Town of Monmouth

Board of Selectmen’s Meeting

Minutes – February 27, 2008

Selectmen present were: Tim McDonald, Pete Thibodeau, Douglas Ludewig, Sharon Wing, Pauline McDougald

Town Officials present were: Town Manager Curtis Lunt, Police Chief Bob Annese, Fire Chief Andre Poulin and CEO David Shaw. Others Present include Neil Courtney, members of the school board and citizens of the town of Monmouth

Call to order and flag salute by Chairman McDougald.

Motion to approve the minutes of February 14, 2008by Pete Thibodeau, seconded by Tim McDonald. The vote was 4-0-1, with Sharon Wing abstaining due to absence.

School Committee 08/09 Budget Development: Chairman of the School Committee Mike Rogers reviewed the draft budget of $8,025,950. This is an increase from last year of $898,188. A revised budget will be presented to the Selectmen at the 3/26/08 meeting. Mike said based on the projections on 2/25/08 there are 765 students are enrolled, which represents a decrease from the previous year of 799.He said enrollment is temporarily dropping but is expected to even out. Mike also reported the reorganization is going well. Pete Thibodeau asked about the status of scholarships. The scholarships are private funds and are not for use in the RSU but are for Monmouth students exclusively. Tim McDonald asked about the school budget meetings being posted on the website. Curtis answeredyes they are on the school department website.

Curtis Lunt also said public hearings on all budgets are scheduled for May 21, 2008. This will be the public hearing before the town referendum.

Building Permit Interpretation (Windmill): CEO David Shaw said a town applicant wishes to install a windmill and explained the current existing height restrictions on a non-agricultural structure in excess of 35 feet. The CPIC is currently working on establishing an ordinance but this will not be ready for some time and the applicant would like to install the windmill soon. The height of the windmill is 39 feet plus the base. The purpose of the current height restriction is based on fire hazards and the ability of the fire department ladders to reach a height of 35 feet. The windmill is not a fire hazard.

Douglas Ludewig made a motion to schedule a public hearing for March 12, 2008, seconded by Pete Thibodeau. The vote was unanimous, 5-0.

Electronic Message Sign Ordinance: CEO David Shaw explained the ordinance and reviewed the recommended warrant language. This proposed ordinance has been reviewed and approved by both the CPIC and the Planning Board.

Douglas Ludewig made a motion to place the proposed ordinance on warrant, seconded by SharonWing. The vote was 4-1-0 with Pete Thibodeau opposing. Motion passes.

Shoreland Zoning Ordinance: CEO David Shaw presented the proposed warrant language for the Woolworth property. Fred Woolworth has hired Thayer Engineering, the State has looked at the land, and the Planning Board agrees with the State the property should be shoreland residential, not resource protection.

Pete Thibodeau moved approve, seconded by Douglas Ludewig. Unanimous vote, 5-0.

Neil Courtney – Fire Services Study: Fire Chief Poulin introduced Neil Courtney and gave a summary of the survey project. Neil has started preliminary research on the survey for the fire department. He said he will research the resources of neighboring communities that Monmouth already works with so that recommendations from the study will not run the risk of duplicating the use of other community resources. Curtis Lunt said technology and manpower are important issues to include in the report. The time frame for the project is three to six months, with a goal of completion being before July 1, 2008.

Parks Ordinance Amendment: Curtis Lunt said when the parks ordinance was drafted, CumstonPark was not considered a park because it is a fairground, but technically it is considered a park, so it should be exempted from the ordinance. The request is a warrant to exempt it. Pete Thibodeau moved, seconded by Sharon Wing. Vote was unanimous, 5-0.


CEO David Shaw reported on good news from the judge on Terry Johnson that the town will receive Attorney fees of approximately $4,700. In regard to Terry Johnson seeking relief of the original judgment, this did not happen and he will still owe $111,000 as of October. If this is not paid, the property becomes a lien.

David gave an update on the dangerous building. The last tenant has been moved out and a contractor has been retained to board it up, but this has not happened due to the weather. It will be boarded up but will remain accessible in order to access it for inspections. There is currently police tape on the front door, and the building will sit in that state indefinitely as long as taxes are paid. The bank which carries the mortgage will most likely settle this out. In regard to the MonmouthMuseumbuilding on Maple Street, a contractor has been hired to take care of the building, and it is no longer a safety issue. The roof collapsed due to too much snow.

Police Chief Annese reported on the radar speed sign from DOT. Monmouth will have use of the sign for two weeks from June 23 to July 6, 2008. The Police Department will move it to several different locations around time during the two week period.

Fire Chief Poulin reported on a meeting being held tomorrow at the RegionalCommunicationsCenter in Augusta. Tim McDonald, Chief Annese, Todd Tracey from Rescue, and Chief Poulin will attend. They will review some problems that have happened, such as the personnel issue with not enough dispatchers and some technology glitches. It is expected to be a four to six month process to work out the kinks. Chief Annese said they have not experienced many problems, but when there is an issue it is addressed immediately. Chief Poulin also reported the non-emergency phone number has been disconnected, but ads will be placed in local papers to provide a toll-free number for non-emergency dispatch calls. Pete Thibodeau made a motion to post the new number, seconded by Sharon Wing. The vote was unanimous in favor.

Chief Poulin also reported the new truck is due to be shipped to Auburn on March 17, 2008. He said the department received an award from PETA for the assistance the department provided to the horses in the barn roof collapse.

Town Manager Curtis Lunt distributed a list of reminders for upcoming events. He also noted Herb Whittier received an award for excellence in recycling from EcoMaine. There will be a luncheon on March 18, 2008 to honor Herb.

There will be a County Commissioner Hearing on March 4, 2008 at 9 am at the town office in regard to an appeal by Lawrence Buggia, Jr. A quorum is not required.

At the public hearing on March 12, 2008, the Theatre at Monmouth will present their application for a community development block grant.

Selectmen are invited to a meeting on March 10, 2008 regarding downtown revitalization, at 6:30 pm at Cumston Hall.

Tim McDonald said the CPIC meeting has been rescheduled for March 11, 2008. Amanda Walker will attend the March 12, 2008 Selectmen meeting to talk about CPIC happenings.


Robert Knowles Map 39Lot 21 $512.90

Pete Thibodeau moved to approve, Sharon Wing seconded the motion. Vote 4-0-1, with Tim McDonald abstaining.

Kendall & Cheri HillMap 26 Lot 21$450.80

Pete Thibodeau moved to approve, seconded by Sharon Wing. Vote was unanimous, 5-0.

Pete Thibodeau moved to accept warrant #18 for school and town payroll and payables. Sharon Wing seconded the motion. Vote unanimous, 5-0:

School payroll$177,990.22

School accounts payable$48,871.90

Town payroll$33,612.44

Town accounts payable$129,132.89

Adjourn: Sharon Wing made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Pete Thibodeau. Unanimous vote, meeting adjourned at8:05 pm.

Recording Secretary:Deborah Nichols