Minutes of Neighbourhood Development Plan Meeting – 11th January 2017
1. The meeting was opened by Kate Fernie
2. Guy Martin gave a brief introduction to his role as a free advisor (can attend one more meeting if needed)
3. Structure and Purpose outlined again:-
Steering Committee
Committee Members
Sub Committees were decided upon and currently would be:-
Housing – SHLAA sites to investigate
Countryside – protected green spaces. Dave Peck (?) has a map of fields and landowners
Employment/Business – consult with businesses, consider employment
Infrastructure – everything else eg doctors, school, parking, roads and crossings, shop
Chairs of sub committee’s to report back to main committee meetings and PC members of main committee to report back to PC (and chair/vice to attend PC meetings if required at any point). Minutes to be circulated to PC via clerk.
The plan needs to look ahead for the next 15 years
At the end the draft is approved by the Parish Council
Worth producing a Community Plan (residents wishlist not included in main plan)
Grant – 8k to 9k to be applied for by Parish Council (works on a financial year basis) and needs to be used within time frames – draw down amounts.
The parish council have minuted the decision to prepare a neighbourhood plan and Kate attended the last PC meeting to ask that they put in the application to Amber Valley ASAP in order that we can get going (6 weeks to accept – amber valley). This was done early December.
Talked about publicity – ideas – church magazine, Kirk Langley website, Kirk Langley flyers (produced by Ben regularly), PC website and PC notice board so all are informed.
Brenda talked about the Amber Valley Questionnaire that was sent out and to research where this can be found – useful tool in designing the questionnaire.
First thing to work toward will be the questionnaire to go out to all residents
Amber valley have to provide assistance – officers can come out
Housing planning officer useful
Policies should be written professionally and need to save a few thousand for this
Talked about employing a company to do the whole thing and this will be researched but looking at some of the prices for the smaller things we can save money by doing these ourselves.
4. Committee appointed:-
Chair – Brenda Whittaker
Vice – Ben Benfield
Treasurer- Hilary Leonard
Secretaries – Jenny Patterson and Linda Smith
Sub Committees:-
Housing – Chair – Kate Fernie. Members – Abi Horsfield, Dave Peck and look into whether Graham Penny want to join as good source of knowledge
Countryside – Chair – Ruth Mullen. Members – Hilary Leonard ,Dave Peck, Brenda Whittaker
Employment /Business – To follow no interest on night
Infrastructure – Chair – Alexa Burdette. Members – Ben Benfield, Jenny Patterson.
Richard Johnson – volunteered for technical support (very good with IT)
Committee Members:-
Brenda Whittaker, Ben Benfield, Hilary Leonard, Jenny Patterson, Linda Smith, Kate Fernie, Abi Horsfield, Ruth Mullen, Richard Johnson, Alexa Burdette, John Smith, Phil Wallis, Jamie Else, Davina Hallam, Paul Johnson, John Hawkins. Absences – Graham Penny, Paul Booth & Katrina Harding.
5. Abi Horsfield – marketing strength. Abi to look into branding/name – any kind of suggestions to make notices etc. stand out.
6. Brenda talked about the Local Plan (AV not yet developed yet). Due to be completed mid 2018. Impact reports are on the website.
7. Next meeting 9th February at 6.15pm booked in by Ben into the village hall calendar. The paintball centre was kindly offered for free but for ease of transport it was thought the village hall would be more convenient. Sub committee meetings which are closed meetings can be held wherever.
- Jenny to circulate agenda
- Phil Wallis to ensure that the Parish Council have completed the submission to Amber Valley in December
- All to gather copy questionnaires to circulate (Jenny to get Brailsford), Kate has Kirk Ireton. Another couple required.
- Kate – comprehensive list of houses in the parish
- Kate find out about SHLAA’s
- Kate to type up minutes and update the ndpgmail with contact details and handover to Chair, Vice, Treasurer and Secretaries and chairs of sub-committee’s who will need to use it.
- All to look at Impact reports on Amber Valley website
- Abi – marketing ideas
- Hilary to download the grant application form and at next meeting agree amount to be applied for
- Kate to check with those absent if they want to be on the committee
9. Next meeting: map out a timeline from start to completion
Once looked at questionnaires can start dividing up the production of ours into the sub committee sections and this will be the main area of focus at present