MKSCB Annual Conference 2016 Application Form

Monday 14th November 2016

Please complete and return by Monday 17th October 2016 to:

This Year’s Annual Conference will be held at Jury’s Inn, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 2HP P

(Please use BLOCK CAPITALS and complete all sections. *This information will be used for your delegate badge)

Full name*
Job Title*
Work Base
Applicant Email
Phone Number / Emergency Contact Number
Line Manager / Line Manager E-Mail


Please mark your agency:
Adult Services
Mental Health / Adult Services- Social Care / Armed Services / CAFCASS / CAMHS / MKC – Children & Families
MKC- Public Health / MKC - Housing / MKC- Other / Housing (Non-MKC) / Early Years & Childcare / Faith Groups
Health- MKCHS / Health- CCG / Health- Mk Hospital / Housing / HMP Woodhill / Oakhill STC
Parish / Police / Private Companies / National Probation / TVCRC Probation / Schools- Independent
Schools- Maintained / Schools – Free & Academies / Schools- Further Education / Sports, Culture & Leisure / Voluntary groups / YOT
Youth Services / Other (please state) / Please advise of any special dietary or access requirements:

Invoicing and Fee Details: £40 for Voluntary & Faith Sector £70 for Statutory and Private sector

Please ensure that you have secured agreement for funding from the appropriate person in your organisation/agency before booking your place and that the invoicing details you give are correct.


For MK Council employees paying by ITO: MKSCB project number is 430402

Name of Organisation to be invoiced / ITO number (for MK Council employees)
PO Number /Order No / Contact person
Invoice Address: including postcode / E-mail address

Please copy your line manager into the email when returning your booking form to approve your booking.

Please also follow your own agency’s procedures for booking training before returning your application form.

If you are unable to attend the conference for any reason your agency will still be invoiced for the full amount. A substitute from your organisation will be accepted, providing notice is received within 2 working days of the event.

BREAKOUT SESSION OPTIONS*: Please select 4 options in order of preference.

Mark in the end box 1 (top preference), 2, 3 and 4 (each delegate can attend 2 workshops)

A / The Journey of a Looked After Child - Foster Focus
This session will explore the journey of a looked after child, paying particular attention to loss and separation. Participants will be provided with authentic methods for engaging with children and young people in care and explore how to ensure that the child’s voice is included in all aspects of the care journey.
B / Protecting and Supporting Children who are Newly Arrived Refugees - British Red Cross
This session will support professionals to welcome and support newly arrived refugees in to their services across Milton Keynes. In particular, the session will explore safeguarding considerations and potential barriers facing children who have recently arrived in the UK and the impact these can have on their safety and emotional wellbeing.
C / e-Cadets: An Award Winning Online Safety Solution for Children in Schools - eCadets
This session will introduce a new, child-focussed approach to safeguarding children and young people online. Professionals will explore how they can empower children (aged 3-16) to take the lead in keeping themselves and others safe online, and will have the opportunity to hear from pupils about their experience of the eCadet programme in schools within Milton Keynes. This session will be of particular relevance to schools.
D / Can You Hear Me? Safeguarding Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities
Assistant Professor Rachael Clawson (University of Nottingham)
This session will explore barriers to effective communication with children with disabilities and the challenges these can create in relation to safeguarding and child protection. Assistant Professor Rachael Clawson will provide practical and innovative solutions for how these challenges can be overcome.
E / Silenced by Myths – Exploring The Wider Realities of Child Sexual Exploitation
Lawrence Jordan (Milton Keynes Council)
This session has been developed to identify and discuss common myths and beliefs about Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). Delegates will explore the experiences of male victims, the role of female perpetrators and discuss the experiences of LGBT young people in the context of CSE.
F / Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Young Carers in Milton Keynes - Carers MK
This session will provide insight in to the lived experiences of young carers within Milton Keynes and the impact of their caring responsibilities. The importance of early identification and intervention will be discussed, and professionals will explore practical ways in which young carers can be safeguarded and supported.
G / Beyond Witnessing: Children’s Experiences of Domestic Abuse
Dr Jane Callaghan (University of Northampton)
This session will explore children and young people’s lived experiences of domestic violence and abuse and consider how children cope in the short and long term. Delegates will explore the complexities associated with giving voice to children’s experiences and importantly consider how these complexities can be overcome.
H / Decision-Making and the Children’s Lived Experiences of Social Work Processes
Rebecca Brown (Independent Research and Training Consultant)
This practical workshop will draw on examples from a prospective longitudinal study of infants suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm, and will explore children’s lived experiences of social work processes and decision-making.

*Session titles, speakers and session outlines may be subject to change.

Confirmation of workshop choices will be emailed to you by Friday 4th November 2016.


Milton Keynes Safeguarding Children Board, Galley Hill Centre, Milton Keynes, MK11 1PA

E: W: T: 01908 254373