Principles and Practice of Complementary Therapies Workbook

Exercise One For Monday 28th January 2013, prepare a 10 minute presentation on another complementary therapy from the list below. You may use the attached sheet as guidance on what might be included. Include a small handout of information for the rest of the group to take away with them. You must include the contact details of a local therapist on this sheet. Make your session relevant and practical if possible.

Acupuncture, Alexander Technique, Bowen Technique, Chiropractic, counselling, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Flower Essences, Herbalism, Homeopathy, Hopi candles, Hypnotherapy, Indian Head Massage, Iridology, Kinesiology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Osteopathy, Seated Acupressure Massage (on-site massage), Shiatsu, Sports Therapy, Thai Massage, Yoga Therapy.

Exercise Two Prepare a file of the following referral agencies, for use in your reflexology practice. You should include contact details (national/local) and notes on information and services offered for:

Voluntary Agencies AA, Age Concern, AIDS Helpline, British Red Cross, Citizens Advice Bureau, CRUSE, Macmillan, NSPCC, Relate, RNIB, RNID, Samaritans, WRVS.

Statutory Agencies In law a “statutory service” is any service provided by a practitioner who must be a) qualified in a particular skill, and b) on the current register of practitioners. Include: Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), physiotherapists, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), GP and local A and E, NHS Direct, local walk-in centres. Include local contact information.

Exercise Three Prepare a 1200 word assignment on “communication skills when dealing with clients and colleagues”. You should include some information on the therapeutic relationship with the client, questioning and listening skills, and body language.

These assignments should be handed in to your tutor by Monday 11th March.

Name of Therapy:
How does it work (theories)?
Training requirements:
Professional Associations:
Regulatory Bodies:
Name of Therapy:
How does it work?
Training requirements:
Name of Therapy:
How does it work?
Training requirements: