Directorate E: Social and regional statistics and geographical information system /
Doc. Eurostat/E0/02/DSS/4/EN
structure of working groups, task forces and leadership groups
in social statistics
annual meeting of the european directors of social statistics
luxembourg, 22-23 april 2002
bech building, room “ampère”, starting at 10.00 a.m.


Working Groups, Task Forces and Leadership Groups in Social Statistics

Unit E0

Meetings / Origin / Mandate / participants / other related structures / Frequency
European Directors of Social Statistics / Decision of the SPC on Sector Groups:
need to set up an intermediary level between the SPC and the specific working groups / Terms of reference specify:
  • Definition of strategy
  • Review of statistical programme
  • Assess work of working groups, task forces and LEGs
/ Directors of Social Statistics in EU and EFTA NSIs
  • Directors of Candidate Countries NSIs
  • Representatives from ECB, DG EMPL, DGECFIN, DG EAC, DG JAI
/ According to terms of reference, specific task forces may be set up
(none yet existing) / At least, once a year (two days);
possibility of extra meetings for specific purposes

Unit E1: Labour Market

Meetings / Origin / Mandate / participants / other related structures / Frequency
Working group on "Employment statistics" / Organise harmonisation and regular production of quality statistics on employment / NSIs + some Employment Depts.
ILO - OECD / Task forces on technical aspects (LFS, job vacancy survey …) / 2 days twice a year
Working group "Wages and labour costs statistics" / Organise harmonisation and regular production of quality statistics on wages and labour costs / NSIs + some Employment Depts.
ILO - OECD / Task forces on technical aspects (LPI, …) / 2 days twice a year
LEG SAM / 1999 SPC decision / To define a common framework and to present it to all interested bodies through a Seminar in 2002 / Labour statisticians and national accountants from NL, B, I, P, EL,FIN, UK and N / None / 3 x 2 days in 2001
1 Seminar in 2002
Friends of Labour Statistics / 1999 request of ECB and EMPL / To define users' needs and discuss statistical priorities / ECB, EMPL, ECFIN / None / 1 day twice a year
Time Use Surveys Working Group / Decisions of SPC
  • Dec 1994
  • March 1998
  • to launch Time Use pilot surveys
  • to develop guidelines on harmonised European time use surveys
/ Delegates from all Member States
  • Delegates from all Phare countries
/ Task Force to develop a methodology on Satellite household accounts / yearly

Unit E2: Living Conditions

Meetings / Origin / Mandate / participants / other related structures / Frequency
Working party “Income, poverty and social exclusion” /
  • RE-LAUNCH following High level think tank, Stockholm, January 1998
  • (Previously working party “Indicators of poverty”, created prior to October 1992)
  • High priority subject (eg. forthcoming Laeken Summit)
/ Approved at 31st meeting of Statistical Programme Committee in November 1998:
  • Income concepts and definitions
  • Social exclusion concepts and definitions
  • Measurement and sensitivity analysis
  • Quality assessment
+ Dissemination of results /
  • EU-15 NSIs
  • EFTA-3 + CAN-13 + Balkan-5 NSIs
  • Invited experts
  • OECD, Council of Europe, Luxembourg Income Study
  • Expert group “homelessness”
  • First meeting October 1998.
  • Periodically 12-18 months.

European community household panel (ECHP) Working Group / SPC meetings held on 25 november 1992 and 25 March 1994 / to produce comparable data on income and living conditions to evaluate the impact of the single market / Responsible persons for the ECHP project in the EU NSIs
DG RESEARCH / Once a year
Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC) working group / Meeting of the directors of social statistics held in luxembourg on 1 and 2 June 1999 / to become the reference source for social exclusion and income distribution analysis / Responsible persons for the launching of the EU-SILC project in the EU NSIs + Norvegian NSI
DG ECFIN / Task Force / - Working Group: once a year
- Task Force: three times a year

Unit E3: Health, Education and Culture

Meetings / Origin / Mandate / participants / other related structures / Frequency
Working Group Public Health Statistics / The WG was created in 1996; its activities and workplanning (mandate), were endorsed by the SPC in 1997.
The WG was established in order to develop a general and consistent system of health statistics at EU level.
In addition, the Treaties of Maastricht and Amsterdam placed health policies higher on the agenda of the Commission. / (1)Propose goals and agree on programmes and proposals for implementation of Public Health statistics which Eurostat and the Member States continue to develop. The work is closely linked to actions under the programme for Community action on health monitoring and other Community programmes related to public health. The work builds on the LEG Health and is carried out in co-operation with international organisations such as WHO and OECD.
(2)Discuss and provide advice on any other statistical developments closely linked to health-related issues (e.g. health items in LFS, ECHP, business statistics, transport statistics).
. / For EU and EFTA countries: 1 representatives from NSI, 1 from Ministry of Health (or mandated institute, such as National Public Health Institute).
Candidate Countries - all invited.
DG SANCO; other DGs (according to agenda)
International organisations (WHO-Euro, WHO-HQ, OECD. NOMESCO) / Health Monitoring Committee.
LEG Health Management Group;
LEG Health Task Forces / 1 time a year, 2 days
LEG[1] Health Management Group (LEGMAN) / Established by the SPC in 1997 / Support the restructuring, development and implementation of EU health statistics taking into account the relation with other social statistics in particular and other related economic statistics in general. Each of the leading LEG partners takes responsibility for a specific topic/TF (see below). / Experts from 4 MS
(NL, F, D, UK) and Eurostat, unit E3 - section Public Health Statistics / Working Group Public Health Statistics;
3 specific Task Forces on:
Causes of Death Statistics,
Health Care Statistics, Health and Health-related Survey Data / 5 meetings a year, of which 3 TELE meetings
Task Force on 'Health and health-related survey data'
(TF/HIS) / Decision (1996) of the WG Public Health Statistics to mandate 3 Task Forces under the LEG Health / To develop/harmonise statistics on health, morbidity, determinants, use of health services; based on population surveys and 'morbidity registrations' / Experts from 12 MS (B, DK, D, EL, E, I, NL, A, P, FIN, S, UK) and from 1 EFTA country (NO).
Representatives from DG SANCO, EuroREVES, WHO, OECD / LEG Health Management Group.
Working Group Public Health Statistics / 2 times a year.
Possibility of extra meetings, for instance 'workshop' on specific topic.
Task Force on 'Causes of Death Statistics' (TF/CoD) / Decision (1996) of the WG Public Health Statistics to mandate 3 Task Forces under the LEG Health / To develop/harmonise statistics on Causes of Death (harmonising of certification, codification as well as dissemination) / Experts from 9 MS (F, IRL, I, L, A, P, FIN, S, UK) and from 1 EFTA country (NO)
Representatives from DG SANCO, EMCDDA, WHO, OECD / LEG Health Management Group.
Working Group Public Health Statistics / 2 times a year.
Possibility of extra meetings, for instance 'workshop' on specific topic.
Task Force on ‘Health Care Statistics’ (TF/CARE) / Decision (1996) of the WG Public Health Statistics to mandate 3 Task Forces under the LEG Health / To develop/harmonise statistics on health care resources, outcomes and financing / Experts from 9 MS (D, DK, EL, FIN, I, IRL, L, NL, UK) and from 1 EFTA country (IS)
Representatives from DG SANCO, WHO, OECD / LEG Health Management Group.
Working Group Public Health Statistics / 2 times a year.
Possibility of extra meetings, for instance 'workshop' on specific topic.
Working Group on Cultural Statistics / At its meeting of 25 Nevember 1999, the Statistical Progeamme Committee decided to set up within Eurostat a Working Group on Cultural Statistics in the context of adoption of the final report of the LEG – Culture. / The goal of the Working Group is the identification, collation, analysis and dissemination of cultural statistics that are comparable at European level and which are of sufficient quality to meet the needs of the European Union and the public and policy makers at European and nationial levels. It will support and monitor developments in cultural statistics and encourage member States to get involved in the produciont of comparable data at European level. It will achieve this objective throught its constituent Task Forces on cultural employment, cultural participation and expenditure and finance and through the plenary meetings.
The Working Group will be output-driven. The main outputs are:
A)Reports from the on-going dialogue with policy and other users in order to understand their requirements.The work will be linked to the actions developed in the context of the EU "Single financing and programming instrument for cultural co-operation"(Culture 2000) as well as on European audio-visual statistics. It will also be linked the cultural dimension of a wide range of Community policies;
B) Take overall responsibility for the implementation of the LEG project on cultural statistics and advise Eurostat on annual and medium-term programming on cultural statistics;
C) Report on areas on which consensus has been reached and disseminate comparable cultural statistics on these areas;
D) Decide on priority areas and on developments of the appropriate harmonisation of methods, providing impetus to the work in this area;
E) Produce and publish comparable statistics to meet user needs in the priority areas, having evaluated and analysed data collected by Member States;
F) Disseminate information on best practice in gathering and analysing cultural data. Undertake collaboration with international bodies active in this field and support Eurostat in the establishment of a co-ordinated approach with organisations outside the European Statistical System (Council of Europe and UNESCO). / Two representatives per member State coming from the administrations responsible for the production of cultural statistics and/or government users. All member States nominated representatives. / The Working Group will report to the SPC. The Task Forces set up will be managed as projets by the WG with specified outputs, workplans and timescales / At least once a year.
Task force Statistics on Cultural Employment / Task Force created by the Working Group on Cultural Statistics, at its first meeting held on 30-31 March 2000 / To deal with the employment issues arising from the mandate of the Working Group on Cultural Statistics.
A) To explore the Census and European Labour Force Survey as main sources on cultural employment in each Member State. To assess how the LFS sample is representative of the whole cultural field andof some aggregated domains.
B) To produce statistical indicators on the cultural field as a whole and eventually on some aggregated domains on the base of the LFS available data
C) To prepare and co-ordinate a survey on the employment within a particular cultural domain.
D) To exchange good practices an experiences. To deepen the analysis of sources and methods used in the various countries. To update the bibliography of the working docments and publications included in the LEG report. / Experts from 7 MS (B, DK, EL, E, FIN, F and I) and from 1 EFTA country (N) / Working Group on Cultural Statistics / 2 meetings per year
Task Force on Cultural expenditure and finance / Task Force created by the Working Group on Cultural Statistics at its first meeting held on 30-31 March 2000 / To define the "state of the art" of statistics on cultural expenditure and finance. To deepen the methodological work already carried out in order to be able to collect more exhaustive and more comparable data. Priority will be given to public financing. Attention will also be paid to household expenditure on culture by exploring the potential of the European Household Budget Survey
A) To collect statistics on public and private financing of culture existing in the 15 countries of the EU, if possible based on the domains of cultural activities agreed upon bu the LEG. Another interdisciplinary category should be added, to take into account the cultural expenditures which cannot be split among the domains (for instance: maisons de la culture, cultural centres, cultural relations abroad, administration, etc).
B) To integrate this collection with input from countries about their main problems they have to face in collecting their data, the reasons of possible gaps, etc., in order to base future methodological work aimed at harmonised statistical surveys on a more solid and pragmatic ground. / Experts from 5 MS (A, D, F, I and NL) and from 1 EFTA country (CH) / Working Group on Cultural Statistics / 2 meetings per year
Task force on Participation in cultural activities / On 30 March 2000 the Working Group on Cultural statistics decided to create a Task Force on Participation in cultural activities / To continue the harmonisation work for statistics in cultural partecipation field, taking advantage from the previous Leg's work, in order to produce comparable data on participaton behaviours at EU level.
Short terms:
A) to update documentation after the first LEG’s work. There is the need to update materials already gathered with new projects, documentation on best practices, new surveys, new questionaires, sources, data, metadata, publications…
B) To validate the list of questions produced by the LEG’sTF on participation, in order to considerate the presence of new countries in the group and to check the list after one year of life.
C) To check the list of questions through the Eurobarometer Survey.
Medium terms:
To produce new data starting from the work done by the LEG’s TF on participation, extending to other countries the request to produce data on museums, cinema, books, theatre, concerts, and producing new data on other domains (TF har to decide what domains: TV, radio, newspapers, magazines…). The production of this set of data will help the TF in analysis and validation of the Eurobarometer Survey results, in order to use this new set of indicators for a first comparable set of data..
Long terms:
To plan a new ESPC (European Survey on Cultural participation), taking advantage from the previous work done. / Experts from 11 MS (A, B, D, EL, ES FIN, I, IRL, NL, P and UK) / Working Group on Cultural Statistics, TF on employment, TF on financing / 2 meetings per year
Education and training statistics Working Party
ETS WP / Commission Decision for the Leonardo da Vinci action Programme
Reporting to the SPC / Strategy and orientation group
Terms of reference specify:
Support to the implementation of the statistical parts of the Community action programmes in the areas of education and training. In this framework members of the working group may be asked to participate in steering committees of Leonardo da Vinci projects, as well as in other Commission activities related to statistics and indicators.
Evaluation and discussion of strategic plans and priorities for education and training statistics presented by Eurostat.
Co-ordination between Eurostat and organisations at national level for the collection of statistical information required for use in EU policy making.
Broad methodological discussions on the basis of detailed methodological discussions in the relevant technical subgroups.
Exchange of best practises and know-how
Exchange of information on requirements and policies / For EU countries : 1 representative for education and one for training statistics
Candidate countries, Croatia
FYROM, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Agencies: ETF, CEDEFOP,
Network: Eurydice
Organisations: ILO, OECD, UNESCO / CVTS working group
UOE subgroup
Education in LFS (LFS-E) subgroup
Vocational Education and Training (VET) subgroup) / At least, once a year (two days)
ETS WP technical subgroup on the "Vocational Education and Training" data collection
VET sg / To support the implementation of an action under the Leonardo da Vinci programme and to act as an expert forum for the VET data collection
Reporting to the ETS WP / Expert group
Implementation of the VET data collection. Relation of VET with other data collections and surveys like the UOE and CVTS.
Eurostat will launch a consultation of users and producers of VET data with a view to evaluate the data collection.
On the basis of this consultation the mandate of the VET sg will be reformulated / EU countries
Invited :
Candidate countries
Agencies: ETF, CEDEFOP
Organisations: ILO, OECD / ETS WP / Annual (no meeting in 2001)
The VET data collection is under evaluation.
ETS WP subgroup (Working Group) on the "2nd Continuing Vocational Training Survey"
CVTS WG / The working group has been created for the preparation of the 1st CVTS carried out in 1994. The WG on CVTS 1 met for the last time in June 1997. The SPC decision of November 97 (27th meeting) has concluded that another CVT survey should be carried out. This led to a first meeting of the CVTS2 Working Group in December 1998. / The mandate of this group is to prepare and implement the 2nd CVTS. / EU countries
Candidate countries
Agencies: ETF, CEDEFOP,
Organisations: UNICE, ETUC, ILO, OECD, UNESCO / ETS WP / Annual (no meeting in 2001)
ETS WP technical subgroup on "Education in the EU Laborur Force Survey"
LFS-E sg / Decision of the ETS WP (November 2000) / Specific tasks (structured by objective):
1. Improvement of indicators calculated on the basis of existing LFS information on E&T.
2. Improvement of questions included in the core LFS questionnaire on E&T.
-3. Development and use of ad hoc modules on education related issues.
4. Improvement of synergies with other EU sources / Voluntary participation
EU countries
Candidate countries
UNESCO, ILO, OECD / ETS WP / Annual (met twice in 2001 focusing on the 2003 LFS ad hoc module on LLL and on the 2000 LFS ad hoc module on transition)
ETS WP technical subgroup on the "UNESCO-OECD-Eurostat" data collection
UOE sg / Decision of the ETS WP (November 2000) / Specific tasks, which constitute the core of the work programme of the subgroup, are the following:
- Technical issues related to the UOE data colelction (eg coverage, Eurostat tables etc)
- development of EU-specific indicators in cooperation with other Commission DGs (Education and Culture, Research etc);
- improvement of the complementarity with other Eurostat sources
- cooperation with the Eurydice network and with other European networks or agencies to develop synergies.
- improvement of the policy relevance and the readability of the statistical indicators included in the joint publication Key Data on Education in Europe. / Voluntary participation
EU countries
Candidate countries
FYROM, Albania
UNESCO, OECD / ETS WP / Annual (may need more times if it is necessary to focus on certain issues)
Task Force on Measuring Lifelong learning
TFMLLL / ETS WP decision (April 1999) and decision of interservice group (February 2000) / He task of the group was to prpeare a methodolgical report on measuring (released in March 2000).
It may continue to follow up the recomemndations of the report and of the Parma CEIES seminar on lifelong learning, in particular if the proposal for an Adult Education Survey is supported. / Germany, UK, Finland, Portugasl, Netherlands, UK, Denmark, Switzerland
ILO, UNESCO, OECD / ETS WP / Nothing planned
European Statistics on Accidents at Work – ESAW
Working Group / Request from DG EMPL on the basis of :
- Council Resolutions 88/C 28/01 and 95/C 168/01 that called upon the Commission to carry out work on “harmonising statistics on accidents at work and occupational diseases”
- Directive 89/391/EEC (introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of the workers at work) / - Define an harmonised methodology and programme for collection of data on accidents at work at EU level (mainly administrative data, gentlemen agreement procedure)
- Advise Eurostat on the collection, assessment, analysis and dissemination of data / According to the Member States, representatives from:
- Working Environment departments of the NSI’s
- Statistical departments of the Labour Ministries
- Statistical departments of the relevant Social Security or Insurance Federation bodies
Also invited similar representatives from :
- EFTA countries
- Candidate countries
Representatives from :
DG EMPL, Dublin Foundation and Bilbao Agency, ILO, other experts according to the agenda / ESAW Task Forces / At least once a year (two days from 2001), in general twice a year
European Statistics on Occupational Diseases – EODS
Working Group / Request from DG EMPL on the basis of :
- Council Resolutions 88/C 28/01 and 95/C 168/01 that called upon the Commission to carry out work on “harmonising statistics on accidents at work and occupational diseases”
- Commission Recommendation 90/326/EEC (adoption of a European schedule of occupational diseases) / Define an harmonised methodology and programme for collection of data on occupational diseases at EU level (mainly administrative data, gentlemen agreement procedure)
- Advise Eurostat on the collection, assessment, analysis and dissemination of data / According to the Member States, representatives from:
- Working Environment departments of the NSI’s
- Statistical departments of the Labour Ministries
- Statistical departments of the relevant Social Security or Insurance Federation bodies
Also invited similar representatives from :
- EFTA countries
- Candidate countries
Representatives from :
DG EMPL, Dublin Foundation and Bilbao Agency, ILO, other experts according to the agenda / EODS Technical Subcommittee (Task Force) / In general once a year (two days from 2002)
European Statistics on Accidents at Work – ESAW
Task Force / ESAW Working Group / Technical recommendations to prepare the ESAW Working Group discussions and decisions / Some members of the ESAW Working Group / ESAW Working Group / Once a year
European Statistics on Occupational Diseases – EODS Technical Subcommittee (Task Force) / EODS Working Group / Technical recommendations to prepare the EODS Working Group discussions and decisions / Some members of the EODS Working Group / EODS Working Group / Once a year

Unit E4: Population; Social Protection