Adult Leader Training Day

Offered in the Three Fires District Area

December 5, 2015

Livingston County Public Safety Complex

1911 Tooley Rd, Howell MI 48855

Training is an important part of being a leader. Being trained for your position will give you the tools to be confident in your leadership role and ensure that our youth have a positive experience that will last a lifetime.

Merit Badge Counselor covers the required procedures for merit badge counseling, clarifies the role of counselors in the BSA advancement program, and discusses the appropriate approaches to use in working with Scouts.

Time: 10:30 AM – 12:00 AM Fee $5

Venturing Crew Advisor Specific (P21): This course details the responsibilities, opportunities and resources that will ensure a successful Venturing crew leadership experience.

Time: 9:00 AM – 11:30 Fee: $5 (Bring paper and pen)

Crew Committee Challenge (WS11): The purpose of this course is to familiarize Venturing Crew committee members with the nature of Venturing and the role of Venturing Crew committee.

Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 AM Fee: $5 (Bring paper and pen)

Cub Leader Specific: Get the training you need for the position you hold. Learn from experienced instructors as well as group discussions. This covers Den Leaders, Cub Pack Committee and Cubmaster. Also available online, see below.

Time: 9:00 AM - Noon Fee: $5

Scoutmaster & Asst. Scoutmaster Specific (S24): This course covers the role of the Scoutmaster/ASM.

Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Fee: $5 (Bring your copy of the new Troop Leader Guidebook and Boy Scout Handbook, paper and pen)

Troop Committee Challenge (S11) and Charter Organization Representative (D72): This course details how the COR interacts with the charter organization, scout unit, and BSA council to fulfill the missions of Scouting and the charter organization.

Time: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Fee: $5


Pre-registration is required. Go to, select “Calendar” in the top margin, then on the calendar

page select “Southern Shores FSC Calendar”. Go to the date of the course and select the course you need – be sure to

read the location information as there may be classes taking place in other parts of the Council on the same day.

For more information, contact: