Personal details

Name: Nienke Eernisse

Nationality: Dutch

Marital status: Married

Address: 43 Templeside, Temple Ewell, CT16 3BA, United Kingdom

Tel.: 01304 331710


Key professional experience

§  Technical and practical knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing techniques, with extensive experience of specialist and mainstream software (ESRI ArcGIS, Erdas Imagine, IDRISI).

§  Database design and management experience for small and large projects.

§  Experience in project management, business development and preparation of proposals for national and international projects.

§  Overseas experience in a variety of capacities, dealing with local and national organisations through government and internationally funded projects.

§  Management experience in various roles, in the UK, Caribbean and Americas.


MSc Land and Water Management: specialised in GIS, Silsoe School of Agriculture Cranfield University, UK: 1997-1998

MSc Physical Geography, Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 1985-1991

Further training

2011 Introduction to Coaching

2011 What’s new in ArcGIS version 10 (ESRI)

2007 ArcHydro: GIS for water resources (ESRI)

2004 Project financial management (Halcrow Group Ltd)

2004 Project management (Chartered Management Institute)

2003 ArcIMS (ESRI)

2003 Web solutions with Geomedia (Intergraph)

2000 Introduction to ArcSDE (ESRI)

1999 Advanced ArcINFO (ESRI)

1999 Erdas Imagine (ERDAS)

language ability

Speaking Reading Writing

Dutch (mother tongue) Excellent Excellent Excellent

English: Excellent Excellent Excellent

French: Basic Intermediate Basic

Overseas Experience

United States of America

2006 – 2010 Senior GIS consultant with Halcrow Inc.

GIS for environmental and water management projects in the USA, Caribbean and UK


2002-2003 (1 year in country) GIS consultant with Halcrow do Brasil Ltda.

GIS for coastal and environmental management project with the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro


2002 (2 weeks in country) GIS consultant with Halcrow Group Ltd.

GIS development for integrated coastal zone management plan for World Bank

St Lucia

1994 – 1997 Water Resources Manager with Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Management of Hydro-Met unit. Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)


1993 (9 months in country) Research Officer with Tropenbos International carrying out a soil study as part of sustainable forest project in central Guyana

1991 (5 months in country) Research Assistant with University of Utrecht and Tropenbos International

MSc research project ‘Soil inventory and land evaluation’ in collaboration with a counterpart of the National Agricultural Research Institute of Guyana.


1992 (5 months in country) Research Assistant with Free University of Amsterdam carrying out a soil study in central Kalimantan as part of sustainable forest project by University of Cambridge

1989 (7 months in country) Research Assistant with Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

MSc research project ‘Quaternary development of the Bandung Basin, western Java, Indonesia’ in collaboration with experts from the Geological Survey in Bandung.

Professional Experience

GIS Officer for ARCH Habitat Survey, Kent County Council, United Kingdom

April 2010 – April 2013

I direct the GIS for the Kent Habitat Survey for the ARCH project (Assessing Regional Change in Habitats), a collaboration between Kent County Council and the Nord-Pas de Calais region in France, part funded by the European Union. We exchange methodologies for field survey, aerial photo interpretation and GIS, and will at the end of the project develop a single habitat map for the two regions.

I develop methods for change analysis using previous habitat surveys and landcover data, database design and management and web mapping development, aerial photo interpretation, data automation and quality check web publishing of data. I act as line manager for field surveyors and GIS technicians, assisting other departments with GIS related issues.

Senior GIS Specialist, Halcrow (United Kingdom, Brazil and United States of America)

August 2000 – April 2010

As senior GIS specialist my main responsibility was to support engineers and modellers in all GIS and database related tasks. I carried out database design, information management, geo-processing, mapping, documentation and web access mainly for water and coastal projects.

Projects ranged from very small systems to determine a specific answer (e.g. volume calculations for dredging using 3D and Spatial Analyst) to very complex projects where we worked with a team of GIS specialists and technicians on processing large datasets (e.g. national flood risk assessments). I have created national property datasets for England and Wales for use in flood studies and while in the USA carried out this work remotely in close communication with my colleagues in the UK.

For 6 years I managed the ArcIMS (ESRI web mapping) software for Halcrow and developed web mapping tools for projects when needed, often cooperating with a web designer.

I had project management responsibilities for GIS projects: liaising with the client, controlling the GIS tasks as well as budgets and timing. I also carried out business development activities for our team: coordinating and writing proposals, liaising with colleagues and sub-consultants.

Geographic Information Systems Support, Natural Environment Research Council (United Kingdom)

December 1998 – August 2000

I advised scientists of the Natural Environment Research Council on application and implementation of GIS and Remote Sensing. I supported land and water resources projects using GIS technology and aerial photo interpretation. Through organising seminars and demonstrations I promoted the use of GIS technology for land and water management within NERC.

Administrator, Randstad Recruitment (The Netherlands)

April 1997 – September 1997

Various temporary administrative functions

Water Resources Manager, Ministry of Agriculture (St. Lucia, West Indies)

November 1994 – January 1997

I was in charge of the Hydro-meteorological Unit within the Ministry, concerned with hydrological and meteorological data collection throughout the island. My job involved the management and development of hydrological and meteorological networks, data management and analyses, supervision and training of technicians, and advisor for hydrological issues to the Water Authority and Agricultural Extension officers.

I participated as counterpart to the Watershed and Environmental Management Project carried out by Mott MacDonald and Hunting Technical Services (both of UK). In addition I dealt with procurement of hydrological and meteorological equipment as part of the project. I was adviser to the Environmental Research Programme (Overseas Development Administration) of University of Surrey (UK) which conducted water resources surveillance in the Eastern Caribbean.

Financial Administrator, Korps Landelijke Politiediensten (The Netherlands)

April 1994 – October 1994

Assisting with financial administration of the Police Telecommunications Service, I dealt with budget control, procurement of equipment, budget justification and general administration.

Research Officer (Guyana), Tropenbos International (The Netherlands)

February 1993 – October 1993

As part of the Sustainable Forest Management Project of Tropenbos International I conducted and completed a pilot study on soil weathering and plant relations in central Guyana. I selected suitable sites for soil pits, made detailed soil descriptions (FAO classification) and set up and carried out soil and water sampling. I assisted with general logistics within the project and liaised with local counterparts and members of staff in the Netherlands.

Other achievements

British Cartographic Society 2012 Avenza Award for Electronic Mapping: Kent Habitat Maps.

Geographic information system tools helped a Georgia utility make the most of its existing data. Water Environment and Technology, December 2008 (

Validation Methodology for Sanitary Sewer Modeling Projects, Arniella, Elio F.;Robinson, Paul;Eernisse, Nienke;Joe, Donna;O'Brien, Jodi. WEFTEC 2008: Session 71 through Session 80 , pp. 6097-6113(17)

Use of Hydraulic Models in the Optimization, Planning, and Design of Water Supply and Distribution Systems. Elio F. Arniella, P.E, Khaled Jame, P.E, Paul Robinson, Nienke Eernisse. Conference Proceedings World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007: Restoring Our Natural Habitat.

General interests

On and off-road cycling, kayaking, snowboarding, mountain walking, travelling, gardening, reading, textile art and quilting.

Curriculum Vitae Nienke Eernisse Page 4 of 4