Minutes of the Dean’s Council Meeting of August 4, 2009

Present: Anantha Babbili, Robert Vokurka, Arthur Hernandez, Mary Jane Hamilton, Frank Pezold, David Billeaux, Harvey Knull, Christine Shupala

Note taker: Cely Smart

I. Call to Order

Dr. Babbili called the meeting to order.

II. Minutes from Previous CDC Meeting

The minutes of the Dean’s Council from July 14th were unanimously approved.

III. Xitracs Demonstration

John Stalmach demonstrated the Xitracs system for SACS to the Council and answered questions regarding the process.

IV. Graduate Studies

Dr. Knull presented information on Principle Investigator eligibility. The Council discussed the eligibility and approval criteria for investigators. Dr. Knull recorded the suggestions of the Council and will incorporate them and have a final draft for endorsement at a later meeting. Dr. Knull also introduced the changes that his Office is suggesting for the revision of University Procedure 15.01.01.C1, Externally Funded Grants and Contracts. Dr. Hernandez requested that a rationale and justification accompany the changes. Dr. Knull also discussed potential changes to the way graduate assistants are paid. Dr. Knull also presented the Google Analytics statistics on the Office of Graduate Studies web page usage.

V. Computer Lab Food and Drink Policy

Dr. Babbili reported that there have been some complaints regarding faculty members violating the food and drink policy in campus computer labs. Dr. Babbili asked the deans to remind their faculty members of the policy and request that they follow it.

VI. Coordinating Board Update

Dr. Babbili announced that the new mission statement has been approved by the Coordinating Board. The nursing doctorate with Texas Women’s University was also endorsed.


Chris Shupala updated the council on the status of the SACS affirmation process. Ms. Shupala informed the Council that everything will be loaded into the Xitracs system by August 17th, and the narratives will be sent for printing on August 24th. Dr. Babbili requested that the deans make this their top priority and assist as needed with the process.

VIII. Response to Provost on Off-Campus Leases

Dr. Babbili requested that the Deans send their responses to lease agreements and their future leasing needs to his office.

X. Other Issues of the Council

Dr. Babbili informed the Council that the state has a 12 billion dollar deficit and that the University is unsure how this will affect budgets. Dr. Babbili requested that the deans continue to be frugal and monitor for money saving opportunities. Dr. Babbili will also look into the availability of HEF funds for the next year and report back to the Council. Dr. Babbili also requested that Dr. Knull look into special announcements for HSI funding.

Dr. Babbili discussed HB 2504 and requested that the University show strong opinions regarding not including independent study and thesis/dissertation classes in course evaluations that must be published online. There is a comment period coming up and Dr. Nelsen will have more information at the next meeting.

Dr. Hernandez requested that salary savings stay in each college for supplemental pay.