MAY 2016


Dear BID Voter

Last month Poole BID received a positive ballot to take the BID Business Plan forward for the next 5 years. The results of the BID ballot on a turn-out of 48% showed that of those voting,68% voted Yes and also 68%of the rateable value. This is a very satisfactory result and we are very grateful to all of you who voted and toall of you who worked so hard with us to achieve this result.

Now the work begins for us to start delivering on those promises that we set out in the BID proposal document, one of which is setting up Poole BID Ltd and electing the Board of Directors. The company will be a not–for–profit, Company Limited by Guarantee with a Board of up to 16 Directorsrepresenting BID levy paying businesses in the following representation:-

  • Representatives from each geographic area (see attached map)x 6 directors
  • Multiple retailers x 2 directors
  • Independent retailers x 2 directors
  • Catering and hospitality (1 licensed 1 non-licensed) x 2 directors
  • Professional Services x 2 directors
  • Local Authority x 2 directors

The maximum number of representatives for each BID Area shall not exceed 3 members to ensure equal representation across the BID area.

This Board will be responsible for the financial and legal management of the company, recruiting and managing the BID Manager, monitoring and steering the delivery of the plan and for representing businesses in their area (see guidance notes for Directors attached).

The purpose of this letter is to invite YOU to nominate yourself to be elected to the Board.Appointment to the Board will be based on either:

  • Your particular business sector (see above)


  • Yourgeographical area of the town (see attached map)

Nominations will be transferred from Area to Sector and vice versa at the discretion of the Interim Board in consultation with the nominated candidate, to ensure that there is equitable representation by sector and area.

Please complete the enclosed nomination form and return it by 5pm 6thJune 2016.

When all nominations have been received,Sectors or Areas with an over subscription of candidates will then be determined by postal ballot. Details of this process will be issued at the time.

Please note that the Directors representing the Local Authority will be appointed directly by the Borough of Poole.

Please submit your self nomination by completing the attached form and return to:

Post: Poole Town Centre Management, 30 High Street, Poole, BH15 1BP

Hand in to: Poole BID, c/o Tourist Information Centre, Poole Museum

Download the form from the website and email the completed form to:

The BID Board will have a vital role to play in ensuring that Poole BID is successful, so much depends upon the professionalism, strength, commitment and enthusiasm of the Board.If you would like to be part of this new and exciting venture for Poole please send us your nomination on the attached form.

Yours sincerely

Jonathan Sibbett

Chairman Poole BID Steering Group


Board of Directors – Nomination Form

To be returned by 5.00pm Monday 6thJune2016

Name of Nominee

Name of Business


Post code




Your name (please print)......

In no more than 500 words please would you explain why youthink you are suitable for this role.

NB this information will be used on the ballot paper if necessary