SYHA Board Meeting

11/5/07; 7:00 pm meeting held at the Butler Dearden Paper in Boylston and called to order by: Dave Butler

Dave Butler, Kevin Flaherty, Bill Nemes, Rich Burke, Todd Osik, Jim DeZutter, Dan Sullivan, Carol Walshand Ted Murphyboard members present, there were no non board members present

Jerry Rutigliano, Michelle BealsNot present

Kevin Flaherty recording secretary

Agenda Items


Level Directors to address the remaining amounts owed.

Dave to follow up with Cindy in regard to outstanding payment issues


Pee wee 1 issue

Player was suspended at NESC pending the hearing for 30 days for hitting a kid from behind in the knees after the final whistle of the game. This was the player’s second suspension.

Mass Hockey to contact the parent for a District hearing issue. He cannot be on the ice until the hearing. Date of the hearing is TBA. The PW1 HC and a rep from the board are to be present for the hearing.

Todd or Carol were not notified from NESC.

Carol to contact Bill Graves to get more information in regard to the District hearing.

Zero tolerance group may be formed by the board and held after the hearing by SYHA to further discuss the issue.

Committee Reports

Finance–Dave presented the treasurer’s report from Cindy

Presented as above, no other issues discussed

Fundraising– Jim

Perrone’s added to the list of sponsors

Calendar raffle

2400 to be ordered, Jim to work on info for the web site and printing tickets

Flyer to be given to the team managers for info for the players on each team

Kevin email Jim the logo

4 teams need hat sponsors at this time

Jim to send letter to Dave for approval for the rest of the teams to be able to receive their hats. The letter to discuss issues related to the teams with out a sponsor need to pay the amount for the hats. The letter will be sent out to the rest of the teams that need hats after approved by Dave and the board.

USA/Mass Hockey – Carol

Squirt 1 tournament.

Double tree hotel, we were to get $5 per room for the S1 tournament for any team staying there

4 people that are planned to help out to volunteer

Carol and or Jerry to meet with Craig over at North star

Scheduler – Carol

Carol spent much time working on the schedule for Nov/Dec.

Dave mentioned ice time on 12/26. times are during the day, concern that there would not be enough coaches.

Kevin to email coaches about skills and about trying to be there for that day.

Learn to Skate –Bill

No issues.

House League – Kevin

59 players over the weekend, over 25 coaches

Leagues– Todd

Ames issue address above.

Merchandising – Michelle

Michelle not available. No

Skills– Kevin

Dillon needs to be contacted about 1 session for November. The session needs to be rescheduled for later in 2008 with Jeff Clark

Recent coaching meeting with good feedback on the program.

Goalie clinic scheduled for November, John all set

Coaches – Todd

No issues, PW1 coach did not speak with Todd about Ames incident. Todd discussed the need to discuss with the board any future issues.

Issues are going on at NESC due to recent staffing issues and Deb not being there.

Team Managers – Michelle

Michelle not available

Equipment –Ted

Ted No issues

Tryouts/Placements – Dave

Dave only issues are with ice time, Dave and Carol working out ice time issues with Nick at the rink



Pee Wee



(All Level Directors were asked to review the receivables left over with each kid to get the remaining money left outstanding).

Open Discussion

1. Meeting needs to be scheduled for January to discuss the future plans of SYHA.

Dan S will be the lead person to start working with Jim D to form a sub committee. There first task is to develop a survey that will go out to all current, former and future members of the association to look at making changes to the association. Dan and Jim to have a first draft survey for the next meeting.

2. Jim to look into survey information on the web.

3. Summer clinic, Nick said they could get the ice the week before at lake ave

4. Kevin met with Mike Myers and Marina Rivera from the Sharks; March 2ndSYHA organization night with the Sharks

Next meeting scheduled for Monday, December 3rd at 7 pm at Butler Deardon.

Motion to Adjourn seconded and passed with no discussion at 9:45pm