Roy L. Simerly Page 11

Roy L. Simerly

8724 Balbirnie Ct

Wake Forest, NC 27587

(919) 761-7013

Education: 1990 Ph.D. - Management

Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

Blacksburg, Virginia

Major Field of Study: Strategic Management

Minor Areas: International Management

Financial Management

1980 Master of Science in Management

Troy State University (European Division)

Troy, Alabama

1979 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Summa Cum Laude

University of Maryland

College Park, Maryland

Various U.S. Air Force schools in management and electronics.

Experience: 1990 - Present Professor of Management

East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina

Promoted to full professor in 2001. Received tenure and promotion to associate professor in 1996. Teaching Business Policy and Strategic Management, Introduction to Management, and International Business. Also teach Business Policy and Strategic Management, Business and Society, and International Management at the graduate level. Appointed as full member of Graduate Faculty in 1996. Have served on a number of School of Business and Department of Management committees, including Personnel Committee, Departmental Chair Search Committee, Research Committee, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, and as faculty advisor for the Society for the Advancement of Management student organization. Reviewer for management publications, and national and regional meetings. Selected as the faculty advisor for the Alpha Kappa Psi fraternity in 2001.

In 2000 I developed and delivered an on line course in Strategic Management. This has been on going since then. Currently I am developing and delivering an on line course in Strategic Marketing for a university in Iran.

During the 1997 summer semester I was program director for a study abroad program in Glasgow, Scotland, where I taught courses in International Management and Strategic Management for ECU students. The intent was to expand the international component of students’ education. A similar program was conducted during the 1999 and 2000 summer semesters to the University of Mannheim, Germany. For 2001, I put together three very successful study abroad programs to Italy, Germany and Australia. A total of 45 students participated. Despite economic difficulties, I put together one study abroad program during the summer of 2002. That trip was to Italy. There were three programs organized for the summer of 2003: Austria, Australia, and Italy. These study abroad programs ran successfully through the summer of 2005.

I was selected to be part of a faculty study program visiting China in May, 1999. Part of the purpose of the trip was to determine the feasibility of conducting study abroad programs in that area. As a result of this trip an effort will be made to establish contacts with Chinese universities for student and faculty exchange. In 2005 an offer was made by the Minister of Education for ECU to establish a satellite campus in a Northern Province.

2010 - Adjunct professor at Meredith College. Taught Strategic Management for their MBA program.

I have provided consulting services to a number of organizations, including the Tech20, Draka, and NCHCFA. Additionally, I have made presentations to various civic organizations and community colleges.

1986 - 1990 Doctoral Candidate

Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

Pursued degree in management with primary emphasis in Business Policy and Strategic Management. Taught Business Policy and Strategic Management undergraduate courses for four semesters.

1983 - 1988 Senior Lecturer in Management (Tenured)

University of Bophuthatswana, Southern Africa

Primary strength was bringing practical knowledge of business world into classroom in order to reinforce and demonstrate concepts and theories presented. Taught Business Policy and Strategic Management at graduate and undergraduate level. Also taught Introduction to Management, Production Management, and Small Business Management. Efforts outside the university were directed toward social and economic development, particularly in rural areas. Formed an international association of professionals working in rural development to facilitate information flow and exchange of ideas throughout the region. Organized conferences, training programs and seminars on social and economic development. Provided free management consultation for small businesses. Developed and conducted management training programs. Addressed conferences on business development conducted by government and chambers of commerce.

1981 - 1982 General Manager

General Manager of national chain of micro computer stores for a firm in South Africa. Responsible for developing product enhancements for established line of computers in order to increase market share. Additionally, developed marketing strategy for introducing a new line of micro computer.

1980 - 1981 Procurement

Developed and implemented centralized procurement system for major supplier of electrical energy in Nigeria. Imported from England, Europe and Asia. Broadened the base of suppliers to improve service and competition; evaluated performance of major shipping lines and clearing agents; developed a guide for exporters to Nigeria owing to peculiarities of that market; financed imports through four international banks.

1958 - 1980 United States Air Force

(1977 - 1980) Resource Manager

Member of major aircraft maintenance logistics support team located in England. Responsible for: maintenance operating plans and contingency plans development; aircraft and personnel deployment and utilization; and a nine million dollar operating budget. Established and supervised a maintenance resource management system which improved inter-agency coordination and reduced support requirements and costs. Based on the work accomplished, I was awarded a Meritorious Service Award.

(1972 - 1977) Production Management

Managed an electronic equipment maintenance, calibration and programming section. Established program for personnel training and development. Created production scheduling system designed to maximize production flow and test station usage, while providing for personnel upgrade and proficiency training.

(1958 - 1971) Summary of earlier experience

Positions of successively increasing responsibility in management and extensive experience as an electronic technician.


Experience: East Carolina University:

Business Policy & Strategy, graduate & undergraduate level

International Management, graduate & undergraduate level

Principles of Management, undergraduate level

International Marketing, undergraduate level

International Finance, undergraduate level

Business and Society, graduate level

Organization Behavior, graduate level

Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University:

Business Policy & Strategy

Principles of Management

University of Bophuthatswana:

Business Policy & Strategy, graduate & undergraduate level

Principles of Management

Small Business Management

Production Management

Publications: 2008. Effects of racial and gender diversity among managers on organizational performance: An empirical study. International Journal of Management, Vol. 25, No. 3, 446-45, (with Amy Capehart)

2007. The Effect of Listening on the Formation of Students Trust and Commitment in Academic Advising: A Study at a United States University. International Journal of Management, Vol. 23, No. 2, 215-221. (with Scott Nadler)

2003. An empirical examination of the relationship between management and corporate social performance. International Journal of Management, Vol. 20, No. 3, 353-359.

2002. Environmental dynamism, capital structure and innovation: An empirical test. The International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 155–170. (With M. Li)

Strategic management case analysis: Industry analysis. B>Quest 2002,

Strategic management case analysis: Firm analysis. B>Quest 2002,

Re-thinking the capital structure decision. B>Quest 2002, (with M. Li)

Competitive environments and sustained economic rents: A theoretical examination of country-specific differences within the pharmaceutical industry. International Journal of Management, Vol. 19, No. 1, 89-98. (with Stephen Childers and Ken Bass)

An empirical examination of the relationship between management and corporate social performance. International Journal of Management, Vol. 20, No. 3, 353-359.

2001. A theory for explaining variations among organizational cultures. International Journal of Management, Vol. 18, No. 4, 534-538. (with John Edwards)

Competitiveness and the capital structure decision: An analysis. International Journal of Management, Vol. 18, No. 2, 148-155.

2000. Environmental dynamism, capital structure and performance: A theoretical integration and an empirical test. Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 21, 31-49. (with M. Li.)

The global economy and the new role of governments. B>Quest 2000,

Corporate social performance and multinationality: A longitudinal study. B>Quest 2000, (with M. Li.)

A theoretical examination of the relationship between chief executive officers and corporate social performance. International Journal of Management, Vol. 17, No. 2, 218-223.

Competitiveness and the capital structure decision. International Journal of Management. (In press)

1999. CEO compensation and corporate social performance: A longitudinal examination. B>Quest 2000, (with M. Li and K. Bass)

The capital structure decision: Re-examining the relationship between agency theory and transaction cost economics. International Journal of Management, Vol. 16, No. 4, 501-509.

Measuring corporate social performance: An assessment of techniques. International Journal of Management, Vol. 16, No. 2, 253-257.

1998. The moderating effect of environmental dynamism on the ownership and performance relationship. Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 19, 169-179. (with M. Li)

The impact of equity position on corporate social performance. International Journal of Management, Vol. 15, No. 1, 130-135. (with K. Bass)

The effect of contextual factors on organizational responses to women’s issues and advancement. International Journal of Management, Vol. 15, No. 3, 357-363. (with J. Hunt)

1997. Corporate social performance and multinationality: An empirical examination. International Journal of Management, Vol. 14, No. 4, 699-703.

Human resource management and economic performance: A strategic management approach. International Journal of Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, 282-291. (with J. Tomkiewicz)

An empirical examination of the relationship between corporate social performance and firms’ diversification. Psychological Reports, Vol. 80, 1347-1356.

Corporate restructuring: Get used to it. 1997 Handbook of Business Strategy, 313-314.

1996.   Let’s get serious about total quality management. 1996 Handbook of Business Strategy, 13-16.

One more time - Total Quality Management - Let’s get it right. Lakeland Management Review, 29-37, Fall.

What are strategic decisions: Theoretical issues and empirical evidence. Psychological Reports, Vol. 78, 795-801. (with M. Li)

1995. Institutional ownership, corporate social performance and firms’ financial performance. Psychological Reports, vol. 77, 515-525.

Linking environmental change to strategic response: Some empirical evidence from the U.S. oil industry. Psychological Reports, Vol. 77, 1123-1135. (with J. Little and M. Li)

1994. Strategic orientation and corporate social performance: An empirical examination. Journal of Business Strategies, vol. 11, no. 2, 113-123. (with A. Thomas.)

Corporate social performance and firms’ financial performance, an alternative perspective. Psychological Reports, vol. 75: 1091-1103.

The chief executive officer and corporate social performance: An interdisciplinary examination. Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 13: 959-968. (with A. Thomas)

A contingency study of the relationship between strategy groups and performance. Psychological Reports, vol. 74, 939-947.

1992. Should U.S. companies establish Keiretsus? Journal of Business Strategy, vol. 13, no. 6, 58-61.

Proceedings: 1999. CEO compensation, corporate economic performance and corporate social performance: An empirical examination. Southern Management Association Proceedings, 212-214. (with M. Li & K. Bass)

1997. Strategic management in a global context: An exploratory examination of the moderating influence of culture and human development. Southern Management Association Proceedings, 7-10. (with M. Li & A. Thomas)

The effects of CEO compensation on corporate economic performance and corporate social performance. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, 401-405. (with K. Bass & M. Li)

1996. The strategic alliance: Definitions, risks and leadership requirements. Society for Advancement of Management Proceedings, 59-65. (with J. Hunt)

1995. Reexamining the ownership and performance relationship: The moderating effect of environmental change. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, 27-31. (with M. Li)

Internal determinants of corporate social performance: The role of top managers. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, 411-415. (with A. Thomas)

Contextual factors in organizational response to women’s issues. Southern Management Association Proceedings, 344-346. (with J. Hunt)

1993. Strategic leadership and corporate social performance: An empirical examination. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, 331-335. (with A. Thomas)

Institutional ownership, corporate social performance and firm financial performance. Southern Management Association Proceedings, 444-446.

Papers: 2001. Competitiveness and the capital structure decision. Paper presented at the Western Academy of Management Meeting, Sun Valley, Idaho. (with M. Li)

1998. Corporate social performance and multinationality: The greening of multinational corporations. Paper presented at the Association of International Business annual meeting, Vienna. (with M. Li)

1996. Environmental dynamism, capital structure and performance: A theoretical integration and an empirical test. Paper presented at the national Academy of Management meeting. (with M. Li)

The impact of equity position on corporate social performance. Paper presented at the national Academy of Management meeting. (with K. Bass)

1994. Business level strategy and corporate social performance: An empirical examination. Paper presented at the International Association of Business & Society meeting. (with A. Thomas)

Strategy, top management tenure and corporate social performance: An interdisciplinary study in two industries. Paper presented at the national Academy of Management meeting. (with A. Thomas)

1992.  Corporate social performance and firm financial performance. Paper presented at the national Academy of Management meeting.

Work in Progress: Extending work on the relationship among agency theory, transaction cost economics and strategic management. (with M. Li)

Data collected for replication and extension of Dess & Beard’s (1984) measures of dynamism and munificence.

Date collected for study of the relationship between manufacturing and market share changes, and competitiveness of U.S. firms.

Data collected for study into the relationship between R&D spending and competitiveness of U.S. firms.

Service: Department: I have served on a number of committees for the department, including Personnel Committee from 1998 to date; Departmental Chair Search Committee in 1995; Research Committee from 1994 to date; Undergraduate Curriculum Committee in 1996-1997.

Teaching: I employ a number of techniques to stimulate student interest in the subjects being taught. One of the most successful has been to invite business people in speak with the students. The intent is to show the relevance of the course material to the students’ careers. Students are also required to use the internet and web each week for communications, research, and assignments. This insures that they have a grasp of the technology when they graduate. Because of the vagaries of various systems, I maintain three duplicate web pages to ensure constant communications. I was also one of the ones instrumental in getting Research Insight loaded on School of Business computers to increase student access to research materials. Significantly expanded the use of Research Insight in classes.