Date of Report: / Due By:
Project #: / Title:
Investigator: / Co-Investigators
Please complete the following and submit no later than 5 days
before the April and November CRC meeting.
A.  Biannual report (project continuing)
Complete Section A ONLY
B.  Final Report (objectives accomplished or work ending)
Complete Section B ONLY
C.  Study Terminated
Complete Section C ONLY
A. / Biannual Report
Subject Enrollment
1. / Total number of subjects enrolled/target enrollment number:
______/ ______
2. / Is the overall enrollment of subjects proceeding as expected in order to reach study goals?
Yes No
·  If not, please specify reasons and what steps will be taken to increase enrollment and/or study progress.
3. / If there has been no enrollment since approval/the last report, please provide justification to keep the study open:
Research Activities
1. / What Research Activities were accomplished during the 6 months:
2. / Barriers encountered: (Include any requests for continued access to funds and justification, including timeline for completion, here. All requests for funding beyond Year 2 are subject to approval by the Research Committee.)
3. / Describe publications, presentations, if any:
1. / Funds used to date / Approved total study budget:
______/ ______
2. / Is the financial activity associated with this project on plan with the approved budget?
Yes No
·  If not, please explain any financial problems (i.e. deficits) you encountered or anticipate during the remainder of this project.
B. / Final Report
Section 1: Dates and funding
Date started:
Date study will end:
Funds used to date / Approved total study budget: /
______/ ______
Section 2: Aims – Restate aims and indicate if accomplished
Please provide 1-2 sentences about your findings related to each aim (i.e. What was the punch line?)
Yes / No / Maybe
Aim 1:
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Section 3: Study Results
If an item is non-applicable, please explain.
1. / Do you wish to close your study with this report?
2. / Provide a brief commentary on any results (preliminary or final) obtained in the study:
3. / Please provide any plans for upcoming submissions (Include publication):
4. / Please provide any publications and the date to where you already have submitted your study:
Section 3: Study Results
If an item is non-applicable, please explain.
1. / Do you wish to close your study with this report?
2. / Provide a brief commentary on any results (preliminary or final) obtained in the study:
C. / Termination of Study
Section 1: Dates and funding
Date started:
Date of termination:
Funds used to date / Funds left over / Approved total study budget: /
______/ ______/ ______
Section 2: Reason(s) of termination
1. / Please explain reason(s) for the termination of the study listed above:
Date Summary Completed: / Reviewed by:

Updated: 06/18/2014 Page | 1