Early Learning Scholarship Mini-Grant


To help build the capacity and promote quality enhancement among providers, the Office of Early Care and Education (OECE) is offering mini-grants to eligible providers to purchase their own tablet device for required data reporting at their sites. OECE requires providers with a funding agreement to use the Cocoa web-based database to report enrollment, including

·  Daily attendance, and

·  Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) assessment information

A tablet device allows teachers to directly enter assessment data into the database, eliminating the need for paper forms, and allows providers to easily monitor assessment progress. A table also facilitates the use of Cocoa’s electronic sign-in/out features which allows providers to save time on daily sign in/out paperwork and automatically ensures child attendance records are stored in Cocoa.

Mini-Grant Details

OECE will provide eligible child care providers a mini-grant of up to $500 to purchase a tablet device and/or other equipment, such as security cases or Wi-Fi boosters, to support the functionality of a tablet device. Any tablet purchased with mini-grant funding must meet the following minimum specifications:

s  128 GB storage (example: Apple iPad), 2 MB of RAM, Wi-Fi or cellular data service, web-browser (example: Google, Safari).

Note that providers who are awarded a mini-grant to purchase a tablet device will own the tablet they purchase, and be solely responsible for its configuration, maintenance, repair, Wi-Fi or cellular data service, and other ongoing costs. Providers will need to configure secure Wi-Fi networks with internet connections and sufficient signal strength in classrooms or sites in order for the tablet device to work properly. Alternatively, sites or classrooms where Wi-Fi networking is not feasible, tablet devices are also available with cellular data capabilities. These capabilities have an additional cost per tablet device including monthly fees of $15-$30, depending on the cellular data company selected.

OECE recommends that providers consider purchasing a service plan for the tablet device (example: AppleCare+ for $99). Service plans usually extend the warranty period and cover repair or replacement due to accidental damage; co-payments may apply. The mini-grant does not cover the cost of Wi Fi, internet or cellular data plans, service plans, or other maintenance, repair or ongoing costs associated with the tablet device.

Once approved, providers will:

·  Purchase the item as described in the “Mini-Grant Details” section no later than June 23, 2017.

·  Provide receipt of purchase to Children’s Council before getting reimbursed for up to the amount awarded. Request for reimbursement should not be submitted after June 23, 2017. If the proof of purchase is not submitted by June 23, 2017 as indicated, OECE will not reimburse for expenses incurred.

Mini-Grant Rules:

  1. Tablet devices purchased with mini-grant funds may only be used for business purposes.
  2. Providers will own the tablet device(s) and be solely responsible for its purchase according to the guidelines, its configuration, and ensure Wi-Fi connection or cellular networking is available. In addition, device maintenance, repair, and other related cost remain the responsibility of child care providers.
  3. OECE will assume no responsibility for damage, loss or theft of the tablet. OECE recommends configuring the tablet device with password and other security functions available on the tablet device.
  4. Child care providers are responsible to notify OECE in case of loss or theft of the tablet device. OECE will not replace the tablet device.
  5. OECE or its designated partners will offer trainings on how to use the Cocoa database and other data reporting systems, and tablet device functionalities for Cocoa. OECE will not be responsible for training on basic tablet functions.

How to Apply

Child care providers interested in applying for the mini-grant must:

1.  Be a qualified Early Learning Scholarship child care provider in San Francisco who was awarded Preschool for All or ELS-City (Reserved) funding.

2.  Complete and submit “OECE Mini-Grant Application”.

3.  All applications must be submitted by email or in-person no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, May 26, 2017.

·  Address to drop off application: 1650 Mission Street, 3rd Floor Suite 312, San Francisco, CA 94103

·  If emailing the application, send to AND/OR

Selection Criteria:

Child Care providers will be selected based on the following criteria:

1.  Providers that have not received a city-funded grant or incentive in the last 24 months for the same purpose as this grant will be prioritized. OECE will consider tablet requests from providers if the city-funded tablets(s) they have previously received are no longer accessible or functional.


If your request for an OECE Mini-Grant is approved, OECE will issue an award letter to the child care provider and will send and authorization to the Children’s Council to issue a check (or direct deposit) for the amount covering the amount to purchase the tablet device and/or other equipment that supports the functionality of the tablet device.

Please note that providers with current direct deposit agreements with Children’s Council receive their funds within 5 business days from receiving the payment authorization from OECE. Agencies/provider without direct deposit agreement will receive their paper check within 10 business days after OECE authorizes payment.





Date: ______

Person completing this application: ______

Provider Name (or Agency Name): ______

Administrative Address: ______, San Francisco, CA Zip Code: ______

Administrative Contact Phone Number: ______E-mail: ______

Are there multiple sites at your agency? YES, there are ______sites. No

Total Number of Classrooms (per Agency): ______

Agency has a current Direct Deposit Agreement with Children’s Council?

Yes No (We receive payments via check)

How much funding is your agency requesting? Please keep in mind that OECE will fund no more than $500 per classroom. Indicate the amount here: $______

Please provide a description of what the above requested amount would cover? (Example: We are requesting $400 to purchase two Samsung tablets at $150 each, and two security cases at $50 each.)

Please describe which sites/classrooms would be using the devices/equipment in the above requested amount?

Select the option(s) that best apply to your Agency:

1.  Has your agency ever received a tablet device or funding for such a device (Example: iPad) from First 5, Children’s Council, or another agency in the last 3 years?

q  Yes. If yes, which agency? ______

q  No

2.  If you answered yes to the question above, but are requesting a mini grant, please describe why your agency needs additional support for tablets/related equipment in the box below. Be sure to include which sites/classrooms need mini-grant support, for what dollar amount and why.

3.  How will having a tablet device(s) (Example: iPad) help enhance the work at your site(s)? [Check all that apply]

q  By doing Cocoa electronic signature in my classroom(s)

q  By doing DRDP data entry in Cocoa for my classroom(s)

q  By entering ASQ data in Cocoa for my classroom(s)

q  By doing other ELS related tasks for my site

Please tell us what type of technical support your agency will need in order to maximize the use of Tablets in your agency, site, or classroom. If you do not need technical support, please write: “No training needed.”

In the space below, please describe how things will be different in your site, agency, and classroom if OECE approves your mini-grant request.


“This is to certify that I have reviewed the OFFICE OF EARLY CARE AND EDUCATION Early Learning Scholarship Tablet Mini-Grant document and fully completed the application. To the best of my knowledge the information submitted is accurate and the need exists as indicated. I endorse this grant request and will do everything to assure proper and efficient use of the grant, if approved”.


Name of Director/Business Owner Signature Date

All applications must be submitted by email or in-person no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, May 26, 2017

Address to drop off application: 1650 Mission Street, 3rd Floor Suite 312, San Francisco, CA 94103

If emailing the application, send to AND/OR