The Carr Center
Board of Director’s Meeting
September 19, 2016
Board Members Present: Board Members Absent:
Fred Grant Erin Welch
Cindy Baker Tom Weeks
Fred O’Dell Cody Meadows
Theresa Kanavel Paul Hill
Jane Johnson Kristin Rinehart
Brittany Stubbs Marsha Wiley
Kevin Pinson Erin France
Gina Stotts Starla Peterson
Grant Stubbins
Staff Members Present:
Staci Allen
Kim Hosler
Amy Morris
Anita Woodward
Call to Order:
Fred O’Dell called the meeting to order at 12:05p.m.
Staff Reports:
Adult Day Care – Anita reported that we currently have 25 enrolled in ADC, 2 new starting this week and we had 3 inquiries. We had 173 patient days in July and 206 client days in August.
Youth Services – Amy reported that we currently have 18 enrolled in TEP which is our largest number going into the fall session in several years. Eight of those 18, are under the age of 3. We are seeing children earlier partly because more physician referrals are coming to us. We had a screening with 7 children and we enrolled 3 of them. About 50% of our clients are now private pay, higher than usual. United Way scholarship was awarded to the TEP once again serving 2 children (97 units of service).
The board reviewed the July minutes. Kevin Pinson made a motion to approve the minutes and Brittany Stubbs seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Fred Grant reported that the committee approved the financial report for July and August. The reports show we are a little down from the previous year. Our investments are pretty good right now. Theresa Kanavel made a motion to approve the financial statements. Cindy Baker seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Executive Director’s Report:
Please refer to the Executive Directors report attached.
Golf Outing is Friday, September 23 at Eaglesticks. We currently have 18 teams, 1 Gold Sponsor, 3 Beverage Sponsors, 1 Cart Sponsor, 16 Tee Sign Sponsors and many door prizes.
Kim asked for the HR committee to meet fairly soon and asked for volunteers on the committee. Cindy Baker, Grant Stubbins and Jane Johnson accepted.
Board participation is asked during the United Way campaign. Lunch was served and donations were given.
Cindy Baker suggested we ask family members to attend Live at Noon with Kim for testimonies.
Also, Area Agency on Aging 9 would like to bring Case Managers to the Center to show them our Adult Day Program. We will provide lunch and give a tour.
Committee Reports:
No reports
New Business:
We will need to replace 2 board members for next year and if anyone is interested being an officer, please let Kim know.
Next Meeting is November 21 at noon, required attendance.
Theresa made motion to adjourn, Jane Johnson seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 1:00p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Staci Allen Brittany Stubbs
Office Manager/Billing Board Secretary