held in the Village Hall at 7.00 pm on Monday18thOctober 2011
Present:Mr D Walker (Chair)Mrs J Taylor
Mr J SantoroMr R Beeby
Mrs N Dalton
Mrs J Walker, Clerk, was also in attendanceand two members of the public.
- Apologies–apologies were received from Councillor Mrs A Lovett
- The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 12thSeptemberwere held over until the next full business meeting on 14thNovember.
- Open Discussion Time – no comments were made.
4.Planning Issues
(a)11/01468/FUL Mrs Porter and Mr Randall, The Manor House, 28 Main Street, Rempstone, Loughborough, Leics. LE12 6RH. Detached garage block.
The Chairman reminded everyone that originally this project was discussed in July 2010 for an attached garage block. RPC had supported this and it was approved by RBC. Although very similar to before the Councillors were in favour of the new application as they felt it was better than being attached to a listed property. Rempstone Parish Council had no objections with one observation concerning the choice of materials to be used that should be keeping with the existing house.
(b)11/01420/FUL Mrs J Klee, 4 Wysall Lane, Rempstone, Loughborough, Leics.
LE12 6RW. Single storey rear extension.
Cllr J Santoro declared an interest in this application and refrained from the discussions. The Chairman said that he and the Vice Chairman had been along to see the property, that the drawings were very clear and that there had been no objections received from any of the neighbours. The Councillors felt it was a reasonable proposal and well thought out but felt it was unfortunate that due to the levels involved it could not be accessed from the house. Rempstone Parish Council had no objections.
(c)11/01430/LBC Mr Vere Phillipps, Grange Farm, Wysall Lane, Rempstone, Loughborough, Leics. LE12 6RW. Replace eight windows: five to main house and three to rear of garage.
The Chairman said that the windows to be replaced were a like for like. Councillors felt that before long other windows would need to be replaced also and that it was a pity they were not to be done at the same time. Rempstone Parish Council had no objections.
(d)British Gypsum Ltd (BPB), Marblaegis Mine, East Leake. An extension to the existing Marblaegis Mine of around 118 hectares for the underground extraction of gypsum. Original application withdrawn on 23rd September due to a technical omission regarding advertising the application. New application received but no changes to the scope of the application. Rempstone Parish Council recorded a decision of no objection to the original application.
Cllr Mrs J Taylor and Cllr J Santoro both declared an interest in this application and refrained from the discussions. The Chairman said there was no change in this application but that it was caused by a lack of communication with local communities. The Councillors raised no objections and agreed to continue to support it.
(e)11/01057/FUL Mr M Pickerill, 11 Dales Close, Rempstone, Loughborough, Leics. LE12 6RD. Conservatory to rear. Grant Permission.
(f)Cemex UK Operations Ltd., Rempstone Road, East Leake, Loughborough, Leics. Request for non compliance of conditions 15 and 16 of planning permission 8/10/00190.CMA to reduce the frequency of sand and gravel campaign at Jenks Lane, East Leake Quarry. Aresponse of no objection was recorded. Awaiting decision.
The Chairmanexplained that Rushcliffe Borough Council were querying it and that there was a debate between them and Notts County Council regarding clarity and operation.
(a)The Clerk had received a letter reporting that Stanford Hall and the estate had been bought by the Duke of Westminster to be used as a Defence and National Rehabilitation Centre (DNRC). The Clerk to acknowledge and to say that we look forward to being consulted about developments and a future programme.
(b)The question of reduced street lighting was brought up and we await details. Regarding the present power cuts it was reported that they were still looking for the fault between Rempstone and Hoton. More information should be available by the November meeting and it was agreed that this be a main agenda item for that meeting.
Date of Next Meeting: Monday 14thNovember2011 at 7.00 pm.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.35 pm
Chairman ______