How To Level The Swash Plate The Alternate Method

1). Fabricate two pieces of equal dimensions of wooden blocks. See Figure 1. Ensure that the wooden blocks will rest squarely on the frames and the swash plate.

2). Remove all links from the Aileron, Elevator and Collective Servo.

3). Adjust all the links per the manual. This is important since it sets the initial geometry. Make sure that if there are two links per control surface, that they are equal in length. The label on the links can face inward to accomplish ½ turns. I have had no issues doing it this way.

HINT: Due to the various servos available, the length of the linkage rod going to each of the servos will not match per the manual because of different dimensions per manufacturer. This applies to all linkages connecting to a servo.

4).Place the two pieces of wooden blocks on top of the frames and ensure that it is resting squarely.

5).Press down on the swash plate and ensure that the swash plate is resting squarely on top of the wooden blocks.

Courtesy by: Girard Ibanez


6).Turn on the radio and check the following:

ATVs / Endpoints = 100%

Sub Trims = 0%

Aileron Trims = Center

Elevator Trims = Center

7).Verify that the servo arms to the Aileron and Elevator are 90 degrees to the servo body. Rotate the servo arm around each spline to locate the arm closer to 90 degrees to the servo body. If an exact 90 degrees to the servo body cannot be obtain, find the closes one and adjust the Sub Trim function on the radio to obtain 90 degrees. If you opt for a pure mechanical setup, use a blank servo wheel and drill the holes 90 degrees to the servo body.

8).Place the ball on the arms per the manufacturer.

9).Apply downward pressure on the swash plate compressing the wooden blocks against the frames.

10).Adjust the ball link on the Elevator linkage rod so that it aligns up with the ball on the Elevator Servo arm. Do not connect the link.

11).Continue to apply downward pressure on the swash plate compressing the wooden blocks against the frames.

12).Adjust the ball link on the Aileron linkage rod so that it aligns up with the ball on the Aileron Servo arm. Ensure that both linkage rods are adjusted equally. ½ turns should be done to ensure equal lengths of both linkages. Do not connect the link.

13).Remove the wooden blocks.

14).Pull / push on the Elevator linkage so that the swash plate tilts fully aft and comes to its mechanical stop. Apply full aft cyclic (elevator) and continue to hold. Ensure that there is no mechanical binding.

Verify the opposite direction for no mechanical binding.

Courtesy by: Girard Ibanez


To obtain full cyclic deflection, move the ball further out from the center of the servo arm and adjust the Endpoints / ATVs to obtain full swash deflection with no mechanical binding. Maintain as close as possible an Endpoint / ATV value of 100%.

Connect the link to the servo arm.

15).Repeat the process (step 14) for the Aileron control surface and ensure that there is no mechanical binding. Connect both linkages to the servo.

17).This completes the Swash Plate Level Adjustment.

18).With the radio on, the Aileron and Elevator will hold the swash plate level during the Collective Setup Adjustment.

19).Reconnect the Collective Linkage to the Collective servo upon completion of the Collective Setup Adjustment.


Courtesy by: Girard Ibanez