Sunday School Lesson No. XIII – February 27, 2011

Presented by Rev. Frank Davis, III, Pastor-Teacher

Lesson Text: Mark 13:14-27

Required Reading: Matthew 24 – 25;Mark 13:1-27; Luke 21:5-36

Motto Text: Mark 13:26, “And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.”

Reliable Resources: Logos Bible Software;Union Gospel Press Expositor and Illuminator; Standard LessonCommentary; Precepts in Living (UMI Publishing); Visualized Bible Notes (Tyndale/Wilmington); Be Comforted (Dr. Warren Wiersbe); Notes from C. I. Scofield Study Bible.


“It has been said that the theme of the Old Testament is that Christ is coming, the theme of the four Gospels is that Christ has come, and the theme of the rest of the New Testament is that Christ is coming again. There is basic truth in the approach. Discussions concerning the Second Coming always elicit significant debate among those who profess to believe the Bible to be God’s Word.” (Union Gospel Press Expositor and Illuminator)

During the past weeks, we have examined several chapters where Jesus Christ has spoken of His suffering, death, burial and resurrection. (Read Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34). These teachings challenged the very soul of His disciples, so much so that at times they even spoke of them in denial (Mark 8:32). Nevertheless, the Son of God knew His earthly mission and without a doubt was willing and able to fulfill it to the letter, as we read in Matthew 26:39, “And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”

In our final lesson in Mark, we now will examine “Issues and Answers on the Second Coming of the Son of God.” Now it goes without question that in order for there to be a Second Coming, there had to be a departing, for Christ was already on earth when these words were spoken. Thus we pick up with the narrative already in progress in Mark 13:1 and the verses that follow. This segment of scripture is sometimes called The Olivet Discourse, because of its location when presented. The disciples are leaving the city of Jerusalem and marveling over the grandeur of the Temple.

Anticipated Power Points:

  • The Temple’s Destruction. Mark 13:1-4
  • The Turmoil of the Last Days. Mark 13:5-23
  • The Triumph of the Last Days. Mark 13:24-27

(Because of the differing views and interpretations of these verses relating to Christ’s Second Coming, I will attempt to be as generic as possible.)

Lesson Outline

I. The Temple’s Destruction. Mark 13:1-4

After a week of extreme views in Jerusalem, Jesus takes the disciples out of the Holy City and heads towards Mt. Olivet. (Read Chapters 11-12). While they were amused with the Temple’s grandeur, our Lord gave them a heart-shattering bombshell: The Temple would be destroyed! “But how could these things be?” lurked in the minds of His trusted followers. The historian Josephus wrote, “The massive foundation stones of the Temple were 37½ ft. long, 12 ft. high and 18 ft. wide.” Jesus said there should not be one stone left upon another, and in A.D.70 this was fulfilled and to us today, it is now etched in history. But Jesus’ message was not just for the immediate days of the apostles; it had future meanings and interpretations for what we know as the last days or times that will precede His Second Coming.

II. The Turmoil of the Last Days. Mark 13:5-23

History has taught us of the many horrific things that happened to the apostles and the early church. But beloved, the things we will discuss are a part of the latter days, times that are close upon us and this generation, a time when Israel will be brought back into the forefront of God’s workings. Accordingly, Jesus began to speak of the turmoil of the last days before His second coming. The period of time is described by many theologians as “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble” and “The Tribulation Period.” According to H. L. Wilmington: “He began by describing the first half of the coming Tribulation, which will be marked by deceptive false messiah’s, wars, earthquakes and persecution. (Mark 13:5-13). Then will come a pivotal time, marked by the “sacrilegious object that causes desecration,” at which point all who are able should flee for their lives (13:14-18). (Read Matthew 24:1-20 and Luke 21:5-22).

In Mark 13:19-23, all but the elect will be deceived. The last half of the Tribulation period will be highlighted by such affliction that, but for God’s grace, the whole world would be destroyed and by such deception from Satan and Antichrist that virtually the whole world will be fooled into following them (Matthew 24:21-26; Luke 21:23-24.”

III.The Triumph of the Last Days. Mark 13:24-27

A. Cataclysmic changes in the atmosphere. vss. 24-25

Darkness will hover in the natural atmosphere as it is dark in the spiritual world. (God’s curtain drawn over the sun, moon and stars.)

B. Christ coming in the air. vss. 26-27

Just when it looks like certain trouble and disaster has overcome all people, places and earthly powers, then Jesus Christ will return from Heaven in the clouds to set all things into order. The curtain of humanity falls as the curtain rises on God’s Sonour Lord Jesus Christ!


The question is, “Will we be prepared?”

Bibleway Missionary Baptist Church, New Orleans, LA & Little Bethel Baptist Church, Amite, LA

Mailing Address: Post Office Box 19768, New Orleans, LA 70179

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TV Broadcasts: WHNO TV 20, Sunday, 6:30 a.m.

Channel 14 (Hammond-Amite area), 6:30 a.m.

Radio Broadcasts:

WLNOAM 1060, Saturday 8:30 a.m.; Sunday 5:30 a.m.

AM 1570 (Hammond-Amite area) Saturday 1:00 a.m.

Looking Ahead: March 6, 2011 I Timothy 2:1-6; 3:14-16