Kentucky Recreation and Park Society

Board of Directors Agenda

Tuesday, November 15, 20165:30 p.m. CST

James E. Bruce Convention Center

303 Conference Center Drive, Hopkinsville, KY 42240



Gary Parsons, PresidentRoss Leigh, District 1 Director

Marlon Sams, Past President Karen Grinstead, District 2 Director

Curt Mickey, President ElectEddie Furlong, District 3 Director

Amanda Rogers, SecretaryDavid Whitehouse, District 5 Director

Terri Wilkerson, Finance ChairShawn Pickens, Citizen Representative

Dave Kerchner, Acting Exec. DirectorMichelle Franzetti, Member-At-Large

Tab Brockman, Member-At-Large

Also Present:Kim Rice, KRPS member


Whitney Rice (EKU), Student Rep absentJon McChesney, District 6 Director
Steve Brooks, Member-At-LargeMichelle Gerken, TR Representative

Debbie Holleran, District 4 DirectorDistrict 7 Director - VACANT

  1. Welcome – meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m. Tab Brockman welcomed the KRPS Board again. Because most members were in attendance at the Executive Committee Meeting he did a brief welcome and said they were excited to have everyone and get the Conference started.
  2. Approval Of Minutes–Michelle Franzetti motioned and Shawn Pickens seconded the approval of the minutes from the August Board Meeting. The motion carried.
  3. Finance Report – Terri Wilkerson presented the Finance Report. We have $81,902.61 on hand. The CPSI course payment to NRPS is yet to come out and the Conference income has been collected by Hopkinsville for the most part. So the balance does not reflect the bulk of the Conference income. Ross Leigh motioned for the approval of the Finance Report and Marlon Sams seconded. Motion carried.
  4. Executive Director’s Report – Dave Kerchner reported that he was working on the Gaming License year-end report. He thanked us for the opportunity to work with KRPS. We thanked him for all he did for us!
  5. Executive Director Hiring Committee Update – Curt Mickey reported that the committee had interviewed 8 people and got it down to 2 people for a second round of interviews. They offered the position to Terri Wilkerson. They have budgeted $36,000 for this fiscal year and the actual is going to be $34,870. Curt called for a vote contingent on Terri accepting the position. Ross Leigh made the motion and Marlon Sams seconded, motion carried. Curt asked for the Board Members to keep it confidential until the next day at the Opening Ceremony when it would be announced.
  6. New Business –
  7. Announcements – Dave Kerchner reported that he had suggested extra workshops in the coming fiscal year since Conference would not be until the spring of 2018. He suggested 2 AFO and 2 CPSI classes. Gary Parsons said that he would put together a Director’s Forum and David Whitehouse volunteered to put together a Maintenance Workshop. Several people would like to help with this. David will head this up.
  8. Conference – Tab announced that Boy Scouts of America leader Daniel Row will be speaking at 2:45p.m. regarding Partnerships.
  9. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn made by Marlon Sams, seconded by Ross Leigh. Adjourned at 6:15p.m.