Vergil Class Nōmen
Dr. McGay Aeneid Readings: Bk. V
Use Roman names for gods and heroes.
1. Who is Palinurus?
2. Who was the father of Acestes?
3. What do Aeneas, Acestes, Ascanius put on before visiting the tomb of Anchises?
4. In pouring the libations, Aeneas used wine, the blood of a sacrificed victim and what other liquid?
5. What omen (creature) appeared at the altar while Aeneas was sacrificing to Anchises?
6. What was the first competition?
7. What did Gyas, in anger, do to Menoetes in the first competition?
8.What is being compared in the simile of the dove flapping its wings?
9. Who was the winner of the first competition? Put answer here:
(a) Sergestus (b) Menestheus (c) Cloanthus (d) Gyas (e) Menoetes
10. The detailed description of the cloak is an example of what rhetorical device? Put answer here:
(a) personification (b) enjambment(c) ecphrasis (d) descriptio rei(e) zoographe
11. What was the prize for the comedic Sergestus?
12. What happened to Nisus in the footrace that caused him not to win?
13. What was the controversy in the footrace?
14. In what sport do Dares and Entellus compete?
15. Who is likened to a soldier assaulting a tall city, Dares or Entellus?
16. Who is likened to a pine tree crashing to the ground, Dares or Entellus?
17. What did Entellus do when he received his prize of an ox (bull)?
18. What was the omen that occurred during the archery contest?
19. When the boys come in on horseback, from whom did Ascanius (Iulus) get his horse?
20. What is likened to the labyrinth, the ancient maze on Crete?
21. Why did the Trojan women want to burn the ships?
22. What messenger god did Juno send to urge the women to burn the ships?
23. How was the fire put out?
24. Who is Nautes or what does he suggest?
25. Where does the ghost of Anchises say the Aeneas has to go once he reaches Italy?
26. How did Palinurus die?