2010 Provincial Enrichment Program (PEP)
March 7th, 2010 Harbour Grace, NL
Cost: $30.00
What is a PEP Seminar?
A PEP seminar is a skater development opportunity for skaters between the ages of 4 and 8 years (up to Pre-preliminary level) This is an opportunity for the Provincial organization to monitor the youngest skaters in each region for skating progress and future potential. From each seminar, a select number of skaters will be chosen for our Provincial Enrichment Team and will be invited to participate in Provincial seminars and other activities hosted by Skate Canada Newfoundland and Labrador.
Who are the On Ice conductors?
The PEP seminars will be conducted by Skate Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Master Seminar Coaches who have been specifically selected and trained. Members of our Provincial Senior Team will also help with instruction and demonstration.
Who are the Off Ice instructors?
The off ice sessions will be conducted by local resource personnel specialized in areas such as fitness, dance, nutrition etc. The off ice sessions will vary from region to region as expertise is available to us.
What topics are covered at the parents meeting?
-Expenses incurred by test and competitive skaters
-Training (on and off ice)
-What to expect as you move through the various levels of skating
-A parent information hand out will also be distributed
SCHEDULE – Sunday March 7th
5:00-8:00pm (detailed schedule to follow)
*Parents Meeting will take place at 6:00-6:45pm*
Skaters Name: ______Birthdate(d/m/y)______
Mailing Address: ______
Telephone: ______Email Address: ______
Home Club: ______Last Stage/Badge passed: ______
Coach: ______Skate Canada #______
Participants Release
By my participation in this event, I consent to the known and foreseeable physical risks inferent in the sport of figure skating. These risks include but are not limited to: travel to and from the arena, ice conditions, equipment failure, and falls, collisions with other participants and/or instructors,and facitily conditions. In assuming these risks, I, the undersigned, forever release, for myself, my heirs, and any person acting on my behalf, the host club and Skate Canada NL, and its directors, employees, volunteers, coaches, officials, instructors, independent contractors, agents and sponsors, from any claim arising from any illness or injury to my person as a result of my participation in this activity.
Parent's Signature: ______Date: ______
Please make cheques payable to: Skate CanadaNewfoundland and Labrador
Please return form and payment not later than Friday February 26th:
Skate Canada NL, PO Box 21029, St. John’s, NL A1A5B2