above event, please ensure that you read the flyers published by SSA on the 9th June 2017.

Date:10th to 13th August 2017

Venue: GC Joliffe Pool, Pine Street, Pietermaritzburg


KZN Closing Date: Friday 7th July 2017

Swimmers that have entered Seals Prestige gala from 11th till 15th July must submit their SA Short Course entries before the 7th July, if the swimmers swims a QT and would like to enter that event the club must submit the entry before Tuesday 18th July so it can be included before KZNA forward final entry file to SSA on the 20th July 2017.

All entries must be submitted by the Provincial Secretary.

 Individual entry fee R70.00 per event

Relay entry fee R90.00 per event

SSA closing Date 20thJuly 2017.

All changes to be made with KZNA office before Tuesday 18th July 2017.

Late entries as from 21st July 2017 till 27Th July 2017 at 3 times original entry fee.

Late entries after 27th July will be at 10 times original entry fee.


This is a Club Competition. Clubs will be required to provide SSA registered trained officials for EVERY SESSION, according to the number of swimmers entered in the competition

Clubs, whose Technical Officials do not report for duty, will be fined R1000.00 per session and their swimmers withdrawn from the session.

If clubs cannot provide their required TIMEKEEPERS, please contact Mr Gavin Jackson – who will give you a quote for the cost of providing the necessary timekeeper


50 &100m’s: Prelims, semi-finals & finals

200 & 400m’s: Prelims, A & B finals provided there are 17 or more participants with a

minimum of 4 participants available to compete in the B Finals.

800 / 1500m’s: Timed finals – slower finals in morning session, fastest in evening session

Swimmers may enter the events that they have 2016 LCM S A National or S A National Youth LCM qualifying times for, plus three additional non qualified events provided they have times on the SSA Database.

Please read the SA Short Course Rules and Regulations.



President: P.Thompson Dep President: O. Qulo Vice Presidents: F. Lindeque A Fraser E du Plessis

G Labuschagne Gen. Secretary:N Maphumulo Dep Secretary: K. Sloley Treasurer:A. Maharaj

Records Officer: H. Bezuidendhout Public Relations and Marketing: D. Nortje ExecutiveMember: R. Naidoo