Welcome, best wishes to all our members and friends for July.

Our next Social Meeting is on Thursday July 27 in the Dean O’Reilly Lounge after the 9.15 am School Mass.

Thank you to all those who bring and buy for our Sales Table Auction, we had a very successful Auction last month even though numbers and items were down. Your goods and bidding helps support our CWL and our mission work.

Thank you too for Food Bank donations.

At this coming meeting please bring a small food plate for morning tea. It is an Open Meeting and we are having a speaker. A representative from the Prison Aid and Rehabilitation Society will speak to us about support for prisoners and their families during and after a prison sentence. Our at Home Appeal is Pillars which is an organisation for the support of families and children of prisoners in jail. Our speaker will give us some insight into this sometimes, hidden area of society.

Please invite friends and neighbours to attend; ask a parishioner who is not a league member.


Our Regional Meeting is in South Dunedin this year on Saturday August 19, we want to take a car load through for the meeting. Please contact Coleen Blackmore if you can attend. It is always a good day out with lunch and afternoon tea, plus a speaker.

Also in August, on the same day as our Social Meeting, August 24, is Port Chalmers CWL Jubilee Celebration. We need to send one or two representatives from Oamaru CWL. Please let Coleen know asp if you can attend.

Check out the National CWL website, https://cwl.org.nz. Coleen Blackmore has posted off photos of our bus trip and the group photo of our 65-year celebration.

Our Pot Luck Lunch was a happy social time enjoyed by all, a nice, informal way of celebrating our 65 years.

Back of the Newsletter.

We have received thank you letters and receipts from all our local and national donation recipients. The letter from the Edgecumbe CWL who passed on our donation to the Edgecumbe flood relief fund was one we wanted to share with you all. All our donations were very gratefully received.

In Faith and Service, Neroli Cottam.