Modern France (1870 - 2002)

Major Orals Field

‘Between Metropole & Colony:’ France and its New Empire

Ageron, Charles-Robert. France coloniale ou parti colonial? Paris: Presses universitaires de

France, 1978. A2

Andrew, C. M. and A. S. Kanya-Forstner. “Centre and Periphery in the Making of the Second

French Colonial Empire 1815-1920.” Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History,

XVI, 3 (1988), 9-34. A3

Andrew, C. M. and A. S. Kanya-Forstner. “French Business and the French Colonialists.”

Historical Journal, 19 (1976), 981-1000. A4

Çelik, Zeynep. Urban forms and Colonial Confrontations: Algiers under French Rule.

Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997. A5

Clancy-Smith, Julia and Frances Gouda, eds. Domesticating the Empire: Race, Gender, and

Family Life in French and Dutch Colonialism. Charlottesville: University Press of

Virginia, 1998. [The essays dealing with France only]. A6

Colonna, Fanny. Instituteurs algériens, 1883-1939. Paris: Presses de la Fondation

nationale des sciences politiques, 1975. A7

Conklin, Alice L. A Mission to Civilize, The Republican Idea of Empire in France and West

Africa, 1895-1930. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997. A8

Cooper, Frederick and Ann Laura Stoler. “Between Metropole and Colony: Rethinking a

Research Agenda” in Frederick Cooper and Ann Laura Stoler, eds. Tensions of Empire:

Colonial Cultures in a Bourgeois World. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.


Cooper, Nicola. France in Indochina, Colonial Encounters. Oxford; New York: Berg, 2001.


Heffernan, Michael J. “The Parisian Poor and the Colonization of Algeria during the Second

Republic.” French History, Vol. 3 No. 4 (December 1989), 377-403. A9

Lejeune, Dominique. «Des années 1890 à 1940: au temps de l’impérialisme et des guerres

mondiales» in Dominique Lejeune, Les sociétés de géographie en France et l’expansion

coloniale au XIXe siècle. Paris: Editions Albin Michel, 1993. A10

Lorcin, Patricia. Imperial Identities: Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Race in Colonial Algeria.

New York: I. B. Tauris Publishers, 1995. A11

Marseille, Jacques. Empire colonial et capitalisme français: histoire d'un divorce. Paris: A.

Michel, 1984. A12

Mathews, Nancy Mowll. Paul Gauguin, An Erotic Life. New Haven; London: Yale University

Press, 2001. A26

Moneta, Jacob. La politique du Parti communiste français dans la question coloniale 1920-

1963. Paris: François Maspero, 1971. A13

Norindr, Panivong. Phantasmatic Indochina: French Colonial Ideology in Architecture, Film,

and Literature. Durham: Duke University Press, 1996. A14

Peters, Erica J. “National Preferences and Colonial Cuisine: Seeking the Familiar in French

Vietnam.” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French

History, 1999, Vol.27, 150-159. A15

Porter, Andrew. European Imperialism, 1860-1914. London: MacMillian Press Ltd, 1994. A24

Prochaska, David. “The Archive of Algérie Imaginaire.” History and Anthropology, 1990, Vol.

4, 373-420. A16

Prochaska, David. Making Algeria French: Colonialism in Bône, 1870-1920. New York:

Cambridge University Press, 1990. A17

Rabinow, Paul. French Modern: Norms and Forms of the Social Environment. Chicago:

University of Chicago Press, 1995 (1989). A18

Schneider, William H. An Empire for the Masses: The French Popular Image of Africa,

1870-1900. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1982. A19

Wesseling, H. L. Divide and Rule, The Partition of Africa, 1880-1914. Westport, Connecticut:

Praeger, 1996. A20

Wright, Gwendolyn. The Politics of Design in French Colonial Urbanism. 1991. A22

French Identity and Identity in France: National Identity and its Discontents

Arnal, Oscar L. Priests in Working-Class Blue: The History of the Worker-Priests (1943-1954). New York/Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1986. A39

Auslander, Leora. Taste and Power: Furnishing Modern France. Berkeley: University of

California Press, 1996. A28

Berlanstein, Lenard R. The Working People of Paris, 1871-1914. Baltimore; London: the John

Hopkins University Press, 1984. A47]

Birnbaum, Pierre. Anti-Semitism in France: A Political History from Leon Blum to the

Present. Oxford; Cambridge, Massachusetts: B. Blackwell, 1992. A29

Boyer, Alain. L’islam en France. Paris: PUF Politique d’aujourd’hui, 1998. A30

Bourdieu, Pierre. «Espace social et genèse des ‘classes’» in Actes de la recherche en sciences

sociales. No. 52-53 (June 1984): 3-14. A80

Bourdieu, Pierre. « Goût de classe et style de vie» in Anatomie du Goût in Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales. No. 5 (October 1976):18-43. A81

Chadwick, Kay. “Accueillir l’étranger: immigration, integration, and the French Catholic

Church” in Kay Chadwick. Catholicism, Politics and Society in Twentieth-Century

France. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2000. A40

Clark, Linda L. Schooling the Daughters of Marianne: Textbooks and the Socialization of Girls

in Modern French Primary Schools. Albany, New York: State University of New York

Press, 1984. A48

Ford, Caroline. Creating the Nation in Provincial France: Religion and Political Identity in

Brittany. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993. A41

Freedman, Jane and Carrie Tarr, eds. Women, Immigration and Identities in France. Oxford;

New York: Berg, 2000. A31

Girault, Jacques. «Industrialisation et ouvriérisation de la banlieue parisienne» in Jacques

Girault, dir. Ouvriers en banlieue, XIXe – Xxe siècle. Paris: Les Editions de

l’Atelier/Editions Ouvrières, 1998. A42

Jonas, Raymond A. Industry and Politics in Rural France: Peasant of the Isère 1870-1914.

Ithaca; London: Cornell University Press, 1994. A43

Kuisel, Richard F. Seducing the French: the Dilemma of Americanization. Berkeley; Los

Angeles: University of California Press, c1993. A32

Lehning, James R. Peasant and French: Cultural Contact in Rural France during the

Nineteenth Century. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. A34

Noiriel, Gérard. The French Melting Pot: Immigration, Citizenship, and National Identity.

Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996. A35

Reynolds, Siân. France Between the Wars: Gender and Politics. London; New York:

Routledge, 1996. A44

Rhein, Catherine. « Ségrégation résidentielle et parc de logements (1920-1990) » in Jacques

Girault, dir. Ouvriers en banlieue, XIXe – Xxe siècle. Paris: Les Editions de

l’Atelier/Editions Ouvrières, 1998. A45

Roberts, Mary Louise. Civilization without Sexes: Reconstructing Gender in Postwar France,

1917-1927. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1994. A36

Ross, Kristin. Fast Cars, Clean Bodies: Decolonization and the Reordering of French

Culture. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1996 [1995]. A23

Schneider, William H. Quality and Quantity: The Quest for Biological Regeneration in

Twentieth Century France. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990.


Silverman, Maxim. Deconstructing the Nation: Immigration, Racism, and Citizenship in

Modern France. London; New York: Routledge, 1992. A37

Stone, Judith F. “Republican Ideology, Gender, and Class: France, 1860s-1914” in Laura L.

Frader and Sonya O. Rose. Gender and Class in Modern Europe. Ithaca; London:

Cornell University Press, 1996. A46

Weber, Eugen. Peasants into Frenchman: The Modernization of Rural France, 1870-1914.

Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999 [1976]. A38

The French Republican State: Citizenship, Administration, and Governance

Balesi, Charles John. “Whites and Blacks in the Colonial Army” in From Adversaries to

Comrades-in-Arms: West Africans and the French Military, 1885-1918. Waltham, 1979. A85

Baruch, Marc Olivier. Servir l’Etat français: l’administration en France de 1940 à 1944. Paris:

Fayard, 1997. A49

Baruch, Marc Olivier and Vincent Duclert. «Une histoire politique de l’administration

française, 1875-1945» in Marc Olivier Baruch and Vincent Duclert dirs. Serviteurs de

l’Etat: Une histoire politique de l’administration française, 1875-1945. Paris: Editions

La Decourverte, 2000. A50

Berlière, Jean-Marc. Le Monde des polices en France, XIXe-XXe siècles. Paris: Editions

Complexe, 1996. A51

Bruneteaux, Patrick. Maintenir l’ordre: les transformations de la violence d’Etat en régime

démocratique. Paris: Presses de la fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1996.


Catherine, Robert. Le Fonctionaire français: Introduction à une déontologie de la fonction

publique. Paris: Editions Sirey, 1973 [1961]. A54

Clark, Linda L. The Rise of Professional Women in France: Gender and Public Administration

since 1830. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. A55

Cole, Alistair. French Politics and Society. New York: Prentice Hall, 1998. A56

Dewerpe, Alain. Espion: une anthropologie historique du secret d’Etat contemporain. Paris:

Gallimard, 1994. A57

Duval, Eugène-Jean. Etapes de la citoyenneté des militaires, 1789-1999. Paris: Editions des

Ecrivains, 2000. A58

Foucault, Michel. “Governmentality” in Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon, and Peter Miller, eds.

The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality. Chicago: The University of Chicago

Press, 1991. A79

Gordon, Colin. “Governmental Rationality: An Introduction” in Graham Burchell, Colin

Gordon, and Peter Miller, eds. The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality.

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991. A71

Hayward, Jack. Governing France: The One and Indivisible Republic. New York; London: W.

W. Norton & Company, 1983 [1973]. A59

Joly, Bertrand. « L’affaire Dreyfus comme conflit entre administrations » in Marc Olivier

Baruch and Vincent Duclert dirs. Serviteurs de l’Etat: Une histoire politique de

l’administration française, 1875-1945. Paris: Editions La Decourverte, 2000. A60

Maligner, Bernard. Les functions du médiateur. Paris: PUF, 1979. A61

Martin, Michel L. Warriors to Managers: The French Military Establishment since 1945.

Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press, 1981. A62

[Schnapper, Dominique. La communauté des cityoyens: sur l’idée moderne de nation. Paris:

Gallimard, 1994. A63]

Séglard, Dominique. «Foucault et le problème du gouvernement» in Christian Lazzeri and

Dominique Reynié. La raison d’Etat: politique et rationalité. Paris: PUF, 1992. A64

Taithe, Bertrand. Citizenship and Wars: France in Turmoil 1870-1871. London; New York:

Routledge, 2001. A65

Vernon, Richard. “Citizenship in Industry: Georges Sorel,” “Durkheim and the Secular Polity,”

and “Henri Bergson’s Two Cities” [Chapters 6-8] in Richard Vernon. Citizenship and

Order: Studies in French Political Thought. Toronto; Buffalo; London: University of

Toronto Press, 1986. A66

Wishnia, Judith. The Proletarianizing of the Fonctionnaires: Civil Service Workers and the

Labor Movement under the Third Republic. London; Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana

State University Press, 1990. A67

The ‘Franco-French’ Wars: The Memory and History of Conflict Within

Bantram, Graham, and Maurice Slawinski, David Steel, eds. “Révolution, Renaissance,

Redressement: Representations of Historical Change in Post-War France”/Michael Kelly;

“Reconstructing the Occupation: Sartre and Beauvoir”/Terry Keefe; “Crisis in

Humanism: The Aftermath of the Second World War in some French Best Sellers, 1945-

1960”/Alastair Duncan; “Reconstructing the Past through Cinema: The Occupation of

France”/Keith Reader. Reconstructing the Past: Representations of the Fascist Era in

Post-War European Culture. Keele, Staffordshrire: Keele University Press, 1996. A68

Bénot, Yves. Massacres coloniaux: 1944-1950: la IVe république et la mise au pas des colonies

françaises. Paris: La Découverte, 1994. A69

Farmer, Sarah. Martyred Village: Commemorating the 1944 Massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane.

London; Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1999. A70

[Jonas, Raymond. “Rome, War, and the Onset of the Terrible Year,” “Building the Church of the

National Vow,” “A Modern Magdalene Seeks Forgiveness,” and “A Vision Captured in

Mosaic” [Chapters 7-10] in Raymond Jonas. France and the Cult of the Sacred Heart:

An Epic Tale for Modern Times. Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of

California Press, 2000. A72]

Jordi, Jean-Jacques. De l’exode à l’exil: rapatriés et pieds-noirs en France. Paris:

Harmattan Histoire et perspectives Méditerranéennes, 1993. A73

Jordi, Jean-Jacques and Mohand Hamoumou. Les Harkis: une mémoire enfouie. Paris: Editions

Autrement, 1999. A74

Le Sueur, James D. Uncivil War: Intellectuals and Identity Politics during the Decolonization of

Algeria. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, c2001. A33

Michel-Chich, Danielle. Déracinés, les pieds-noirs aujourd’hui. Paris: Editions Plume,

1990. A84

Nora, Pierre. “Between Memory and History: Les lieux de mémoire.” Representations, Vol. 0

Issue 26, Special Issue: Memory and Counter-Memory (Spring 1989), 7-24. A82

Ross, Kristin. May ’68 and its Afterlives. Chicago; London: University of Chicago Press, 2002. A83

Rousso, Henry. The Vichy Syndrome: History and Memory in France since 1944. London;

Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1991 [1990, French 1987]. A75

Sherman, Daniel J. The Construction of Memory in Interwar France. Chicago; London: The

University of Chicago Press, 1999. A76

Stora, Benjamin. La gangrene et l’oubli: la mémoire de la guerre d’Algérie. Paris: La

Découverte, 1998 [1991]. A77

Stora, Benjamin. Le transfert d’une mémoire: de ‘l’Algérie française’ au racisme anti-arabe.

Paris: La Découverte, 1999. A78