Facilitator Qualifications, Guidelines & Intensive Workshop Procedures

The Vision of Sage-ing International (SI) is to help elders reclaim their role as leaders, while sharing wisdom and spirit essential to creating a better world for current and future generations. SI is committed to transforming the current paradigm of aging to Sage-ing through learning, service and community.This agreement between SI and Facilitators of Sage-ing Intensive Workshops (SIW) is created to maintain the integrity of the Vision and Mission of SI.

An SIWserves as one of the possible pre-requisitesfor entering the certification program. It covers all of the Sage-ing core topics (Images of Aging, Life Review, Life Repair/Forgiveness, Facing Mortality, Legacy/Sharing Our Gifts), providing 14 – 16 contact hours over a two day period or more. A team approach is preferred; there are two facilitators, certified Sage-ing Leaders, willing to work with SI’s Education and Technology Coordinators and to follow the established guidelines and process steps.

If not enough CSLs have expressed interest in facilitating SIWs for each year, the Education Coordinator(EducCoord) will recruit from different areas of the country. New SIW leaders will be encouraged by pairing them with experienced facilitators.


•Must be Certified Sage-ing Leaders (CSLs)

•At least one CSL, the lead CSL, must have a minimum of two active years teaching the core content of sage-ing

•Facilitator team must be approved by the EducCoord


•Use the classical method of facilitating throughout the workshop: Input, Reflection, Journaling, Dyad Sharing, Small/Large Groups to discuss and Harvest Wisdom.

•Use the exercises found in The Sage-ing Workbook as the foundation for your workshop, with the opportunity to incorporate your own expertise and creativity as an enhancement to the intensive experience.

•Share information about SI, use of The Sage-ing Workbook, copyright matters, and the certification program.

•Pass out the certification program Indication of Interest form and collect the completed ones.

•Have several copies of the book From Age-ing to Sage-ing, on hand to sell(recommendation).

•Encourage participants to create a “buddy system” to continue studying and discussing Sage-ing topics and principles.

•Ask participants to complete the Evaluation form and collect when finished.


•Begin the process by indicating your interest in offering an SIW by e-mailing or writing to the EducCoord approximately fivemonths or more in advance if possible.

•In the e-mail include thefacilitators’ credentials and a summary of past Sage-ing facilitation work if information is not already on file with the EducCoord.

•Review the SIW documentswhich are posted on the CSL protected site of the SI website, sage-ing.org– contact EducCoord for answers to questions. These documents include:

  • Facilitator Qualifications, Guidelines & Intensive Workshop Procedures
  • SI Written Agreement
  • SI Intensive Workshop Budget/SI Financial Report
  • Flyer Template
  • SI Certification Brochure
  • Indication of Interest in Training
  • Participant Evaluation

•After an informal agreement is reached between the facilitators and the EducCoord, the facilitators sign the Agreement form and then send to the EducCoord.


•Locate a site, confirm a date, and inform EducCoord.

•Gather expense and room deposit information and contract terms (if any) for the location of the workshop; share information with EducCoord.

•If a contract is required by the organization that is providing the space for theSIW and after the contract is approved by the EducCoord, the EducCoord signs contract and sends to the organization.

•Pre-approved room deposit in advance of the event may be paid by the Administrative Director (AdminDir) by the required deadline established in the contract or by the facilitators who will then be reimbursed after the workshop is held when the final invoice is prepared and approved by the EducCoord.

•Provide information for the flyer by using the template provided and submit to EducCoord for review, who will then send it on to the TechCoord who will post the flyer on the website and set up online registration and payment.

•Advertise through your networks and local venues once the flyer is finalized by both the EducCoord and TechCoord. You will be emailed a final copy of the flyer.If you are active on facebook and/or twitter, post information about your workshop there.

•Make sufficient copies of SI Certification Brochure, the Indication of Interest/Participant

Evaluation forms, all found on SI’s website (CSL protected site), sage-ing.org

PROCESS – GENERAL PLANNING STEPS(EducCoord & TechCoord, Facilitators)

•Approve budget and contract terms. (EducCoord)

•Post date and location on SI website and submit same basic information to be included in the nextSI Bulletin and on the SI website. (TechCoord)

•After EducCoord approves the content of the flyer, TechCoord finalizes the flyer and integrates it with SI’s online registration and fee collection system.TechCoord emails flyer to facilitators, EducCoord, AdminCoord, and Certification Program Coordinator. (CertProgCoord)

•Emailflyer to mailing lists of interested people. (everyone)

•Within the 2 months before the SIW, the TechCoord will email electronic flyer to national and regional organizations and toHuman Values in Aging(Rick Moody).


•Establish a budget using SIW budget guidelines. Tuition includes one Sage-ing Workbook per participant.

•Have enough participants to meet two goals: At a minimum, to cover expenses; and at a maximum, the number that can fit in the space.

•Welcome a returning elder who has taken an SIW in the past to attend for a discounted fee (establish in the budget). Consult EducCoord and refer to Discount Policy.

•Submit budget along with agenda and contract to EducCoord.

•May request a financial advance if necessary by contacting EducCoord.

•Order Sage-ing Workbooks from AdminDir at least 1 month before SIW. An invoice will be provided with the order which is to be included in the final accounting report for the workshop expenses. Facilitators may order extra to sell at cost at the SIW, and/or send back if not sold. There is no outlay of cash here, just record keeping.

•Order several copies of From Age-ing to Sage-ing to sell (recommendation). Suggestion for bulk purchase: Hatchette Books 800-222-6747.


•After the workshop, send the completed Indication of Interest forms to the CertProgCoord.

•Send the following to the AdminDir:

  • Registration checks (from participants who are not able to register and pay online – before your workshop), checks from the sale of the workbooks, and any other checks, all made payable to Sage-ing International,
  • Unsold workbooks.
  • Facilitators’ invoice for training fees and reimbursement for workshop expenses like the cost to ship workbooks back to the AdminDir, cost for workshop materials, and room deposit if paid by the facilitators. etc. Include the original receipts, and
  • Invoices from vendors like the food caterer.

•After the workshop, send the following to the EducCoord:

  • Financial Report – EducCoord approves your invoice for payment by AminDir
  • Participant Evaluations (from those who completed one)
  • Summary IW experience

As ofMay 1, 2016 the following persons have the related responsibilities to theprocesses described:

Administrative Director (AdminDir)

Paul Severance

P.O. Box 554

Beech Grove, IN 46107-1122


Certification Program Coordinator (CertProgCoord)

Jeanne Marsh

3811 Holland Avenue #5

Dallas TX 75219


Education Coordinator (EducCoord)

Rosemary Cox

52395 Santa Monica Drive

Granger, IN 46530

Cell-text) 574-386-1962

Technology Coordinator (TechCoord)

Alan Rider

4727 Common View Circle

Indianapolis, IN 46220

Cell-text) 765-350-0030

January_ 2017

Facilitator Qualifications, Intensive Workshop Guidelines & Process1