Arts Education for a Classical Leadership School

Arts Education in a Classical Leadership setting has a broad purpose for all ages, Kindergarten through the first introductory course in High School (Art 1). The exception is that Advanced Art courses are designed to address individual art-making skills/interests (require Art 1 as a prerequisite).

In the process of developing proficiency with skills and materials, the primary focus for Arts Education in a Classical Leadership school addresses a wide range of understanding:

Purpose and meaning of art

Classic Questions encountered and addressed through works of art by cultures past and present

•Classic Stories, themes, iconic characters from recognized works of literature, music, theatre, dance and art

Arts assessment skills according to Conventions of Art Criticism: Describe, Analyze, Interpret, Evaluate

•Personal/group interaction skills

•Potential careers in creative industries

•Connections between content in arts disciplines

•Connections with other core subjects, primarily history and language arts.

Service Learning opportunities through engaging projects

Arts are designated as Core Subjects by the State of California. Arts curriculum in grades K-8 will align with specific content covered by Core Knowledge (meets Common Core standards) according to curriculum covered by grade levels

Teaching an Art Form – Comparison – Classical Arts Education

Primary Focus / Teaching an ART FORM / Classical ARTS EDUCATION
Goals and Purposes
(Organized according to expectations for California
Visual & Performing Arts) / Develop specific skills and express personal vision through the craft of Visual Arts,Music, Dance, Drama (Productions, Exhibitions, Community Classes, Docents) / Develop specific skills, express personal vision, make connections between concepts in other arts disciplines and across subject areas, develop creativity and assessment skills, promote group/personal interaction
Artistic Perception
(Elements of Art and
Principles of Design)
Language and vocabulary / Some Sessions / All Sessions
Creative Expression
(Media/Specific Skill)
Processes and skills, express meaning / All Sessions / Nearly All Sessions
Historical and Cultural Context
Role and development of art form
in past and present cultures / Some Sessions / Nearly All Sessions
Aesthetic Valuing(Concept/Meaning/Theme)
Analyze, assess, critique and derive meaning from works of art, including their own,
Conventions of Art Criticism / Wrap-up Sessions / Nearly All Sessions
Connections, Relationships, Applications
(Problem-solving and Connecting what is learned to other Subjects/ Art Forms and Careers in Creative Industries)
Across subject areas; problem solving, time management, personal/group interaction skills. / Few or No Sessions / Nearly All Sessions

“Classicaleducation is the authoritative, traditional and enduring form ofeducation… It enables the scholar to properly apprehend, examine, acknowledge, and accomplish those things that would make him or her truly free…. One of the hallmarks of a classical education is the focus of the history, literature, and arts studied.”

Linda Forman, Co-Founder of John Adams Academy