Lesson Plan
Teacher: Sean Date: 18 Dec. 2007
Time10.00am – 11.00am Room: Training room / Level: Intermediate
Age: Young adults
Communicative aim: Read and discuss inventions and technologies
Linguistic/Grammar aim: Students will be able to develop and practice reading skills
Stages / Activities and notes / Resources
Pre – reading
15 mins / Crossword:
Containing the words from the reading task
paper factory/fax machine/telephone/steam engine/velcro/exhibition/light bulb/paper/invented/scientist/
Demonstrate – Split teacher sitting back to back and that each student must describe the word to their partner
Concept Check Questions (CCQs) – How do each sit? Can you tell each other the word or describe it?
Facilitate – Checking that students are describing
Take up – Write all responses on the whiteboard. / Two “crosswords” each one containing words missing that the other has.
20 mins / Previewing: Ask students to look at pictures and ask what they think the article is about.
Skimming for gist, scanning for detail, reading for context: Students are asked to read text on page 80, then answer questions (ex.3), which covered gist, detail and context.
Monitor timing. Allow 10 minutes for this task then ask students to check answers with partner. / Text page 80.
Activity 1
5-10 mins / Invention Description:
Show some technology that Ss have in class and describe it to your partner.
Demonstrate – Give an example then ask students to guess what it is!
Facilitate – Check that all participating and sharing ‘talk’ time and use relative clauses.
Take- up – Ask students to tell the class what their partner told them / Ex 3. page 80
Activity 2
15-20 mins / Sell the Invention (Cocktail activity):
Presenting positive and negative sides to the positives and negatives of certain technologies, utilising prompt cards.
Give students time to prepare what they will say
Demonstrate: Elicit some phrases for suggestion and provide on cards for students to use during pairs practice.
CCQs – What must you do?
Faciltiate – Monitor and check
Take-up – Determine who presented a strong argument, eliciting example sentences from students. / “Tech cards” with scenarios and suggested language
1 min / Find out more about two inventions that are important to you and write about them.
Teacher to give an example
CCQs – How many inventions?

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