STCRPDB solicited projects from December 2011 through June 2013 for inclusion in this CEDS. STC supports the current Intended Use Plan (IUP) of the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (DWSRLF), Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), New York State Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP), and the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council. Projects highlighted in light green, have been designated as vital projects, according to the Economic Development Policy Committee. Vital projects, programs, and activities are projects that address the region’s greatest needs or that will best enhance the region’s competitiveness.

Regionally Significant Projects and Priorities
Project Name / Sponsor / Location / Project Cost / Jobs / Category / Flood Mitigation
STN Regional Fiber-Optic Backbone – Southern Tier Network / Regional / $12,000,000 / 6000 / Infrastructure/ Technology/ Economic Development / Low
Career Literacy – STC, STE, STW / Regional / $900,000 / Workforce / NA
STN Marketing Project - STEG / Regional / Technology / NA
Wind Energy Development – IDA’s / Regional / $200,000,000 / 10+ / Energy Technology / Low
Regional Phase 1 Levee Studies / Regional / $600,000 / Economic Development
Vital Projects and Priorities
Project Name / Sponsor / Location / Project Cost / Jobs / Category / Flood Mitigation
Airport Corporate Park South Infrastructure – STEG/Chemung County IDA / Town of Big Flats / $1,600,000 / 500 / Infrastructure/ Economic Development / Low
Federal Building Redevelopment Project- City of Elmira / City of Elmira / $35,000,000 / Economic Development / Low (Levee protected area)
Project Seneca Regional Waterfront Revitalization – Villages of Watkins Glen and Montour Falls / Watkins Glen and Montour Falls / $200,000,000 / Infrastructure
Center at Horseheads Access Road - STEG / Town and Village of Horseheads / $13,500,000 / Infrastructure/ Economic Development/ Transportation / [High[1]]
Regional Farmers Market- STEG / Town of Horseheads / $300,000 / Asset Based / Com. Facilities / NA
Redevelopment of Guthrie/Corning Hospital Site – Corning/Guthrie Medical / City of Corning / $15,000,000 / Infrastructure / Com. Planning / Ec. Dev. / Low (Levee protected area)
Finger Lakes Highlands Business Park- Steuben County IDA / Town of Wayland / $2,000,000 / 50 / Business Development/ Infrastructure / Economic Development / [High[2]]
Coopers Plains Long Acres Sewer Expansion – Town of Erwin / Town of Erwin / $9,500,000 / 500 / Infrastructure/ Economic Development / [High[3]]
Conifer Development – Town of Erwin / Town of Erwin / $1,500,000 / 3 / Transportation/ Infrastructure / Low (Levee protected area)
Elmira Area Phase 1 Levee Study – City of Elmira / Greater Elmira / $300,000 / Economic Development
Elmira College’s Health Sciences Center Renovation- STEG/Elmira College / Chemung County / $4,700,000 / Education
Diesel Plant Expansion – Steuben County IDA / Town of Erwin / $220,000,000 / 250 / Infrastructure / Economic Development / [Medium[3]]
CFA School Building Project –
Corning Enterprises/City of Corning / City of Corning / $10,500,000 / Economic Development / None
Corning Area Phase 1 Levee Study – City of Corning / City of Corning / $300,000 / Economic Development
Chemung County Projects and Priorities
Project Name / Sponsor / Location / Project Cost / Jobs / Category / Flood Mitigation
Park Station Improvement Project – Chemung County / Town of Erin / $103,146 / Community Facilities / Medium
Elmira Area Flood Levees Certification – Chemung County / $900,000 / 1,000 / Economic Development
Chemung County Economic Development Plan Update – STEG/Chemung County Planning / Chemung County / $20,000 / Community Planning/ Economic Development / NA
Elmira College’s Health Sciences Center Renovation- STEG/Elmira College / Chemung County / $4,700,000 / Education
Airport Corporate Park South Infrastructure – STEG/Chemung County IDA / Town of Big Flats / $1,600,000 / 500 / Infrastructure/ Economic Development / Low
Schweizer Facility – STEG/Chemung County IDA / Town of Big Flats / TBD / Business Development/ Economic Development
Southern Tier Regional Farmers’ Market Building – Chemung County Agricultural Society / Town of Horseheads / $1,000,000 / Business Development/ Asset Based / Low
Chemung County Sewer District #1 Plant Upgrade - STEG / Chemung County / $8,000,000 / Infrastructure/ Economic Development / [High[3]]
Center at Horseheads Access Road - STEG / Town and Village Horseheads / $13,500,000 / Infrastructure/ Economic Development /Transportation / [High[4]]
Lake Street Historic District Redevelopment – STEG / TBD / Asset Based Economic Development Economic Development
Chemung South Business Park – STEG / Town of Chemung / TBD / Infrastructure
Rotary Road – STEG / Town of Chemung / TBD / Infrastructure
Chemung County Projects and Priorities
Project Name / Sponsor / Location / Project Cost / Jobs / Category / Flood Mitigation
Chemung Sub-Station Upgrade – STEG / Towns of Chemung and Ashland / $6,000,000 / Infrastructure
Elmira Area Phase 1 Levee Study – City of Elmira / Greater Elmira Area / $300,000 / Economic Development
First Arena Improvements/Downtown Revitalization Project – STEG / City of Elmira / Asset Based Economic Development
MacGreevey Historic Building Redevelopment – STEG / City of Elmira / $1,800,000 / Asset Based Economic Development
Tri-County Conference Center – STEG/Chemung County IDA / Town of Big Flats / $4,500,000 / Asset Based Economic Development
Federal Building Redevelopment Project – City of Elmira / City of Elmira / $35,000,000 / Economic Development / Low (Levee protected area)
Mark Twain Riverfront Park Renaissance Project – City of Elmira / City of Elmira / $2,000,000 / Asset Based Development / Community Facilities / Low
Eldridge Park Project – City of Elmira / City of Elmira / $1,000,000 / Community Facilities / Medium (Floodplain development standards apply)
Elmira Arterial-Northern Section Clemens Center Pkwy. - NYSDOT / Chemung County / $25,000,000 / Infrastructure/ Economic Development / [High[5]]
Jackson Farm Basin – Town of Big Flats / Town of Big Flats / $359,950 / Infrastructure / Low
Kahler Road Bridge – Town of Big Flats / Town of Big Flats / $3,000,000 / Infrastructure/ Transportation / Low
Catlin Water Storage Tank Replacement Project – Town of Catlin / Town of Catlin / $374,202 / Infrastructure / Low
Southport Community Recreation Center – Town of Southport / Town of Southport / $3,500,000 / Asset Based Development/ Community Facilities / Low (Levee protected area)
Leland Street Area Sanitary Sewer System – Town of Southport / Town of Southport / $2,300,000 / Infrastructure
Schuyler County Projects and Priorities
Project Name / Sponsor / Location / Project Cost / Jobs / Category / Flood Mitigation
Employees Housing Preference Survey Project – CCE of Schuyler County / Schuyler County / $12,000 / 40 / Community Planning / NA
Queen Catharine Marsh Master Plan Project – SCOPED/Schuyler County/Village of Watkins Glen/Town of Montour Falls / Schuyler County / $50,000 / Community Facilities / [Medium[1]]
Schuyler County Comprehensive Economic Town of Reading Development Strategy Project – Schuyler County Legislature / Schuyler County / $30,000 / Economic Development/ Community Planning / NA
Seneca Lake Marina Expansion – Schuyler County / Village of Watkins Glen / $150,000 / Community Facilities / Asset Based Economic Development
Watkins Glen First Street and Gateway Parking Garage Project (Phase 1) – SCOPED/Village of Watkins Glen / Village of Watkins Glen / $25,000 / Community Facilities/ Economic Development / Low
Project Seneca: Watkins Glenn Northern Gateway – SCOPED/Village of Watkins Glen / Village of Watkins Glen / $4,000,000 / 5 / Infrastructure/ Transportation / Low
Middle School Redevelopment / Village of Watkins Glen / $11,000,000
Schuyler County Regional Wastewater Infrastructure Project/Burdett and Odessa (P 1) – Schuyler County/SCOPED/Villages of Burdett and Odessa / Villages of Burdett and Odessa / $50,000 / Infrastructure / NA (Address flood risk in the planning process)
Inergy Project / Town of Reading / $50,000,000 / 10 / Energy Economic Development/ Infrastructure / Low
Schuyler County Projects and Priorities
Project Name / Sponsor / Location / Project Cost / Jobs / Category / Flood Mitigation
Burdett Wastewater Infrastructure – Village of Burdett / Village of Burdett / $4,600,000 / Infrastructure
Project Seneca: Montour Falls RV Park Expansion at Village Marina – Montour Falls / Village of Montour Falls / $2,000,000 / Community Facilities/ Asset Based Economic Development
Project Seneca: Montour Falls – Aunt Sarah’s Falls Visitors Center/Parking/Trails – Village of Montour Falls / Village of Montour Falls / TBD / Community Facilities / Asset Based Economic Development
Montour Falls Building Improvements – Village of Montour Falls / Village of Montour Falls / $300,000 / Economic Development
Odessa Wastewater Infrastructure – Village of Odessa / Village of Odessa / $7,000,000 / Infrastructure
Watkins Brewery – Village of Watkins Glen / Village of Watkins Glen / $3,000,000 / 20 / Economic Development / Low
High End Camp Ground – Village of Watkins and Town of Dix / Village of Watkins Glen and Dix / $900,000 / 20 / Infrastructure / Low
Project Seneca: Watkins Glen Marina Expansion – Village of Watkins Glen / Village of Watkins Glen / $10,000,000 / Transportation / Infrastructure
Project Seneca Regional Waterfront Revitalization – Villages of Watkins Glen and Montour Falls / Villages of Watkins Glen and Montour Falls / $200,000,000 / Infrastructure
Schuyler County Projects and Priorities
Project Name / Sponsor / Location / Project Cost / Jobs / Category / Flood Mitigation
Project Seneca: Regional Wastewater Treatment – Villages of Watkins Glen and Montour Falls / Villages of Watkins Glen and Montour Falls / $30,000,000 / Infrastructure
Project Seneca: Watkins Glen RV Park Expansion – Village of Watkins Glen / Village of Watkins Glen / $3,000,000 / Community Facilities/Economic Development
Watkins Glen Ally & Parking Lot Improvements – Village of Watkins Glen / Village of Watkins Glen / $50,000 / Transportation/Community Facilities/asset Based Economic Development
Project Seneca: Watkins Glen Lakefront Trail – Village of Watkins Glen / Village of Watkins Glen / $3,725,000 / Community Facilities / Asset Based Economic Development
Wind Energy Projects- SCOPED / Town of Dix / $200,000,000 / Asset Based/ Energy/ Infrastructure
Steuben County Projects and Priorities
Project Name / Sponsor / Location / Project Cost / Jobs / Category / Flood Mitigation
Days Inn Area Redevelopment Project – City of Corning / City of Corning / $15,000,000 / 45 / Infrastructure/ Economic Development / Low (Levee protected area)
War Memorial Renovation Project – Three Rivers Development/City of Corning / City of Corning / $2,000,000 / Economic Development / Low (Levee protected area)
Redevelopment of Guthrie/Corning Hospital Site – City of Corning/Guthrie Medical / City of Corning / $15,000,000 / Infrastructure / Community Planning / Economic Development / Low (Levee protected area)
Corning Inflow and Infiltration Waste Water Project – City of Corning / City of Corning / $2,100,000 / Infrastructure / Low (Levee protected area)
Corning Water Flow Improvement – City of Corning / City of Corning / $2,700,000 / Infrastructure / Low
Civic Center Plaza Building- Library – Three Rivers Development / City of Corning / $350,000 / Community Facilities / Low (Levee protected area)
C-PP School District Project – CPP School District / City of Corning / $98,000,000 / Low (Levee protected area)
CFA School Building Project – Corning Enterprises/City of Corning / City of Corning / $10,500,000 / Economic Deveolpment / None
Corning Area Phase 1 Levee Study – City of Corning / City of Corning / $300,000 / Economic Development
Broadband Capability – City of Hornell / City of Hornell / Business & Economic Development / Infrastructure / Technology / NA
Water Filtration Plant / Reservoir Upgrade – City of Hornell / City of Hornell / $1,596,000 / 25 / Infrastructure / Economic Development / Low
Steuben County Projects and Priorities
Project Name / Sponsor / Location / Project Cost / Jobs / Category / Flood Mitigation
Water Pollution Control Plant Upgrade – City of Hornell / City of Hornell / 26 / Environmental / Infrastructure / [Medium[1]]
Route 21 Sewer Extension – City of Hornell / City of Hornell / 12 / Infrastructure / Economic Development / Low (Levee protected area)
Drinking Well Protection – City of Hornell / Town of Hornellsville / $150,000 / Infrastructure / Medium
Steuben County IDA Industrial Park – Steuben County IDA / Town of Bath / $3,000,000 / 50 / Infrastructure / Economic Development / [Medium[2]]
Philips Electronics Redevelopment – Steuben County IDA / Town of Bath / Economic Development
Renovation of Former Pollio Facility in Cohocton – Steuben County IDA / Town of Cohocton / $50,000 / 0 / Economic Development / Low
Diesel Plant Expansion – Steuben County IDA / Town of Erwin / $220,000,000 / 250 / Infrastructure / Economic Development / [Medium[3]]
Corning Sullivan Park – Steuben County IDA / Town of Erwin / $330,150,000 / 300 / Economic Development/ Infrastructure / Low
World Kitchen Expansion / City of Corning / $100,000,000
Hammondsport Sewer Project
Ward McConnell Redevelopment – Steuben County IDA / Town of Prattsburgh / $500,000 / Economic Development / Low
Steuben County Projects and Priorities
Project Name / Sponsor / Location / Project Cost / Jobs / Category / Flood Mitigation
Fingerlakes Highlands Business Park – Steuben County IDA / Town of Wayland / $2,000,000 / 50 / Business Development / Infrastructure / Economic Development / Medium[4]
Glen Curtiss Memorial School Improvement Project – Steuben County IDA / Village of Hammondsport / $2,000,000 / 2-Jan / Asset Based Economic Development
Hammondsport/Urbana Waterfront Development – Steuben County IDA / Village of Hammondsport / Town of Urbana / $60,000 / 20 / Asset Based Economic Development
Upgrade Pleasant Valley Wine Company Pressing Plant – Steuben County IDA / Village of Hammondsport / $1,000,000 / 10 / Economic Development / Infrastructure / Low
Implementation of County Economic Development Plan – Steuben County IDA / Multiple municipalities in Steuben County / Business Development / Economic Development / NA
Steuben County IDA Bath/Hammondsport Rail Line Restoration – Steuben County IDA / Multiple municipalities in Steuben County / $1,800,000 / 25 / Infrastructure / Economic Development / Low
Business Park Development – Steuben County IDA / Several in Steuben County / Economic Development / TBD[5]
Wind Energy Development – Steuben County IDA / Several in Steuben County / 10 / Business Development / Infrastructure / Economic Development / NA