NUMBER: 130.3062

PAGE: 1 OF 3

TITLE: Rubeola (Measles) Immunization Policy

PURPOSE: To comply with California Department of Health Services, Mendocino County Public Health Department, and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations regarding measles prevention.


A.  Employees with direct patient contact born on or after January 1, 1957 must show proof of immunity to Rubeola (Measles) by presenting either:

1.  Documentation of physician diagnosed measles or

2.  Serologic evidence of immunity to measles or

3.  Documentation of receipt of two doses of attenuated live measles vaccine n or after the first birthday

B.  Employees with direct patient contact, born on or after January 1, 1957, who have no documentation of any vaccination or other evidence of measles immunity will have laboratory testing for evidence of immunity (Rubeola IgG)

1.  Employees with a negative Rubeola IgG titer will receive two doses of live attenuated measles vaccine.

2.  The vaccinations will be provided free of charge through the Employee Health Department

3.  Employees with a negative Rubeola IgG titer who decline to be vaccinated must sign a waiver.

C.  Precautions or contraindications to the administrations of the vaccine include:

1.  Pregnancy or consideration of pregnancy within the next three months

2.  Febrile illness

3.  Allergy to measles vaccine, neomycin (other than simple contact dermatitis) or anaphylactic allergy to eggs

4.  Receipt of immune globulin, whole blood or other antibody containing blood products within the last three months.

5.  Administration of TST (Tuberculin Skin Test) for TB: may be done on the same day as vaccine. Otherwise, TB skin test must be postponed for 4-6 weeks after vaccination

6.  Altered immunocompetence (leukemia, lymphoma, generalized malignancy or therapy with alkylating agents, antimetabolites, radiation, or large systemic doses of corticosteroids, AIDS).

NOTE: Asymptomatic HIV infection is not a contraindication to the vaccination

PROCEDURE: Administration of Rubeola Vaccine

A.  Employee Health will counsel and discuss Rubeola Vaccine purpose, possible side effects, possible immunity failure and the dangers of receiving the vaccine while pregnant or within three months of becoming pregnant.

B.  Informed written consent will be obtained prior to administration of the vaccine

C.  All females will be vaccinated during menses to decrease possibility of unknown pregnancy.

D.  Measles virus vaccine (live) will be used:

1.  Reconstitute using diluent supplies. Inject all diluent into vial of lyophilized vaccine. Agitate to mix thoroughly. Draw entire contents into syringe (usual color is yellow)

2.  Cleanse immunization site-preferably the outer aspect of the upper arm.

3.  Inject total volume of reconstituted vaccine subcutaneously.

E.  Record immunizations in Rubeola file in the Employee’s Health File. Store signed consent form in the Employee Health File.

Attachments: Consent to administer Rubeola (Measles) Vaccine

Rubeola Vaccine Waiver

New: May, 1995 Revised: Feb, 2008

Approval Signatures:


Employee Health Coordinator Date


Director of Pharmacy Date


Chief, Human Resources Date


Chief Executive Officer Date


President, Board of Directors Date