Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Advise

Disabled Facility Grants Outline Facts:

Disabled Facilities Grants are available for adaptations to your home. An application for this Grant is made once an Occupational Therapist has assessed the needs of a person with disabilities and has identified the adaptation(s) the person requires.

The grants are means tested and the maximum mandatory grant is £30,000(including any contribution made by the disabled person under the means test later explained)
You can apply for a grant if you are the owner or in most cases a tenant of the property

The person who applies for the grant does not have to be the person with the disability who needs the adaptations. However, the person applying for the grant will be asked to sign a certificate stating that the person with the disability intends to occupy the home being adapted for at least five years. This time can be reduced if the disabled person's health or other relevant factors mean they have to move sooner.

What type of work is eligible for a Disabled Facilities Grant?

Disabled Facilities Grants are awarded for essential adaptations only. These adaptations can include works which can give a person with disabilities greater freedom and independence around the house.

The type of adaptations undertaken can be as follows:

·  access to and from the home

·  access to certain rooms in the home including access to a toilet, baths or shower or wash basin

·  alterations to facilities for preparing and cooking food

·  Making the home safe for the disabled person and other people living in the house.

How is the Disabled Facilities Grant calculated?

The grant is means tested to ensure that those, in general terms, in most need of financial assistance get it.

This will be determined by the income and capital of:

·  the disabled person

·  The disabled persons spouse or partner.

It will take into account:

·  a person's average weekly income (such things as Disabled Living Allowance or Attendance allowance will be totally ignored as income)

·  any savings or assets (above a certain amount only)

·  Personal information such as whether you live alone or not, your age and type of benefits you receive.

If your resources are less than your assessed basic needs you will be given a full grant.

If you resources are more than your assessed needs you will have to make a contribution towards the cost of the adaptation.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This calculation can only be properly carried out when all the above has been entered on a specially designed computer programme and as such it is not possible to forecast the likely contribution without all the accurate information

How do I apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant?

If you wish to apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant, please phone the Knowsley Access Team (KAT) and ask for an Occupational Therapy assessment. Alternatively, if you have a Care Manager, contact them direct and they will refer you for an Assessment..

For Information & Advice contact the Knowsley Access Team Telephone 0151 443 2600

This team is able to provide general information and advice and where appropriate take referrals for Adult Social Services for detailed enquires and requests for a service.

What happens when your Occupational Therapy Assessment has been completed?

1.  You will receive a letter confirming what adaptations have been recommended and asked to sign a consent form and return it.

2.  On return of consent form your application is added to the Disabled Facility Grant waiting list.

3.  Cases are placed on the waiting list in order of date assessed and the severity of need.

4.  The department will contact you when your case comes to the top of the list. This is normally by telephone but we will also write to you.

5.  We are unable to give time scales for waiting as this varies considerably and is affected by many circumstances e.g. demand, resources available and severity of cases.

6.  Once your case is at the top of the list a visit will then be arranged with the Grants Officer to complete the Means Test.

7.  At this time you will be expected to provide financial information. The Grant Officer will advise what documents will be required e.g.

·  Pension Credit paperwork

·  Private pension details

·  Council Tax paperwork

·  Up to date bank details

·  Sickness Benefits Advice

·  Saving account details

8.  Following the means test you will be advised of the outcome You may need to make a financial contribution to the grant depending on your financial circumstances. Please be aware that any remedial works such as an upgrade of electrics will not be covered by the Disabled Facilities Grant.

9.  If you agree to the outcome of the means test a visit from the surveyor will be arranged. The surveyor will visit your home to assess the feasibility of the adaptations and draw up plans. This process could take a number of visits from the surveyor to complete the work.

If you have any questions relating to the information within this fact sheet please contact the Independent Living and Design Team on 0151 244 4097

Version 4 Updated Aug 12