Anna River MiCorps Site Directions
These sites are all on The Forestland Group property and used with their permission
Road conditions are generally rough, but most vehicles will not bottom out
The start, middle, and end of these reaches have been marked with orange spraypaint at eye level on tree trunks in case the flagging is missing.
There are 3 sites on the Anna River at Perch Lake Road (a.k.a. Co Rd 577). The suggested meeting point for these sites is at N 46.37825, W086.69859 where Perch Lake Road branches off of M-94, about 2.8 miles south of the M-28 & M-94 intersection. There are two roads branching off from this meeting point, Perch Lake Road is the one on the left. Follow Perch Lake Road for about ¾ mile. Shortly after you cross a private railroad crossing (don’t worry, we have permission), the road will curve about 90 degrees to the left. Just past this curve is where the South Branch site is:
Anna River South Branch (AS01):
Start: N 46.38093, W086.70900
End: N 46.38047, W086.70934
This is the only site on the south branch of the Anna River. The reach is downstream from a culvert on Perch Lake Road that was installed in 2011. There isn’t a clear path from the road to the reach, but the easiest approach is marked by blue flagging on a tree about 2/3 of the way between the 90 degree curve coming from the railroad tracks, and the next curve. If you reach the culvert, you’ve gone too far. The only parking here is along the side of the road, so be sure to leave room for passing traffic. There is a short but steep hike downhill to the stream. At the bottom of the hill there is a relatively flat, semi-open area that serves as the picking and sorting area for this reach. There are several flags here marking the halfway point of the reach. To get to the start of the reach, you have to carefully cross the stream without disturbing macro habitat. Several twists and turns downstream (150’) will be pink and green flagging marking the start of the reach. The end is 300’ upstream near the culvert and it is also marked with pink and green.
Volunteers collecting samples at the Anna River South Branch
Parking for the North Branch sites:
There are two sites on the North Branch. They’re on either side of Perch Lake Road about .4 miles north of the South Branch site. For both you’ll want to park near the fork in the road where it’s nice and wide. From there, you’ll walk back down the road away from the fork (south) until you find a decent place to enter near the old, metal culvert that runs under the road here.
Anna River North Branch downstream from Perch Lake Road (AN01):
Start: N 46.38442, W086.71068
End: N 46.38416, W086.71115
Enter the woods wherever it’s convenient to your left near the culvert if you’re walking away from the fork. The river here parallels the road in the direction of the fork before it starts winding away from the road. Right around that first bend is a relatively flat, open area good for picking and sorting (see photo)and a little further downriver there should be green and pink flagging tied to a tree overhanging the river. This marks the end of the reach. If you follow the river 150’ downstream from here, you’ll see one pink flag marking the halfway point. In another 150’ you’ll see green and pink flagging marking the beginning of this reach.
Volunteers picking and sorting at the Anna River North Branch downstream from Perch Lake Road
Anna River North Branch upstream from Perch Lake Road (AN02):
Start: N 46.38388, W086.71174
End: N 46.38412, W086.71193
Enter the woods wherever it’s convenient to your right near the culvert if you’re walking away from the fork. The river here runs fairly perpendicular to the road and you should be able to spot the green and pink flagging on a tree not far from the culvert, this is the start of the reach. The bank is relatively flat and open here, so it’s good for picking and sorting. Start sampling from here and you’ll see one pink flag marking the halfway point 150’ upstream and green and pink flagging marking the end of the reach another 150’ upstream.
Volunteers collecting samples at the Anna River North Branch upstream from Perch Lake Road