Annie Lennard Primary School
Newsletter 18/11/16
Children in Need Thank you for all your support today. The children all looked great and once again we have raised lots of money for this amazing charity.
Collecting children
Please let the office or class teacher know if someone different is collecting your child. If someone comes to collect your child who we don’t know or we were not expecting, we will not let the children go before we have phoned you to check.
Some parents have recently approached us about the possibility of setting up a PTA committee to organise events for the children and parents such as discos, fairs, etc.
If you are interested in being on a committee please give your name to Mrs Goldby-Timmis or Miss Caldwell in the office. We can then set a date for everyone interested to have a meeting.
Please be aware that everyone on the PTA committee has to have a DBS check (criminal record check) before coming in to school because activities will be involving the children.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Keeping all of our children safe is extremely important to us.
The staff who have senior safeguarding roles are Mrs Crozier (Head Teacher), Mrs Rogman (Acting Deputy), Mrs Groves (Year 6 teacher and SENCO) and Miss Kealey (Year 1 teacher and SENCO).
If you ever have any worries or concerns about a child please do not hesitate to come and talk to one of us.
If your child is not going to be in school please call the office to let us know. If we haven’t heard from you we will ring you. If after ringing we are unable to speak to someone to find out the reason for absence and we are concerned then it may be necessary for us to inform the police who will then do a ‘safe and well’ check.
If your child has an appointment during school time it is really important that you bring in evidence so we can authorise the absence. Without evidence this is logged as an unauthorised absence and this is then closely monitored by the attendance officer.
If your child is taken out of school because another family member has an appointment then their absence has to be marked as unauthorised.
Dates for your diary:
Reminder Teacher Training Day Friday 25th November 2016. School will be closed for the children.
Christmas performances
Monday 12th December – Year 3 and Year 4 Christmas performances 9.15am and 2pm.
Tuesday 13th December – Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas performance at 2pm.
Wednesday 14th December – Nursery and Reception Christmas performances 9.15am and 2pm.
There will be a ticketing system, more information to follow.
Any questions or worries please do not hesitate to ring school or ask to see one of us.