
1. This ruler aided plots to overthrow and assassinate Rómulo Betancourt, the President of Venezuela, and shortly before his death he executed the Mirabal sisters, who had opposed him. He gained power after the overthrow of Horacio Vázquez. The novel Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa describes the end of this man's reign, as well as his abuse of the wives of his advisors, and after his assassination Joaquín Balaguer was placed in power. Troops under this man used the pronunciation of the Spanish word for parsley to distinguish Haitian immigrants, who were then killed. For 10 points, name this dictator of the Dominican Republic.

ANSWER: Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina

2. Heavily influenced in his theories by the book The Organism, this psychologist who described one aspect of his theory as “instinctoid” characterized his work as the “third force” in psychology. In addition to taking a major concept from Kurt Goldstein, in the books Toward a Psychology of Being and Motivation and Personality, he included esteem, love and belonging, and safety and security as tiers of a theoretical construct. For 10 points, name this founder of humanistic psychology who put self-actualization at the peak of his hierarchy of needs.

ANSWER: Abraham Maslow

3. Sanderson's version of this property allows estimation of bond energies due to known bond lengths, while the Allred-Rochow scale define it in terms of covalent radius. A small difference in this quantity leads to a polar covalent bond, while a large difference results in an ionic bond. The Mulliken scale defines it as the mean of electron affinity and ionization energy, while the more common Pauling scale sets the greatest value at 4.0. For 10 points, name this property defined as the tendency of an atom to attract electrons in a bond.
ANSWER: electronegativity

4. In one work by this man, Nicias and Demosthenes seek to gain employment by Demus for a sausage seller, and in another work, two men are guided to the realm of the title creatures by Epops. In another work by this author of The Knights, Aeschylus is taken back from the underworld rather than Euripides. This author of The Birds and The Frogs also wrote a play in which the title character encourages the women of Athens and Sparta to withhold sex from their husbands until they stop fighting and another in which Pheidippides attends the Thinkery of Socrates. For 10 points, name this Greek playwright of Lysistrata and The Clouds.

ANSWER: Aristophanes

5. One character of this surname fights a giant constructed of dominoes, dice cubes, and other assorted toys, and one of that character’s abilities allows him to turn invisible, though his blue, green, and yellow vest can still be seen. Another character of this surname has the ability to float downwards by twirling her hair. In addition to Chunky and Dixie, another character with this last name helps his uncle defeat K. Rool. That uncle with this surname has appeared in over twenty games in his namesake series, as well as several Mario games. For 10 points, name this family of gorillas that includes Donkey.


6. One archaeological site from this empire contains the Intihuatana, a stone devoted to the sun god Inti. It conquered both the Aymara and Chimú cultures and was founded by Manco Capac. After the capture of Vilcabamba, its rebel leader Túpac Amaru was killed. It stored information on knotted strings called quipus. The final pre-Spanish ruler of it was defeated at Cajamarca after having fought his brother Huáscar in a ruinous war. That ruler, Atahualpa, was defeated by Francisco Pizarro. For 10 points, name this Pre-Columbian civilization of the Andes which built Machu Picchu.

ANSWER: Incan Empire [or Incas]

7. Antonin Dvorak’s twelfth work of this form in F major is entitled the “American,” and Schubert’s lied Death and the Maiden was adapted into his fourteenth of these. Beethoven’s Grosse Fuge is a single-movement one of these, and sixty-eight were written by Joseph Haydn, who, in addition to being called the “Father of the Symphony,” is credited as the “Father of” this form. For 10 points, name this genre of chamber music played by an ensemble usually consisting of two violins, a viola, and a cello.

ANSWER: String Quartet

8. One of this author's works sees its title character ponder Mahood and Worm, and another features the title character on his sixty-ninth birthday listening to a recording of himself at thirty-nine. In addition to The Unnameable, part of a trilogy, and Krapp's Last Tape, this man wrote a play in which Nell and Nagg live in trash cans, Hamm can't stand, and Clov can't sit, and one in which Vladimir and Estragon consider hanging themselves and meet Lucky and Pozzo while performing the title action. For 10 points, name this author of Endgame and Waiting for Godot.

ANSWER: Samuel Beckett

9. Although this man unsuccessfully attempted to convert the Sultan of Egypt, his followers were given the post of Custodians of the Holy Land. His order would be protected by Cardinal Ugolino in his absence and supported by Bishop Guido. While on the mountain of La Verna, he received the stigmata. This man's poverty-centered Rule was unofficially accepted by Innocent III, and he supported the formation of the Poor Clares. He wrote the Canticle of the Sun and is the patron saint of animals. For 10 points, name this Catholic saint who founded a monastic order and lived in Italy.

ANSWER: Saint Francis of Assisi [prompt on Francis; accept Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone]

10. Many animals in this phylum release miracidia from their eggs, which then infect hosts and become sporocysts. These in turn may become rediae and then cercariae, which grow inside the host mollusk and often affect its behavior until eaten by the final host. Some of its members are composed of proglottids, which contain eggs, attached to a scolex with hooks and suckers. It includes the divisions of Cestodes, Trematodes, and Turbellaria, whose members include some which will regenerate when split in half, the planarians. Flukes and tapeworms are other members. For 10 points, name this mostly parasitic phylum of flatworms.

ANSWER: Platyhelminthes [prompt on flatworms before mentioned]

11. This man absorbed the crew of Stede Bonnet after that man proved unable to capture the ship Protestant Caesar. This man was probably in cahoots with Tobias Knight, the secretary of Governor Eden, whose pardon he received. He grounded several ships in Beaufort Inlet before seeking that pardon. In order to get medicines, he captured Councilman Samuel Wragg in order to ransom him and other prisoners from Charleston. While in the Adventure, he was attacked by the Ranger, a sloop commanded by Lieutenant Maynard. His primary ship was the Queen Anne's Revenge, and he was killed off Ocracoke. For 10 points, name this pirate, whose real name was Edward Teach.

ANSWER: Blackbeard [accept Edward Teach or Thatch before Teach is mentioned]

12. This poem's speaker says “I do not know which to prefer, the beauty of inflections or the beauty of innuendoes,” making a comparison to the sound of whistling or the silence just afterwards. Elsewhere, the thin men of Haddam are asked why they imagine golden birds, when the titular creature walks among their women's feet. This poem is composed of a series of haiku-like images, which include the title animal sitting in the cedar-limbs as it snows. Its title creature's eye is the only thing moving “among twenty snowy mountains.” For 10 points, name this poem by Wallace Stevens about different views of the title bird.

ANSWER: “Thirteen Ways Of Looking At A Blackbird

13. In one work by this philosopher, the reforms of the Tuke brothers and Philippe Pinel are partially blamed for a new theory of the central concept based on opposing reason. In another work, Bentham’s panopticon is used to interpret the modern prison system. That earlier work analyzes the modern psychiatrist as a method for secluding in silence people with the titular malady, and he wrote The Will to Knowledge as the first volume of his The History of Sexuality. For 10 points, name this French philosopher who wrote Discipline and Punish and Madness and Civilization.

ANSWER: Michel Foucault

14. Determining a relation of this type is the first step in finding generating functions, and one non-primitive function of this type is the Ackermann function. In computer science, the divide and conquer algorithm solves a problem by forming two problems of half the size and solving each half-problem via this method. This method can be used to generate the factorial because the factorial is n times the factorial of n-1, and the Fibonacci sequence is also defined as this type of sequence because its terms are found from previous terms in the sequence. For 10 points, identify this method, which defines a function’s values based on its previous values.

ANSWER: recursion [accept word forms]

15. Early in this ruler's reign, he often relied on the "Chosen Council" to advise him, and one of its members, Andrey Kurbsky, defected to the enemy during a war with such leaders as Stephen Báthory and Sigismund II, the Livonian War. He instituted the first Zemsky Sobor and later created the oprichniks, who, besides massacring the population of Novgorod, acted as a force of goons to harass the boyars, whom this ruler mistrusted. He killed his proclaimed heir with a pointed staff while enraged, leaving his inept son Fyodor to succeed him, leading to the Time of Troubles. For 10 points, name this first Czar of Russia and member of the Rurik dynasty.

ANSWER: Ivan the Terrible [accept either name; or Ivan the Awesome, Awe-inspiring, Fearsome, or anything similar, or Ivan Grozny, or Ivan IV Vasilyevich; prompt on Ivan]

16. This artist is known for various office scenes, such as one in which a man is oblivious to his curvaceous secretary, Office at Night. He also painted a lone woman sitting at night in an automat whose ceiling lights are reflected in the window. In another of this man's paintings, two similar woman stare across a table at one another, while a large sign outside advertises the title food. This artist of Chop Suey also created a work which shows three patrons at a diner with an advertisement for Phillies cigars being served by an employee in white. For 10 points, name this American realist artist of Nighthawks.

ANSWER: Edward Hopper

17. This archipelago includes the eastern banks of Mouchoir, Silver, and Navidad. Its large southern island of Great Inagua is home to a monstrous colony of American Flamingoes. Several of its larger northern islands contain pineyard ecosystems, as do the Caicos Islands. Islands in this group include Great Abaco, Cat, and Eleuthera. The Tongue of the Ocean separates its tripartite Andros Island from the Exuma Cays and New Providence Island. The nation named for these islands has its capital at Nassau. For 10 points, name this archipelago north of Cuba and east of Florida.

ANSWER: Bahamas

18. The protagonist of one of this author's novels is carried to the Dutch vessel Daphne in a storm, and another novel sees Jorge de Burgos poison the pages of the second book of Aristotle's Poetics. In another novel by this author of The Island of the Day Before, three editors including Casaubon feed information about such varied subjects as voodoo and the Knights Templar to a computer called Abulafia. This man also wrote a novel in which William of Baskerville investigates the murders of several monks. For 10 points, name this Italian author of Foucault's Pendulum and The Name of the Rose.

ANSWER: Umberto Eco

19. This figure was known as Hipponous until he committed fratricide and was sent to a court at which he met Anteia, who told her husband he attempted to seduce her when he scorned her. This man's father was trampled by his horses, which were maddened by Aphrodite, and his grandfather eternally rolls a rock up a hill in Tartarus. This man tamed a creature using a golden bridle and attempted but was not permitted to ride Pegasus to Olympus after such deeds as killing a creature which was part goat, part serpent, and part lion. For 10 points, name this slayer of the Chimaera.

ANSWER: Bellerophon

20. One quantity defined for these objects is given by 2pi times the peak energy stored over cyclical energy dissipated, also known as the quality factor. One example of these objects requires the small angle approximation that sine theta equals theta, and another requires a frictionless surface to avoid damping. These objects exhibit resonance when they are driven at the right angular frequency, which may be square root of L over g or square root of k over m for two examples of these objects. For 10 points, name these objects displaying periodic motion, examples of which include a mass on a spring and a pendulum.
ANSWER: simple harmonic oscillators [accept SHO or simple harmonic motion or SHM; prompt on pendulum or spring]

TB. Two characters in this work are assisted in their quests by Talus and Timias, who falls in love with Belphoebe after being wounded in the rescue of Florimell. A disguised knight conquers Castle Joyous and later rescues Amoret before being reunited with her lover Artegall. The nefarious Archimago and Duessa cause Sir Guyon, who had accompanied Prince Arthur and Lady Britomart, to challenge Una's champion, the Red Cross Knight. For 10 points, name this long poem by Edmund Spenser about the court of the title character Gloriana.

ANSWER: The Faerie Queene


1. This man painted several views of Rouen Cathedral. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this French painter, who also painted a series depicting the Houses of Parliament in London.