Objectives of the Cheer Program:

  1. To promote the type of sportsmanship that will help students acquire the basic attributes of good citizenship.
  2. To develop wholesome school spirit.
  3. To develop loyalty to your school and team, regardless of the outcome of the contest.
  4. To promote a cooperative spirit among the student body, faculty, staff, administration, and citizens of Harrisburg.

General Cheerleading Principles

  • First and foremost, you are a student. Work to be successful at school first, and sports second.
  • Your responsibility begins before the event. We will meet as a squad at a designated time and stretch/warm-up as a team. At home events, make the opposing cheerleaders feel welcome, and make a point to answer any questions they may have. When applicable, it is a good idea to discuss what cheering rotations you will use during the game.
  • During the event, you will put your full attention on cheering. Be proactive. Be ready for the next time out before it happens. Know what cheers you will be doing next. Be conscious of what else is going on – for example, during pre-game warm-ups, don’t stunt if the warm-ups interfere with the safety of the stunt.
  • Know when to cheer – as your team comes on the field, honoring fine play of your team, when a player is hurt – clapping to honor him/her when he/she stands, any positive action during the game. On the other hand, know when not to cheer – do not be negative! You are to “lead” your crowd in positive cheers. There may be times that the crowd will start their own cheers – even though you may not be able to stop them, you must make an attempt. You may not be successful at the time, but it will reflect on you positively if you have at least tried.
  • No one is dismissed from any scheduled event until the coach dismisses you.
  • Work to cooperate with one another, your coach, sport coaches, the student body, faculty, and spectators.
  • TEAM WORK – being a cheerleader means working together as a member of a team. No one will dominate, but cooperation will prevail and disagreements will be worked out in a friendly manner.
  • CAPTAINS – the cheer coach may decide to appoint a captain of a squad. This person will be in charge of making sure the squad knows what they need to know and may be assigned certain organizational duties by the cheer coach.
  • Cell phone use is not permitted during practices/games. Cell phones should be on silent and put away.
  • Most importantly, please remember that you are representing your school and your community. We are all judged by the actions of a few. Being a member of the cheer team is a privilege.

Cheerleading Rules

As a member of the cheer team, you will be expected to know and follow the rules and guidelines set down for you. Please read this constitution and ask your parents to read it as well. We are determinedto make this a GREAT year, and with your help we can! Here are a few questions to ask yourself before you make any uncertain decisions: Will it make me a better person? Will it make me a better student? Will it make me a better cheerleader? If the answer is “YES”, then it will be a rule.

  1. Do right! You know the difference between right and wrong. Do what is right and avoid what is wrong.
  2. Treat others how you would have them treat you.
  3. At all times, YOU will be held accountable for your actions.
  4. Do your best!

-Cheerleaders will abide by the HHS academic eligibility rules as established by the SDHSAA.

-Cheerleaders will abide by the HHS extra-curricular rules for athletics and activities established by the athletic department.

-The rules will be enforced the entire year, which includes the summer months.

1. Attendance

  1. All events on the calendar are mandatory unless excused by the coach in advance.
  2. Examples of unexcused absences include (but are not limited to): hair appointments, work, club sports, dental/eye/doctor appointments, detention, vacations, any event you control the scheduling of.
  3. Excused absences include (but are not limited to): illness, funerals, church events, family obligations, school work, emergency situations, other school activities—TO BE DISCUESSED WITH COACH PRIOR TO THE CONFLICT
  4. Unexcused absence from a game will result in sitting out the next scheduled event. You will travel with the team, sit with the team, and wear your warm up in this instance.
  5. Unexcused absence from a practice will result in missing one quarter of the following game. (1 practice=1 quarter)
  6. Tardies to practices, games, and other events will result in extra duties as needed for the team: (posters, clean up practice area, putting away boxes, etc)
  7. All cheerleaders will follow the Absence from School Guidelines.
  8. 3 unexcused absences will result in removal from the team.

2. Practices

  1. A physical, impact testing, and online registration is required prior to the first practice.
  2. Proper attire is required at all practices. This would include shorts or workout pants, tennis shoes suitable for stunting, and appropriate tops. Bra straps, mid-rifts, and excessive skin should not be showing. All jewelry should be removed; fingernails must be trimmed and other sharp objects removed so as not to injure your teammates. Hair must be away from the face and above the shoulders.

3. Games/Contests

  1. Cheer team members must have cheers, chants, and dances to a satisfactory level of preparedness in order to cheer at a contest. The coach reserves the right to hold a cheerleader from performance if this has not been met.
  2. NO gum, glitter that does not adhere to body and face, stickers, jewelry, or colored nail polish. Uniform must cover all undergarments. White ankle/no show socks will be worn.
  3. Hair must be pulled off your face and shoulders.
  5. Uniform must be neat and clean. This includes shoes.
  6. Take care of all personal matters prior to the game or at half time. This includes bathroom breaks, fixing hair, putting on lip gloss, drink, and talking with friends and family.
  7. Please eat prior to the game. Half time is a time to review the first half, grab a drink, and prepare for the second half of the game.
  8. No visible markings on the skin (hickies, tattoos, pen/marker/paint, etc.).
  9. Parents and friends are not allowed in the cheer area until AFTER the game. Please take care of any issues before the time we have designated to meet or after the game.
  10. When applicable squads will show support for one another by attending each other’s games as a group.
  11. On game day, cheerleaders will dress as a squad. This will be determined on a squad-by-squad basis.
  12. Those not in compliance with game day appearance and/or rules will not be allowed to cheer and it will be considered an unexcused absence.

4. Uniforms

  1. Uniforms are the property of Harrisburg High School. Each member is responsible for any piece of Harrisburg High School equipment that is issued to him/her for the season. At the end of the season, each cheerleader is responsible for turning in all issued equipment prior to tryouts.If a cheerleader chooses not to finish the year, all issued equipment must be turned in IMMEDIATELY.Care must be taken to ensure clothing, uniforms, and equipment is inclean and presentablecondition. Each squad member shall safeguard his/her clothing, uniforms, and equipment and shall be personally liable for its replacement, loss, or damage.
  2. Uniforms shall only be worn when the team is performing—this includes warm-ups. Uniforms must be washed in advance of turn-in or a washing fee will be issued.

5. Travel

  1. When traveling, cheerleaders will travel as a team in the transportation arranged by the school. You may ride home with a parent/guardian provided the parent has signed the appropriate form.
  2. When riding, cheerleaders must be seated with the other cheer team members in an area designated by the cheer coach and/or head coach of the sport being cheered for.
  3. When traveling, you will represent your school with your very best behavior. All school and SDHSAA rules apply.

6. Awards

  1. Varsity cheerleaders are eligible for a sport letter. Lack of responsibility toward practices, team commitments, fundraisers, and meetings, in addition to actual cheering may cost a cheerleader her letter. Missing games, unexcused absences, and excessive excused absences may have bearing on this decision as well. Please consult your coach if you are concerned about this. The coach’s decision will be reviewed with the Athletic Director and are final.
  2. You must attend 90% of scheduled events to earn your Varsity letter.
  3. The squad will vote and the coach will hand out a variety of awards at the end of the season, which may include but are not limited to: Most Valuable Cheerleader, Spirit Award, Most Improved Cheerleader, Best Jumps, Captains, etc.

7. Communication

a. All matters pertaining to each individual are confidential. No other cheerleader but

you (or your child) will be discussed.

b. The cheerleader herself must address any issues with the coach first and foremost.

Coaches will not discuss issues with parents before we talk to the cheerleader, as she is the one immediately affected by any decision made.

c. Please use the school email system that you can find on the school website. Again, a friendly reminder to have a conversation with your daughter before emailing.

Failure to abide by the policies and regulation established for the HHS cheerleaders or failure to accept responsibilities may result in disciplinary action and possible dismissal from the squad. Appropriate disciplinary action will be determined by the coach and/or school administration according to the severity of each violation. If you voluntarily quit or are removed from the HHS cheer team during the season, you forfeit your right to tryout for the program the next year. Coach’s Promise: I trust that you will give 100% to your team and coach. In return, I will give YOU100% encouragement, support, trust, and dedication.


Ihave read and understand the HHS Cheer Team Constitution. I understand the role of a cheerleader and the rules that must be abided by. I also understand the consequences I will face if I am in violation of the above.

Cheerleader Name:______Date:______

Cheerleader Signature:______Date:______

Cell Number: ______

Email Address (for summer and school year): ______

I have read and understand the HHS Cheer Team Constitution. I understand the role my child will be playing and will assist the school and coaches in enforcing the rules and consequences, understanding that it is being done in the best interest of my child.

Parent/Guardian Name:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______

Cell Number: ______

Email Address (for summer and school year): ______