American Literature Unit 1 TEST Review

DATE: ATA: Monday, Sept 30

UNIT TEST: Wednesday, October 2

Section I: The Crucible (pages 1121 -1234)

Part A (Unit Test): 14 multiple choice questions – plot/ general background to play

·  Understand reason play written

·  Know plot action and characters involved in actions

Part B (Unit Test): 12 matching questions on vocabulary in the play (context given)

·  Review definitions given in text for words of the time period, some

examples are:

Predilection ingratiating dissembling calumny

Inculcation propitiation klatches incubi

Pallor base ameliorate deference

Poppet avidly contentious deposition

Effrontery anonymity imperceptible affidavit

Ipso facto probity gulling cleave

Blink quail blanched Goody

Trepidation sibilance beguile tantalized

The above list is not meant to be a complete list … look through the play…..


Section II: Assigned readings from the textbook- UNIT 1:

Part A(Unit Test): 9 multiple choice general questions about readings from the text the time period

(do not forget to review the Unit 1 “One Pager” handout given – on colored paper (pink paper, I think)

*Puritan Plain Style Writing *Aphorisms *types of writing of the time period

*Major themes of time * Check the “Persuasive Writing” info in unit in the textbook

*Iroquois Constitution & American Constitution *“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

*Franklin: - Autobiography & virtues, aphorisms, life

Part B (Unit Test): 5 matching questions on political vocabulary in the unit (context given on quiz)

·  Review definitions given in text for words used in unit, some examples are…

Candid despotism etc. ………


Section III(Unit Test): Identifying/Explaining usage of Propaganda techniques in non-fiction political text. You will be given phrases/sentences and will (1.) identify what type of Propaganda they are an example of, and (2.) explain why (being very specific) the words/ phrases are an example of that type of propaganda technique.


Grading: 2 Grades – Reading Grade (Sections I & II)-40 pts

AND Writing Grade (Section III) – 40 pts

Students are able to use their Study Guide for The Crucible during ATA and Unit TEST

Everyone who scores 90% or better on ATA Section I and Section (must be together/both) is exempt from that section of the Unit Test and receives an “A” for the Unit Test on Sections I and II.