Vergil Class Nōmen

Dr. McGay Aeneid Readings: Bk. V

Use Roman names for gods and heroes.

1. Who is Palinurus?

2. Who was the father of Acestes?

3. What do Aeneas, Acestes, Ascanius put on before visiting the tomb of Anchises?

4. In pouring the libations, Aeneas used wine, the blood of a sacrificed victim and what other liquid?

5. What omen (creature) appeared at the altar while Aeneas was sacrificing to Anchises?

6. What was the first competition?

7. What did Gyas, in anger, do to Menoetes in the first competition?

8.What is being compared in the simile of the dove flapping its wings?

9. Who was the winner of the first competition? Put answer here:

(a) Sergestus (b) Menestheus (c) Cloanthus (d) Gyas (e) Menoetes

10. The detailed description of the cloak is an example of what rhetorical device? Put answer here:

(a) personification (b) enjambment(c) ecphrasis (d) descriptio rei(e) zoographe

11. What was the prize for the comedic Sergestus?

12. What happened to Nisus in the footrace that caused him not to win?

13. What was the controversy in the footrace?

14. In what sport do Dares and Entellus compete?

15. Who is likened to a soldier assaulting a tall city, Dares or Entellus?

16. Who is likened to a pine tree crashing to the ground, Dares or Entellus?

17. What did Entellus do when he received his prize of an ox (bull)?

18. What was the omen that occurred during the archery contest?

19. When the boys come in on horseback, from whom did Ascanius (Iulus) get his horse?

20. What is likened to the labyrinth, the ancient maze on Crete?

21. Why did the Trojan women want to burn the ships?

22. What messenger god did Juno send to urge the women to burn the ships?

23. How was the fire put out?

24. Who is Nautes or what does he suggest?

25. Where does the ghost of Anchises say the Aeneas has to go once he reaches Italy?

26. How did Palinurus die?