Bob Doyle, Bestselling author, teacher, featured in “The Secret” the movie

Month 1, Week 2

ROBYN: Hello everyone. I am so excited to introduce you to our second week of the Self-Care Revolution. My name is Robyn Benson, and I am here with Kevin Snow. We are co-facilitators in the Self-Care Revolution, and wow, what a journey this has been. We have put our hearts and souls into this co-creation over many, many weeks, along with the 25 self-care coaches that are a part of Santa Fe Health and Healing center. We are going to be inviting you to come along with us every week as we introduce you to 60, what we call, experts, in the field of self-care and in bringing in their own voice to the Self-Care Revolution. We also have a live event that we are planning for June 21, 22, and 23, and we’d love to have you all here. This is our free month. Everything we’re offering, our journal, our assessment, all the amazing bonus gifts from many of our speakers and self-care coaches, you can see that when you opt in to And when you come to our thank you page, you could be there for hours; there are so many generous gifts.

So today, we are really excited. We’ve been waiting for this moment to share Bob Doyle with you. And I’m gonna just… Gosh, where do I begin? I’ve been fortunate to have met Bob a couple months ago, and I was just so blown away by his presence, his story, his care for people, and his big message in the world. And anyway, Bob, thanks for being here. Bob is the CEO of Boundless Living. He’s also the author of a #1 Best-Selling Book, Follow Your Passion; Find Your Power. Since 2002, Bob has been teaching principles of living life by design, utilizing the principles of the law of attraction. His Wealth Beyond Reason Program has long been recognized as one of the most complete and useful on-line curriculums in the law of attraction and has gained the attention of the producers of the film and book, The Secret, which many of you know, in which Bob was one of the featured teachers.

He’s also a champion for creative self-expression, and his work focuses on reconnecting people to their sense of passion and purpose and helping you to create a vision that inspires you into maps of action, working in concert with the natural laws of physics to realize a life of true abundance and joy. And I’ve also realized that you, Bob, are an amazing musician and composer, and wow, so, so much more. So, anyway, I want to welcome you to our wonderful community that has come together today. Thank you for being here.

BOB: Wow! Thanks for asking me to be a part of this. Since Lynn and I met you, and this whole Self-Care Revolution idea just lit us up so completely, because it is just so obvious how overdue something like this is in our world. And to be a part of it is really a great honor.

ROBYN: Thank you, thank you. We love your presence. So, gosh, we have so many questions. Where do we begin? Do we begin with The Secret? How about The Secret? But tell me, I’m just so curious. I certainly saw that movie more than once, and I really appreciated it all, so tell me about your story, your steps, and how they found out about you, and how your life has been changed since being part of The Secret.

BOB: Well, sure. My work with the law of attraction began about 11 years ago. When I say, my work, I mean my own personal work. Like, as soon as I was learning stuff, I was turning it around and trying to teach it. And so, I kind of went on my own personal journey which was fueled by a lot of job dissatisfaction, career dissatisfaction. I was just trying to find something to do with my life where I could feel creatively self-expressed where I was enjoying it. You know, that kind of thing. I went from radio to computers to some network marketing, all just trying to find this stuff, and nothing I was doing was working, and I just wasn’t finding joy anywhere. And I certainly wasn’t creating any kind of abundance or anything like that. That’s what kind of got me as a long time, sort of, skeptical, analytical type of thinker and I’m the son of a school teacher and all of that. The whole idea of, you know, something like a law of attraction was gonna be way kind of outside my comfort zone, but yet there was something that was really calling me to it. I was really fascinated with it, but as long as it stayed in the new age category, there was just a piece of me that wasn’t gonna fully embrace it. Like I wasn’t gonna be able to see results with it because it just seemed too woo woo or whatever. I wanted to believe it, and I could get it on some intellectual level.

Anyway, to cut the story down, I finally found some science stuff around it, and that really was important to me. Kind of learning more about quantum physics, and more specifically, the power of our thoughts and beliefs and the impact those things have on every aspect of our lives. In my case, it was mostly around money and finance and being able to get out of debt and stuff. I identified some very deep beliefs that I had about money that I’d grown up with being, you know, where we always just kind of struggled, there was always debt, and it was a single family situation, so you know, I had a lot of quote, unquote, truth around money, and even though I was verbalizing, “I want more,” and I had aspirations for more or whatever, my belief system was really running the show. When I got the science of that, it was a huge “Ah ha” moment for me, and I realized it was probably a place that a lot of people were missing. And I was very passionate about utilizing what I was learning about creating a life by design and visualization. All these things that you hear about when you get into a conversation around the law of attraction. But I needed that science piece to bridge the gap for me so that I could use these tools and techniques to see actual results. As soon as I was able to do that was when I began folding it back into what became the Wealth Beyond Reason Program, which is the curriculum in the law of attraction I’ve been teaching now for 11 years and it has grown and expanded and evolved many different ways over that time.

I’d been doing that, that had been out there for around 3 years, I guess, and that’s when Rhonda Burns started putting The Secret together, and she started looking on line for people who were teaching this stuff. Clearly, she was looking for different voices, you know, there are all sorts of different types of teachers represented there from all different philosophies and backgrounds and so on. So, I think, my sort of just mainstream, you know, science but not mindboggling science, scientific approach to it, just helped to make it accessible for a lot of people who are like me, just consider themselves just normal, every-day people, not necessarily over-spiritual or over-religious or over-anything, really, just kind of, hey this sounds good, but I’d like to see it work. I think that voice was something that she wanted in there, so I think that’s how that happened. From a tactical standpoint, she just found me in that work. From the law of attraction standpoint, I think the way we actually came together was our messages, our purpose, our mission, was so much the same, which was to get these principles into as many willing minds as possible, and so we were very much in resonance with our goal and our mission, so it would make sense that our projects from the law of attraction point of view that our two projects would find one another and help create something even bigger which, of course it did.

ROBYN: Wow! So that was probably a big launch for you too, wouldn’t you say?

BOB: I t was. It was obviously a major deal for everybody involved in The Secret, you know, the business itself of selling Wealth Beyond Reason was going really well, but, obviously, after The Secret, everything, my life changed in a huge way.

ROBYN: So great. So, when I think of the law of attraction, and also when I think about living life by design, in terms of… Just talk about the relationship between that and self-care in your life.

BOB: Well, I think it’s huge because a lot of people will learn about the law of attraction, for example, and they immediately go to money or something like that. I’m gonna attract a car, I’m gonna attract a house, or you know, even a relationship, whatever they feel is gonna solve their problems. And that’s what tends to happen and it actually causes people to have very mixed results with anything they try with the law of attraction when they go about it that way. But one of the things they do overlook, unless they’re dealing with a serious health issue that is at the forefront, like money is for other people, we tend to neglect ourselves and not think about ourselves and taking care of every aspect of who we are because… And we forget that if we don’t do that, then all the stuff we attract isn’t gonna be nearly as enjoyable. If you don’t feel good, you don’t have the energy, you don’t have the exuberance, you’re not happy, if you’re not in balance, then all the stuff in the world could show up for you, but you’re not gonna enjoy it. You’re not gonna get that sense of fulfillment and purpose and all of that that you think you’re gonna get when you get all the stuff. So, taking care of yourself and your own well-being on all levels should be on top of everybody’s list. And also, as you do that, you’ll find that manifesting, you know that term, manifesting, having things show up for you that you want is a lot easier because you’re vibrations cleaner, you feel better, you’re just in a much better space. You’re sending a nice, clean, healthy energy out to the universe, communicating in that way, whereas if you’re sick, or tired, or whatever, you know, not well, you’re sending that out too. And the universe always is matching whatever you’re putting out there, so people have really got to understand that taking care of themselves is absolutely of primary importance if they want any kind of abundance, prosperity, happiness, or real love in their life. They have to start with themselves.

I think it all works together and that’s one of the reasons that when I start teaching people the law of attraction, it’s not about how to go get the million dollars, it’s about creating a full picture of your life that includes everything. Not every item that you own or attract necessarily, but an overall feeling, and part of that is how do you want to feel? What do you want to be able to accomplish during the course of your days? How do you want to feel doing that? So, clearly, wellness is, should be, a big part of everybody’s vision, but unfortunately, it’s not always.

ROBYN: Wow! You’re speaking our language, you know, what we live and breathe and share in our practices every single day. And the sense of urgency in today’s world, where we are seeing more stress than ever before, the food, the water, the air quality has changed more in the last 10, 15, 20 years than in the last several thousand. This idea of self-care is even more important now than ever, especially if we wanna live our life on purpose. So, thanks for your incredible clarity around that. And I know that my dear friend, Kevin, here has got a question for you that he’s dying to ask.

KEVIN: I love your Wealth Beyond Reason Program. You really emphasize in this program vibration and resonance. And you mentioned this already a few times, this idea of vibration and resonance. I really resonate with that message of yours, and I’d just like you to elaborate a little more on that.

BOB: Well, we’re always… We live in an energetic universe. Absolutely, everything in the universe is energy. We hear that more and more now, so it’s not like new information anymore. What we still don’t necessarily think about it at that quantum level, like what’s really going on. We’re energetic beings. That means every single aspect of us is energy, the physicality of us, our skin, our bones, or blood, all of that stuff. Also, our belief systems and thoughts and everything that makes up us. And we’re all connected. And so, one of the things we know about energy is that it vibrates, you know, on various frequencies. So that everything that exists in the universe is vibrating at some sort of frequency. And when you… So this term resonance is kind of like, it sort of explains the relationship among, let’s say two clusters of energy. I use this example. We, like you said, you resonate with those ideas. Some people resonate with a piece of music they hear, or some other idea, but it’s an actual… You can feel it. It’s very subtle, but resonance is something that you can actually feel. And if two things are in vibrational resonance, they tend to attract; whereas, on the other hand, if they’re in dissonance, the vibrations do not resonate, they tend to repel. They tend to push away.

So if we… Anything that’s a part of our lives, whether we like it or not, is there only because we’re in vibrational resonance with it on some level. Otherwise, it could not be there. If you look at… One of the problems I have with this definition of the law of attraction about like attracts like, there are so many examples, that makes it very confusing for people. Magnets, clearly the opposites attract. And if that’s the information that’s put in, the energy of magnets, say these two vibrations of this energy comes together on these conditions, it’s not that it’s like energy; in fact, it’s opposite. If you were to try to put the two same poles, if you will, of magnets together, you’re going to feel that dissonance; you’re going to feel that pushing away. And just like in our lives, if we are saying out loud that we want prosperity or we want a million dollars, but our belief systems, which is very powerful energy we’ve been cultivating our entire lives, is one that we…money is hard to come by, rich people are evil, or something like that, that’s the louder message that we’re sending to the universe of prosperity, prolongs prosperity and abundance cannot co-exist with belief systems like that. Just from an energetic standpoint, it’s all… You can break it down to an invisible level. It’s literally like trying to put two ends of a magnet together. These two things, your belief system around money and prosperity, cannot energetically occur. So, our work with the law of attraction, if you want to call it that or play with it, is about moving into vibrational resonance with what it is that we truly want. First of all, the first step of that is getting clear on what that is.