Minutes of a meeting of the Waimataitai School Board of Trustees / 28 October 2008
5:15 p.m.
Conference Room
Waimataitai School
Trafalgar Street
Tracy Tierney (Chair), John Rushton, Tristan Murray, Jane Culhane, Vanessa Riley
In Attendance: Marie McFarlane (Minutes), Fiona Cameron
Mark Sewell
Meeting Procedure
Confirmation of Minutes: Taken as read
Matters Arising:
In response to the query last meeting, Tracy had written the recommendations in the EEO report.
Jane and Tracy ratified the creditors from the last meeting.
Consider new items: None
-  NZSTA: Newsletter October 2008
-  CanSTA: Invoice for subscription. (We are not a member of CanSTA)
-  SC District Health Board: Update on NE checks in South Canterbury
-  STA News: October 2008
-  Ministry Education: Revised Five-year Agreement
-  Ministry Education: School Plus - Summary
-  Minister Education: National Teacher Only Day 2009 to study Curriculum
Declaration of Interests:
Jane Culhane - Teachers Council Complaints Assessment committee.
Motion: “That the above items be accepted”.
Moved: John Rushton Seconded: Vanessa Riley
Vision and Strategy
Tracy asked each trustee for a draft goal for the focus for next year.
Vanessa: Student Achievement to be above national average - high expectations
Tristan: ICT future focus - keeping "up there"
John: Personalised Learning / Achievements
Tracy/ Jane: Combined and with group input - Progress towards personal excellence for every student by enhancing strong partnership between parents, student and teacher around what is learned and how it is learned and how well it is achieved. Defining and working towards achievable goals.
After discussion this was agreed as the focus for 2009.
Motion: "That the above goal - Progress towards personal excellence for every student by enhancing strong partnership between parents, student and teacher around what is learned and how it is learned and how well it is achieved. Defining and working towards achievable goals. Become the focus for 2009".
Moved: John Rushton Seconded: Vanessa Riley
The Strategic Development Fund and units are potentially available to be used to advance this goal.
How will we know this goal is being effectively implemented through 2009?
·  Baseline, progress and year end surveys of parents, teachers, students.
·  Focus groups
·  Staff reporting led by Jane
·  The Board is looking for enhanced continuity of children moving from one year to the next to encourage meaningful and effective goal setting. Parents and students actively engaged in the goal setting and review processes.
It is up to the management team to work through how to deliver on this goal, however the board do see value in being part of the discussion with staff about how it might work effectively from a parental perspective.
At this point John Rushton left the meeting.
Work continues on standardizing reports to the board. Closer to that modeled by Tracy with the EEO –managing diversity report. The board does not need to see all the data but be more focused on the information it provides as interpreted by our professional leaders i.e. the management team. The data does of course have to be available and accessible for audit purposes.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Policy and Procedures
The draft Governance Manual had been distributed and was discussed. It is a living document and will be updated on an on-going basis. Great work from Jane pulling this all together.
Trustees were reminded to keep manuals up to date and replace policies as they change.
Motion: "That the Draft Governance Manual be adopted with amendments".
Moved: Jane Culhane Seconded: Tracy Tierney
Motion: "That the Policies listed be revoked and be adopted as Procedures:
Moved: Tracy Tierney Seconded: Vanessa Riley
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Culture and Community
Discussion: A Twilight Picnic has been arranged to be held on 20 November from 5.30-7.00pm. Families are to be encouraged to come along with their tea. A sausage sizzle will be organised by the PTA. Board members are expected to be present and introduce themselves to as many parents as possible. Remember to wear your name badge.
It was decided to use the time we have a lot of parents together to seek input from parents/students on our goal for 2009. Perhaps four key questions that can be responded to by writing on big sheets of paper dotted around the gathering areas. Board members to encourage people to add their thoughts throughout the evening.
There will be a tug-of-war and other games to make it a fun night.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Decide on appropriate questions and set up / Jane/Tracy / 20/11/08
Jane has been appointed to the Teachers' Council Complaints Assessment Committee and will need to attend one meeting a month in Wellington. School is reimbursed for a reliever for these attendances. Jane requested that after costs are met she have discretionary spending of the remaining funds.
Motion: "That any surplus attendance fees paid by the Teachers Council be used at the Principal's discretion".
Moved: Tracy Tierney Seconded: Tristan Murray
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
The September financial report was included for discussion. Before he left the meeting John indicated that he was happy with its contents.
A motion needed to be recorded for funding for netball uniforms.
Motion: "That funding be sought from the Eureka Trust for new netball uniforms on behalf of the Waimataitai Netball Committee"
Moved: Tracy Tierney Seconded: Jane Culhane
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Discussion: None
Moved: Seconded:
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Health and Safety
Discussion: None
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Discussion: How do we want to manage our audit processes going forward?
The Governance Manual incorporates a triennial audit plan which includes the audit of each policy. The policies that are written in the new format define “How will we know” and give guidelines as to appropriate audit tools. Procedures are now not defined in the policies as they are a management responsibility. However we do need to have a process to review procedures from time to time and this could form part of Jane’s appraisal process.
It will be decided at the beginning of each term who will audit the policies programmed for review.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Board Vacancy: 1 nomination had been received. Two more were expected.
Mark Sewell to write the "trustee profile" for the next Board Review.
The Christmas function is to be held at Tracy and Craig's house, 35 Pages Rd, Timaru on Thursday, 18 December after final assembly. Partners and children invited for and early evening BBQ.
Next Meeting: 25th November 2008
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.10pm.
Declared a true and correct record of the proceedings.
Chairperson Date