Newton on Ouse Parish Council

Thursday 27thApril 2017

To be held at in the Village Hall

At 7.30pm

You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Newton on Ouse Parish Council detailed above, for the purpose of transacting the following business:

The press and members of the public are welcome to attend the above meeting

Public Open Session
After the meeting has closed, the Chairman will take questions from members of the public. These should be addressed to the Chairman.


22/17Apologies. To note any apologies for non-attendance.

23/17Receive Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda

24/17Minutes. To accept and sign the minutes of the last meeting dated 9 Feb 17.

25/17Chair’s/Clerk’s Report. To note progress on action points from previous minutes

not elsewhere on Agenda.

26/17Financial Matters

26/17/1 Update on Bank Accounts; 26/17/2 Any payments for approval; 26/17/3Expenditure sheet presented for FY 16/17.

27/17Planning Applications

27/17/116/02127/FUL – Construction of 3 new dwellings, land to the South of Bravener Court - any further update on this planning application and discussion on ownership of grass verge on Back Lane.

28/17Hambleton District Council’s (HDC) Planning Decisions (if any)

29/17Alternative Sites and Local Green Space Consultations (HDC). Discuss consultations that open from 21/4/17 to 2/6/17

29/17Roads in village. Discuss the condition of some of the roads in the village as well as the reoccurring accidents at the junction of Brickyard Cottages.

30/17Trees. Discuss condition of trees and the cherry tree fundraising.

31/17Update on Parish Hall. Any updates from Parish Hall meetings.

32/17Dog Fouling. Discuss the problem of dog fouling.

33/17Swans. Email received raising concerns for swans inhabiting the lake at High Moor Lane.

34/17Cherry Harvest in the Village. Discuss email received proposing the possibility of a village cherry picking day.

35/17Temporary location of benches. Discuss request by Lesley Mimms to place 2/3 benches on the grass verge (when weather is good and removed each night).

36/17Newsletter. Discuss any items for next newsletter and dates for diary.

37/17County Councillor Patmore’s Report.

38/17District Councillor Rooke’s Report.


40/17Date of Next Meeting

41/17Any Other Business (no decisions to be made at this meeting)

Karen Morris

Clerk to Newton on Ouse Parish Council

Karen Morris

Clerk to Newton on Ouse Parish Council22 Apr 17